I mean they finally just admitted that it’s because they’re an elitest and think they know better than everyone else, so I think this conversation is done.
Where did I admit that exactly?
People that play at high end do in fact tend to have better game knowledge than people that don’t.
It’s been done.
Aka, “I am an elitest and know everything better than you so your opinion is worthless and I’m going to sneer down my nose at you.”. Seen your type before, saw it all over back in firelands, doubtless we’ll see more of it before wow is through.
Its disingenuous to claim it won’t.
We’ve had 20 years of 3 pet specs for hunter. Why not try no pet and see how it goes?
Granted we still aren’t getting that. We are getting essentially a familiar to micromanage buffs lol.
so im just confused about your stance and this is what i gathered from your failed pov so far.
- you are ce level so your opinion is superior to those on these forums?
- you currently play mm without a pet and you are happy because blizzard is removing the pet from mm?
- you think the spec is now going to be better because the ability to summon a pet is going to be perma removed, even though you never used a pet in the 1st place?
yea you are a winner. i dont even know what you deal is here. you dont play with a pet and blizzard is removing pets from mm and your mad because people would still like to see an option to keep the pet because they use a pet for the type of content they play.
i think everyone on these forums can see right through you.
I still think the biggest point of contention is this quasi-pet that MM is getting saddled with, since its another half measure fix.
Do you not understand what credibility is?
Or that people who play harder content tend to be better and more knowledgeable about things than people that play trivial content?
I mean Tiffany is a prime example of someone that doesn’t play at a level where they even understand the issues.
Theirs a difference between people who run hard content and are actually helpful to others, writing guides, talent builds, and helping new players. And people like you who sneer down their noses at others because they want what you don’t, or disagree with you my guy.
the funny part is that he had to sim himself with and without a pet to even know that mm was a damage loss with a pet. LOLOL.
Yea no I absolutely agree.
There seems to be 2 sides to this entire debate. And the eagle is a point that almost everyone Ive seen can agree on lol.
People want either pet or no pet. The eagle… it just upsets everyone
I just hope its better when we actually see it.
Won’t know until it actually goes live, blizz may walk it back after it goes live too depending on how it performs.
They didn’t have to. They did it just to prove a point. Any mm hunter worth their quiver knows its a overall lose to use a pet.
I mean you seem to be confused about a lot of things so that’s not surprising.
Yes my opinion is more credible over people that do trivial content.
Blizzard removing the pet fixes the issues of MM not having utility punishments.
Yes the spec is now able to use its utility without ring punished. So yes the spec will be miles better.
You’re either obtuse or trolling. I can’t dumb it down anymore than I already have.
You should stop thinking. You clearly aren’t very good at it.
Way I read it, it just appears when its effect or abilities are triggered, not all the time like a standard pet.
I haven’t sneered down my nose at anyone.
I have tried explaining the issues and the reasons for the changes multiple times.
It’s not my fault the majority of pro pet people don’t understand the issues.
More akin to monks Xuen then a proper pet.
but you think blizzard removing the pet completely even as an option is going to be the savior, and that is sad. very sad.
as i stated just now i dont care either way. i am just making a point that removing the pet as an option will change nothing. the spec can be rebuilt around not having a pet, then the option to have one if you want can remain.
The funny part is that you think I needed to sim it. I already knew but was using it to make a point.
100% the eagle in the same as sentinel owl
Because it is going to be.
You keep repeating that but it’s a terrible and untrue point.
just like moving survival to melee was the savior for that spec. lol even at S tier in shadowlands it was still less populated than bm which was around b or c tier.
you got high hopes my friend. much fate in blizzard you have.