No one playing monk?

If nobody is playing Monk, I’m dead.


First correct thing you wrote.

Brewmaster isn’t for me because someone decided it should be designed that way, not by any virtue of its own.

That choice was a bad choice.

Because “since BFA” = comparison against Shadowlands and Dragonflight. It’s an absurd comparison. Dragonflight to now is mechanically unchanged (a bit more convoluted) and baseline performance actually nerfed to reward that button bloat (e.g., WoO/BOB–probably because they tried to prune buttons baseline but wanted to prove a point, “you think you do but you don’t”). The same crowd probably thinks coercing an ISB between each global was good design too… :roll_eyes:

Fact is MoP BrM was on par with MoP DK. They were both extremely powerful tanks. Maybe too much so. And they have been steadily pulled down every expansion since. What doesn’t track is when Monk had a niche as being a higher damage tank for their trade-offs, they were swift to sever.

And despite all that, it still doesn’t take away from my observation of the PTR notes that only Mistweaver is being touched. Just like all of DF, they only seem interested in playing with Mistweaver, instead of how they can tune Monk in its entirety. Forest for the trees…

(CJL changes look great, long overdue)

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It isn’t absurd. This is just how you feel about it vs how I feel about it. So far through doing heroics and preparing for season 1, brewmaster has felt great. My experience is clearly different than yours. I find brew super fun. No lack of defensives and the rotation is one of the best out of all tanks. Talking about MoP 12 years later, now that is absurd.

I saw someone in this thread say people aren’t playing Windwalker b/c its complicated.

they literally made it easier to play. I stopped playing it b/c the healing is LITERALLY GONE

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I’m loving the WW conduit of the celestials, if you’re familiar with pandaren lore this hero spec really makes me feel like a grandmaster, & monks have always been one of the lower popular classes, ain’t gonna stop me from playing mine!

If im interpreting this wrong, ignore me.

But CERTAINLY you aren’t referencing WW as having weak healing lol. Their instant vivifies are amongst the strongest heals in the game from a hybrid dps.

Mine non-crit for 800k.

For comparison, my spriests flash of lights heal for 320 ish.

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the problem with monk is the amount of complexity it has vs how much value it gives. This is the same type of problem rogue specs often have, not to mention the continual direct/indirect nerfs.

? Stage setting… You said best since BFA which might as well be “better than Shadowlands”. Playing another game was often better than Shadowlands (where Monk was routinely propped up in “performant” positions exclusively by bugs).

The point of mentioning MoP is that BrM has been gradually recovering from the Legion rework and DF was the best yet, but it suffered from a lot of bloat. Legion numbers were tuned strongly which made Monk good, even if dumping ISB for every brew charge wasn’t fun.

Despite all that, you could still do incredible damage in DF. Now, Druid and Warrior are easily topping with less total complexity. It’s not crazy to want higher performance caps for higher performance demands.

This was one content patch ago:

Also, tying into the reason I originally posted, 10.2 had only Mistweaver changes too. See it once it’s a coincidence, but the third time since DF launch that Monk patches contain no changes for anything but Mistweaver? … I can’t keep ignoring it.

I’m sorry you do not like brewmaster. I am still capable of doing great damage and as the content gets harder, brew will get even more tankier. I can’t wait for the season to start. With the addition of hero talents, it is the most fun I’ve had playing brew in years. Nothing you say will change my experience. Enjoy whatever you land on playing.

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I just started leveling my monk as Mistweaver. I’m going melee-focused Conduit of the Celestials and enjoying it a bunch. I’ll feel a bit better once I get a better intellect staff (crafted this myself but forgot I didn’t have any of the better sparks from last expansion).

What on earth are you talking about and what talents are you choosing to get that? literally made up numbers to me because i’m not seeing that AT ALL


Its prob the most fun tank for me. But it is hard im not good at tanking but i can faceroll on a dk or guardian but nothing bets slowing kegs arounds and spinning to win

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I agree with everything up until the damage. I will eat my hat if your i540 prot warrior is doing more damage than my Brewmaster. We are BY FAR the highest single target tank damage in the game. My tiger’s palms crit for 1.4 million right now (there are like four multipliers currently). In AoE, I’m cranking. Usually 1-1.2 million DPS for a chunky pull. Keg Smash, Exploding Keg, Flurry explosions, Shado-pan shadow buff, all with weapons of order roaring? Jesus Christ, I beat some of the DPS I’ve played with on big packs. Doing about 650k overall. Your i540 prot warrior is beating that?

Brew has some problems. Most of them are gear related. I felt awful at i570, bad at i580, pretty okay at i590 and I’m feeling strong at i600. In the beta, I tanked a +10 tirna scythe scaled to about i613 and crushed it out - +2 with no deaths.

The nerfs to Expel Harm and orbs hurt us super bad. We desperately need more self healing. But I’m taking less than than quite a few other tanks, stagger is still insanely strong, 100% dodge with frequent shuffle uptimes, god tier mobility, probably the second highest damage currently and Ring of Peace is s-tier. Leg Sweep and Poison dispel handle 2 of Xalataths 3 mechanics, too.

Brew is great. It’s not meta, no. But 10-12 keys are easy on Brew and I think we can do 15-16 maybe. At that level we’re screwed but the Blood DKs will be getting one-shot and Prot Paladins are even worse up there.

Stop dooming. Get better.


i’m maining my monk again this tier since we’re short on healers. monk’s my favorite healing class; i just hate having to dps while healing and the fact they removed essence font!

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Out of 26 DPS specs WW monk is the 11 most popular class according to logs. If there are not many monks it’s in the tank and healers classes.

Complicated? No, most punishing if you make a mistake, Yes. Not many classes lose an automatic 5% DPS due to combo strikes, especially since the priority list says you should repeat under certain circumstances, even though you are going to lose 5% for doing so for the next 5 attacks.

Monk Mastery has been trash ever since Combo Strikes was a thing, it’s the #1 reason why people don’t play monk, that and Panda looks like crap in nearly all gear models.

Sad panda :frowning:

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Yep, it’s very true, my Panda monk has one gear set IMO that looks freaking fantastic. The Black Rock Foundry set from WoD. There was a reason Nelf Rogue was #1 most popular thing played at release for Vanilla, because they looked freaking Cool. If people want to see a LOT more monks being played the #1 thing would be for Blizzard to start actually putting serious effort into making monk gear look freaking sweet.

Im not enjoying WW play, they removed that dash talent with tiger palm that was super fun, I also now feel like I keep having gaps and having to wait for resources, which I don’t have in DF.

I’ve moved over to a fury warrior, I feel like I actually have more useful mobility and more APM, which is why I use to play monk.

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I mean, fury warrior is stupidly broken, why would you compare anything to a spec that needs a lot mote nerfs?