Sure, but that can’t be a factor for game development. Every guide would suggest a pet in Open World content if your spec had a pet. Some specs don’t, just as Marksman won’t, so guides there won’t suggest one.
MM is boring as a spec, and if they can do something to spruce it up, they should. It’s fine to dislike that, but the conspiracy theories about “They want to drive people away from hunter” are a little unhinged.
he is saying that they are removing the pet because of balancing issues. he is beyond clueless. a mm hunter with a pet has 0 impact on lone wolf and not having a pet in content where it matters most aka raids and m+. leaving mm have the option to summon their pet will also have no impact going forward on anything.
many “do all” mm hunters love having that pet out as it is the biggest utility in their arsenal in the open world, delves, farming, soloing etc… they can swap to beast master but it dont have that same explosive thump that mm does. and because you rely on the pet for just about all your damage as bm the pet with terrain and pathing can be horrible at times. and survival, well survival is just a laughable joke since it went melee so that is out the window for most if not all hunters.
Your examples are people trolling their groups and anecdotal at best.
BM also has abilities like beast cleave that interact with aoe situations a lot differently. 2 pets will also probably be better depending on tuning.
The only clueless people here are the people defending pets.
Who do you think is clueless? The hunter that plays at a ce level and does some of the hardest content in the game or the guy that’s never done higher end content that has zero idea the issues current MM has because they mostly do solo content?
Oh look at the pseudo elite pretending he knows what’s going on inside Blizzard development.
That makes no sense. For those interested in group activity efficiency they already have the ability to select Lone Wolf. They are gaining nothing new. So what improves for that small group?
I mean, it is the reason they changed, but it should not be the factor no.
We already know what the rework will be, and they are not getting anything to make up for the pet tanking for us, neither other scenarios where pet is necessary like pvp
Every vote count, it did count before, as they tried this and failed.
No we dont. Its not in the game yet, and we see a lot of things get altered substantially. Im saying this as a long time shaman. I was shocked when suddenly Elemental was good in BFA. I have no idea why the sudden turnaround but it happened.
After years of idiotic “drop 4 totems at once, lol” ideas. They finally made someone play the spec. I think Marksman will eventually be great. Just as Survival found its footing. Hunter was my first 60 in Vanilla. I remember feeling like all 3 specs were the same. Theyre making the class more distinct. I hope they’re successful before the next expansion.
Once criticism i have for the propsed MM rework is “how is this different than sentinel?” Thats my major worry. Still, im hopeful.
Also, while i dont agree with it, i can see the argument some have made that sums to: “if we’re marksman, why the eagle/hawk?”
I dont just read then, but i respond to all of then, unless you give me a direct quote i cant do much to verify
And Wod, Wod was the time they removed the option to summon, but rolled back as soon it went live, cause obviously people were not happy with it
The new team working on the class balance didnt got the memo
It dont need to be in the game to know which changes there are and what they do, none improves hunter survival and ability to solo content, it is the same as wod.
It will be great, when they put the option to summon the pet again.
That was like the cast for most classes back then.
the class already was distinct, playing completely different from BM and SV without the need to remove the pet and shove a dumb bird on it
I mean, it happened in WoD and Cata too, but they backpeddled after it came out. Sure its coming, but we’ll see if it manages to Stay this time, or if it’ll drop class numbers and get so many complaints that they have to backpeddle again. People forget, they are not the mass playerbase, and the mass playerbase does not participate in the forums. All that matters in the end is player metrics (and how many support tickets blizzard gets hammered with demanding their pets back lmao.)
Lol keep telling yourself that. The copium is flowing. They literally took away RANGED attack from survival and did not backtrack on it. Even though people hate it.
It’s a design focus and simplification, it will be here to stay.
I run BM, I dont care what happens to marksmen. I’m just saying don’t count your eagle before it hatches,and before blizzard has a chance to look at how well the change is received by the actual playerbase and not forum warriors.
You wouldn’t feed it, pet it, water it, and give it walkies…so I’m repossessing it. You get an eagle, cause I guess those things are low maintenance or something?