No one playing monk?

I level 6 level 80 did a ton of heroic and normal dungeons open world quest and notice there aren’t many monks at all. Heck I don’t remember even running with a MW mono , maybe a handful of times of brews monk during leveling dungeons WW monk maybe a few times?

Are they really bad? I know monk usually have a small population but I am seeing more outlaw rogue and BM hunter and they are pretty bad currently.

I am leveling my monk now

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Monk just isnt a very popular class and hasnt been from the start. I love the class, personally. Its one of my favs.

I love the fast paced (although it does feel somewhat slower currently) mixed with kung fu theme. Makes me think of Ip Man.
The mobility is nice too and while ive never really played around with it, fistweaving intrigues me.


Best guess is that Monk doesn’t jive with many people thematically, since it uses many Asian motifs.

Fewer players means Blizzard has less pressure to aggressively balance the class, so Monk has had broken or bad mechanics for long periods of time. Lack of attention makes players feel cynical about the class and more likely to play something different, or less willing to pick the class back up when it’s good.

Either way, Monk is always among the least-played classes so this is nothing new.


i think this is just a case of anecdotes. I believe the group finder tries not to double up on classes/specs if it can avoid it without increasing the wait time. I’ve done plenty of dungeons with another WW as the WW population has exploded this expansion.


anecdotally, I’ve been in LFG groups that had 3 monks all fulfilling multiple roles multiple times. I’ve been really enjoying every spec I’ve played as monk.

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Pretty sure monk has been the least played class since WoD. Check out Data For Azeroth.


no one wants to play a class that is last in dps

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I’ve seen my fair share of monks in heroics. Haven’t really been beat damage in heroics outside of arcane mages on ST burst, so dps shouldn’t be an issue.

Can’t speak much for MW, but WW hero talents are boring to me, they don’t really change the rotation or playstyle much if at all, they just give you some flashy burst damage animations and sound effects every once in a while.

I’ve mained BrM since MoP release, and this is easily the worst the spec has ever felt. I love the class too much to switch, but it really needs some serious attention. I also have a prot warrior because I maintain two tanks for my guild, and the difference is night and day. The damage, survivability, self healing, utility, CC…it’s not even remotely close.

Damage output feels horrible. Hero talents are clunky, especially trying to line up shado pan proccs. Orbs feel like tiny bandaids. One bubble even after a decent sized purify is like 15% of my total hp. Utility is all gone. Being a monk main is suffering.


Evoker, Rogue and Monk are the three least played classes.

  • Evoker, largely due to Dracthyr.
  • Rogue due to not being able to tank or heal and bringing relatively little damage and utility to groups and raids.
  • Monk due to perceived complexity

This is the way it’s been for a long, long time. I also think Demon Hunters took some degree of “thunder” away from rogues and monks. We have three leather melee DPS (two tanks) that all function in somewhat similar ways.

BrM is considered the most difficult tank to play at a high level, and Mistweaver has had something of a spec identity crisis with the schism between mistweaving and fistweaving. Melee damage healer just isn’t a popular archetype.


since its release.

Monk isn’t common in general and only has 1 dps spec which limits it more than many other classes. Also very rare for it to be very good in M+ or Raid.

For the average person Paladin is easier and more likely to be meta or even have multiple meta specs.


There are several reasons.

  1. Since the Legion expansion, WW monks performed mediocre or at the bottom, so suffer from lowered expectations.
  2. WW Monk is a complicated class to play that require players to keep track of buffs and special procs more than any other melee classes.
  3. Due to reason #2, the WW monk class is not forgiving to mistiming or mistakes can significantly lower your dps.
  4. Blizzard keeps bringing back glitched talents like “Storm, Earth, and Fire”. Most players I know hate this talent, but you have to take it to maximize the dps.

I be playing Monk. Maining it this season because I rarely ever see them and I’m tired of being a Paladin and seeing another no matter where you look lol.

I really love monk, i really do, but I usually dont start leveling with him until I have 2-3 other max levels.
Reason is, he’s a panda, and panda has inner peace


I have to eat crow because I said I wasn’t going to play monk but I ended up getting this one to lvl 80 first.

A few things I’ve noticed, I’ve had some weird interactions with my rotation because there seems to be a delay on fist of fury and I found myself wanting to use it but it not being ready even though I had the chi and basically waiting for something to be available.

I still dislike storm/earth/fire and I have used it less than 5 times and I avoid using it as much as possible and I even removed it from my action bar at lvl 75 and I dont intend on adding it back, I wish there would be an option to this ability so I don’t have to use it, bring back serenity or even shadowlands fallen order any other option otherwise I’ll forget it exists.

Shado-Pan vs Conduit of Celestials, Shado-Pan sucks and I tried it and hated it and went back to Conduit of The Celestials because of one ability - Celestial Conduit. If not for Celestial Conduit, both trees would be trash.

I tried brewmaster and ever since the changes made to it in dragonflight, I just cant and dont want to bother wrapping my brain around whatever is going on and I preferred Battle for Azeroth brewmaster and I don’t care to waste time trying to figure out current brewmaster. I prefer protection warrior for tanking.

conduit of the celestials is saved by celestial conduit and if that gets nerfed both trees are useless.
I hate storm earth fire and brewmaster

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Im having a lot of fun with it. There is a lot to keep track of, but I find the rotation is pretty smooth overall and it absolutely pumps. The mobility is so nice, too.

Ah yes, a fellow person of fine culture.

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Monks have mediocre transmog (only a few cool sets)

No must have utility for M+

More difficult to play than the other popular melee DPS like havoc and ret.

I love the class but I don’t think it’ll ever be popular unless they give monk some type of insane utility.


Actually rogue is now. Monk is still bottom 3 though, IIRC

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My monk is sexy: