No pets for marksman hunters!

I don’t know chief I think you underestimate the effect that essentially cutting raids off will have on the game. I say this as someone who was a casual player until 10.2, doing legacy raids was one of the things one would do. Grouping up to tackle mythic content of the last expansion is content for a casual player and is the way they experience the raids after the tier is over, this is something I did personally. Moreover plenty of casual players most likely still dabble in normal and even heroic.

Im with you here! pets have always been hunters’ signature feature, that is a TERRIBLE decision , but sadly nowadays most of people who play wow now are just concerned of getting high numbers which is so lame
so why not instead of taking away our pets, They eliminate the punishment for having them out ?


I am not suggesting they remove anything. I’m just saying that Mythic Raids are not the end all be all only reason the game exists as some of the “near the top” players think they are. They are just one aspect of the game, no more or less important than anything else.

Hunter pets should not be taken away just because the top players don’t need them.


I’m not suggesting they cut off raids. I’m saying you could keep normal and heroic raids and most players would not miss anything.

Notice I’m not saying they should, just that they could. That is far more reasonable a point than the “near but not at the top” elite who think if they only had high level content and the bottom 85% left that they would still have a game to play. They wouldn’t.


What the people who are against this change can’t contend with and so keep ignoring is that what your idea of what the identity and rp aspects of the spec should be are inconsequential to blizzards.

Their vision of a mm hunter is one without pets. It’s really that simple.

The top players would be replaced and I don’t you understand that adding another difficulty to the raid doesn’t mean as much as you think it does

I agree with you 100%.

first: I am not an RP’er, but that doesn’t matter at all;
2nd: this game is an mmoRPG; so even if you do not actively RP, you are participating in an over-arcing RP experience;
3rd: I have painstakingly collected these pets for 20 years. second-by-second, getting up multiple times during the night and at 5am in the morning before I went off to work to get these pets;
5th: I have supported this game for 20 years and have conducted my gaming experience and expectations according to class parameters;
6th: I do NOT think that the removal of MM hunter pets honors ANY of the expectations presented by blizz, honors any of my input into my game and class, nor is in any way being rolled out with any consideration for the game’s history…and during a 20-30 year celebration of the games longevity.

no, Selena, there is NO good reason to remove MM hunter pets.


Blizzard has been forcing me to play a nerf hunter class for years and i had to like it. Until the last two year in which i have been playing a fire mage. I gave up on hunters until now. MM Hunters may have great future going for them. Which make me want to go back to playing a MM instead of BM Hunter.

If the high level raids were removed. Then the next highest would become harder to compensate.
Heroic used to be the big bad. Then it became much easier after mythic came to be.

Tbh its okay if the max difficulty has a low completion rate. Its there for those that want to rise to the challenge.

The game is comprised of 98% casuals. (Making up a random stat because anyone who isn’t in esports is a casual really)

You can be a casual and be a self absorded knob. A lot of the super high end players are actually really nice. Heck they are the ones writing the guides for everyone to learn from.
Its the ones that think they are esports that are the problem usually.

By other top players. There are always top dogs.

But that is where all the cool pets are :sunglasses:

Good thing its not then. The even ends in like a week?
This update won’t happen for another month or so.

I can think of a few.

  1. Balancing reasons. Having played several specs that have multiple weapon builds internally, balancing is always a pain in the buns. One always out shines the other which results in complaining.
  2. Forced utility. After years of being forced to summon a pet for utility, they are baking it into the hunter themselves. Which leaves the pet with almost nothing to do, since they aren’t actually involved in dpsing, buffing, or utility in general.
  3. A unique class fantasy. Wow doesn’t have the “ranger” or legolas style spec. Out of all the specs, mm makes the most sense. A soloist hunter that relies on nothing but their accuracy and cunning to take down foes.

Just a few off the top of my head. And I can really only think of 1 reason for them to stay. Personal preference. But imo the other reasons outshine “I just want it because I want it”. But that’s just my opinion.

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I know. That’s why I said the “near but not at the top”.

They said OPTIONS not opinions .

What single reason is that ?
Because Blizz would rather force their fantasy on how players should play the spec instead of giving the players the tools to play out their own fantasy as a MM hunter?

Blizzard killing hunters one spec at a time.

Listen up BM it may not be this expansion or even the next 2 but they are going to mess with yours . Maybe it will be taking away all your non pet abilities and all your damage will come from your pets regulating you all to nothing more then zoo keepers standing there twiddling your thumbs because you’ve had your weapons removed because all damage is credited to your pet/s.

I am 100,000% down to become the literal beastmaster who does nothing but command beasts to eat my enemies.

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  • Developers’ notes: Moving into Undermine(d), we are looking to reimagine Marksmanship’s Sharpshooter fantasy and reconcile some large spec friction points such as Lone Wolf. Undermine(d) is seeing Marksmanship lose their pet functionalities and it is instead joined in battle by a unique Eagle pet that will exist outside of the game space but continue to support you in combat in a uniquely Marksmanship way.

The following talents have been removed:

  • Barrage

  • Careful Aim

  • Chimera Shot

  • Crack Shot

  • Heavy Ammo

  • Hydra’s Bite

  • Improved Steady Shot

  • Legacy of the Windrunners

  • Light Ammo

  • Lone Wolf

MM are losing both pets and Lone Wolf next patch

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Blizzard has been nerfing BM Hunters for years. Nothing new there.
Right now BM Hunter’s pets are very weak like toilet paper. BM have to constantly healing their pets. If the pets dies, well so does the hunter.

Some questions.

  1. MM hunter is pretty squishy, so while we are gaining some nice utility options we typically lose with lone wolf, we’re gaining it at the sacrifice of our personal tank. Will MM get more survivability or mobility?
  2. Off screen eagle sounds … like some weird way of working around what is essentially the warlock skill where they kill their demon to get the ability and extra damage. Also I play a night elf hunter. I have no eagle, it would be an owl.
  3. I don’t hate this idea, but it certainly doesn’t feel like “We want to make it easier for players to play how they want to” which is a quote we heard from dev’s throughout Dragonflight.
  4. If it turns out to be a trash change, there is always survival.

Should they be kept, then, just because the bottom players want a fantasy?

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It’s not just the bottom players, it is players in the middle as well.

And it’s not just for fantasy, pets are an advantage over Lone Wolf in open world situations.

Also it is no disadvantage to people who focus on higher level content since they already have the Lone Wolf option.


Yes, because the “bottom” players are majority of the players. People who do M+ past certain keys and raid mythic are minority compared to then, thus, the game should not remove the option.


Doesn’t even need to be about top or bottom, guides suggest a pet for solo content.

Most people use guides.