No one should genuinely care about Teldrassil

No, you were claiming Blizzard bias against the Alliance. Trying to cherry pick one example to prove an argument while ignoring other, equally relevant examples is a logical fallacy.

An example of moving the goalposts would be going from “this one AR is, in my opinion, better introduced than another AR” to “Blizzard is biased against my preferred faction.”

You can’t prove a broad generalization based on a single example. You would have to show a consistent, provable pattern. I’m confident that you, in fact, perceive such a pattern because you are very biased. I’m also confident that other players perceive the opposite pattern. Both are relying on anecdotal evidence, poor reasoning, and a general sense of victimization.


I never said “fan” feel free to quote me.
I said you are ignorant.

That might have been true before cataclysm but not at all afterwards when Night Elf mages and arcane usage was welcomed back into NE society.

I was. Now go prove Void Elves were better introduced than Nightborne.
Good luck.

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You don’t do logic, do you?


Yeah … with extreme restrictions, ones they could not turn down because they had few alternatives (the Shen’dralar were desperate as hell). Also, I distinctly recall that decision by Malfurion resulting in some pretty serious blowback and reactions from the populous (with the most extreme example, Maiev, actively attempting to murder the entire Shen’dralar population). While she may have been one of most extreme examples, don’t think for a second that Maiev was alone in her mistrust and contempt about Malf’s decision to let those people in. The very same Maiev is also currently leading Kaldorei forces again without ANY consequences for her past actions…

I just refuse to play your little moving the goal post games. I have always referred to the Void Elves and Nightborne introduction as blatant favortism for the Horde.
The subject remains the same, if you had nothing to add to the conversation being discussed here then kindly go away because I will not be changing the subject for you. Thanks.

If Blizzard can attempt to explain how Honor Horde and Alliance become super best friends after a literal genocide then they can explain this away as well. Especially since how nonsensical the alternative would have been.

No matter what dialogue line they try to bastardize in Suramar to make it happen.


Pretty much … the Nightborne are not a people; they are a prize.

One that you are mad that the Horde got, instead of you (not because it made sense for the NEs to get them; but because you REALLY do not like the VEs … and don’t like feeling like the Alliance got something inferior to the Horde for even a moment). And one that you were willing to bend your own PC race’s lore to acquire.

I have explained to you on several points how Nightborne and hell even Blood Elves (velen literally giving them the sunwell) do not fit in the Horde but whatever.
Enjoy your blatant favouritism mate.


I will thank you! I will take joy in what little I can with the current narrative, and a part of that is I do genuinely like the additive that the Nightborne bring to the BE presence within the Horde faction (that you, according to your own goal-post, have no right to speak on if you aren’t a Horde player; just like I should not be speaking about NEs, as I don’t “like them”).

Its been 12 years since the BEs joined the Horde. They have actively been a part of the Horde for like 4 - 5ths of the factions life-span (and yeah, the Horde is in its terrible teens these days). If people cannot accept that they are a member of the faction even after all this time, they are delusional (and since they are a part of the faction, and the Nightborne fit them like a Glove; so the Nightborne are now a part of the Horde as well).

But … that’s for me to enjoy. Now excuse me while I go pal around with Thalyssra and Lor’themar in Water Goblin land on my Greedy Little Toon here. :smiley:

You don’t need to mischaracterize what I said to prove some fake point.
I told you to quote where I said what you imagined I said. And you didn’t.

Narratively neither the BEs or NBs should be in the Horde. They are there for gameplay reasons. Even you have admitted as much in the Blood Elf thread.

I really think we should end it here because it can only go downhill from here.

Well it was made for only Horde players to enjoy both Alliance and Horde racial narrative. So by all means go enjoy it for both of our sakes since I won’t have a chance to.

If you truly believe that I have absolutely no idea what to tell you. If the Horde palling around in Naz’jatar with Water Goblins and Friends is somehow them stealing the Alliance narrative … OK? If your lack of enjoyment is predicated on the Horde being INVOLVED in Naz’jatar … well that just seems petty. Shouldn’t your anger be more focused on the fact that it ended up being Jaina and Genn who are your reps for that zone; rather than focusing on the red team? The Alliance writing in Naz’jatar seems like more of an “Alliance Problem” than a “Horde” one.

Lol. Now that is a nice joke.

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Including the very Night Elf Mages she tried to kill.


Its like the friggen Twilight Zone Amadis! Back is front, down is horizontal, the sky is both the water and flees! Maybe Azerite really is the blood of the Old God of Madness?

This isn’t even the first of Blizzard doing it’s best to ignore Wolfheart and change Maiev’s recharacterization. That was obviously Legion, where she’s suddenly freeing Demon Hunters and siding with Illidan. Hell, in the quest Brotherly Love where you save Maiev at Black Rook Hold if you’re playing a Demon Hunter you get an additional line in the completion text:

    It's your turn to set me free, demon hunter. Let us destroy the Legion together.

As can be seen in this video:


I’m fine with handwaving the stuff that happened in Wolfheart away. Knaak’s books should be scorched from Warcraft lore.

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This fighting is exactly what OP wanted us to do.

Welcome back

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I mean, they’ve been systematically killing off all of Knaak’s character’s. He’s been getting like a complex from it.

Heya Spud. Missed you.

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