No one should genuinely care about Teldrassil

Yeah … the Naz’jatar storyline is clunky as all hell. Its very … forced? With a very strange sounding Lor’themar claiming Baine is the best of the Horde or some nonsense? Like, dude, is your ponytail on too tight? When did YOU start talking about that Mr High Regent?

Meanwhile the Alliance as a faction is completely crumbling.
Warmode just highlights what an abject failure the current faction balance has been.


And this is the point where I stop taking your opinions seriously. The Nightborne are HIGHBORNE! They literally are a relic of the Ancient Highborne civilization (a way of life that the Nightelves deliberately abandoned 10k years ago). Hell, Blizz even went so far as to distance them from Elune. They are in no way built to replace the Night Elves (outside of the fact that their culture is built on the very culture that the Night Elves themselves discarded AGES ago).

Saying that they are “phony” Night Elves is like saying the Blood Elves are also “phony” Night Elves (as both civilizations are built around the heavily arcane based Ancient Kaldorei Empire).


Blizzard literally gave the Horde the OG nightelves so they can have a blue flavoured Blood Elves.
The Nightborne are there to replace the NEs as evidence by the newest raid.

All blizzard has to do is give the Horde dwarves and its pretty much it for the Alliance faction. Why even play Alliance when the Horde is there waiting for us?


And that’s the claim that people are making. That the Alliance did not defeat the whole Horde, only Garrosh. This also is from the end of Siege of Orgrimmar from Varian after Garrosh is defeated:

    We need to investigate cleansing the plague from Gilnean lands so they can rebuild. We must contain Sylvanas.
    From here on forward, the Alliance will be proactive. Never again can there be another the likes of Hellscream.

Did the Alliance get to defeat Sylvanas? No. And then look how it turns out because of that. Sylvanas not only accomplished Garrosh’s invasion of Ashenvale and beyond, she made Garrosh look like an amateur. And that happened because the Alliance didn’t get to go far enough.

I do not disagree that Vol’jin was favorable. I disagree that the Alliance had any part in the Horde choosing Vol’jin.

See above. The War of the Thorns and BfA literally invalidates everything that was achieved by defeating Garrosh. All because the Alliance did not get to go far enough to make sure that the Horde wouldn’t be a threat again.

I speculate that this is all because Lor’themar doesn’t have the spine to stand against Sylvanas on his own, and without Vol’jin around to hide behind, he needed someone else who he could support and put in front of Sylvanas so that Lor’themar doesn’t have to be the frontman himself. Without Lor’themar knowing anything about what was happening with Saurfang or Thrall, that left Baine.


Yes … the OG Kaldorei that the current Kaldorei DELIBERATELY ABANDONED AS A WAY OF LIFE! Blizz even went so far as to distance the Nightborne from the NEs precious Elune to boot! They are essentially Arcane Elves that seem to worship the Stars (that just so happen to have a relatively NE physiology). This is just like the BEs are Arcane Elves that seem to worship the Sun.

Plus, just as a side note, the playable Nightborne models are hideous any way. Definitely don’t live up to Night Elf models or the NPC Nightborne that we were questing around.


I still fail to see why the Horde deserved to get the superior content meanwhile i get saddled with the hot garbage known as Void Elves.

Like really? After 10’000 years these people meet, once again fighting against the legion. The people they abandoned are still alive and now instead of finally reconciling and joining together again instead they join goblins and orcs.

Yeah. Ok makes sense and two patches later they are gleefully killing all the remaining Night Elves because FOR THE HORDE!!! am I right?


The Nightborne are just the Blood Elf story remade only it was pulled from Blizzards butt this time around in order to fast track giving the Horde what amounts to Night Elves but only a fake and phony second rate version of Night Elves. Their initiation into the Horde was nonsensical and them remaining in the Horde after the burning of Teldrassil is even more nonsensical.

And yes, Blood Elves are also phony because they belong on the Alliance. They just aren’t as phony as the “Nightborne” are.


They deserve to remain hideous too. They should never be given any more additional customization options unless Night Elves are also given a plethora of new customization options. Anymore additional ranges of customization given to the “Nightborne” will only reveal that it is indeed true that Blizzard wants people to abandon Night Elves while erasing them from the lore.

You really do seem to take it as a personal insult whenever the Horde gets anything don’t you? Also, screw you for moving the Goal Post. The reason the NBs joined the Horde is because of their strong relations and shared experiences with the BEs. This is the same for the Mag’har with Eitrigg and the Durotar Orcs; the Zandalari and the Darkspear; and the Highmountain and the Tauren.

Also, NO, it made perfect sense DURING the Surumar Campaign. Hell, go ahead and listen to Liadrin’s “Stay Awhile and Listen” moment on Argus (she’s damned near recruiting them to the Horde right then and there). Liadrin CONSTANTLY reinforces that her priority is the Nightborne people (many world quests reflect this); while Rommath is just geeking the hell out about talking shop with the NBs. Aethas even gets an “apprentice” from amongst the Nightborn during Legion.
Tyrande in contrast is extremely functionalist with her approach to them, constantly putting empahsis on the fact that she is there to defeat the Legion (and helping the NBs is merely a means to that; not an objective of that).

So … yeah. Turns out, playing both sides through that storyline really did help me get a better understanding of the nuance and language use from both sides…

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It is hilarious you think that these dialogue lines are at all valid when they were specifically made just for some way to explain why NBs would rather joining orcs rather than their old people.
Don’t stop there, bring up the NE spies and expedition force into Quel Thelas during BC to explain why BEs decided to join the orcs.

It is all the same garbage to give the Horde playerbase better content.

When they get better content yes. Because I am concerned about the faction imbalance and the blatant favouritism by Blizzard to the red team. I mean I understand why you enjoy being favoured by blizzard both content wise and narratively.
it is human. But I think it is short sighted when you are the last faction left standing.

“Better” is a subjective term, and all people, including you, typically see what the other guy has as “better.” It’s not a convincing argument, and all clinging to it will do is make you bitter.

You are one of the more biased players I’ve seen on this forum. And that’s saying something. For the story to seem balanced to you, it would have to be anything but.


If you want to argue that Void Elves were better introduced and fleshed out than Nightborne.
By all means.

Go ahead and try.

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Why stop there? You could compare all kinds of things, and someone with Horde biases will be convinced that the Alliance has it better, while someone with Alliance biases will see the opposite.

It’s pointless. It says nothing about Blizzard’s alleged favouritism, and everything about yours.


Look at his Horde hat. The community manager wearing Horde merch, as to let you know the community is managed with For the Horde in mind. How can anyone truly believe this game isn’t designed with Horde in mind first? Ion Hazzikostas the game director plays an Orc shaman.


Ignoring the subjectivity of that aside of the moment … so why don’t you join our little band of miscreants Het? If you are SO convinced that we constantly are in Blizz’s favor, why not join us? You can play our lovely half-baked Nightborne models to your hearts desire if you were to join the faction. And as a side note I would have considered it “garbage” if the NEs weren’t portrayed IN CHARACTER during the Surumar Campaign; which they absolutely were. :smiley:

Turns out, even if your cousin has weird as hell friends; if you still have a lot in common with that cousin you’ll ignore that (and would much rather hang out with them, then your older sibling who thinks everything you are is trash).


No lets not move the goal post.
We are talking about ARs after all.

Void Elves were better implemented than Nightborne. Good luck proving that.

I refuse to let Blizzard win.
Besides, how could I not root for the underdog faction?

Only someone who has no clue about NEs would say that.

Them showing contempt and deep suspicion about Elves and Arcane use? Them holding a long-standing grudge, to the expense of diplomacy? Them being riddled with “false-piety” to the point where they look down on “Mana-Addicts” and their civilization? Them having absolutely justifiable reasons to be hesitant to interact and ally with a genuine living relic of the Highborne civilization? Uhh … yeah, that fits their temperament to a tee in this instance.

Also “You’re not a NE fan so you can’t ever understand us” … gross. By that ridiculous standard you should have no right in the slightest to ever discuss the Horde or its races. As a side note, I ADORE the NE lore (and dive into that stuff all day). I just find their current stories rather boring on a conceptual level (too focused on the past for my taste) … so I don’t play them anymore.


The Alliance actually do have interesting lore and there is an appeal for it. It’s just too bad Blizzard wants to take every bit of interesting and unique lore and aesthetics the Alliance has and give it to the Horde. Like Hetaera says all that’s left is Blizzard is to give the Horde Dwarves and what left does the Alliance even have that the Horde doesn’t?

I’m fully expecting at some point the Horde to be given red eyed humans that look like Nathanos as an allied race at some point and Orgrimmar to be remade with Elven mage towers and castles with red roofs instead of blue ones.