No one playing monk?

Yah I noticed that. Evoker too. Pretty interesting.

As someone who wants to be a special snowflake in WoW, I’m ok with this


yeah, it was the least played healer so the removed the best spell they had and nurfed them to the ground unless you want to fistweave so no suprise it’s even less common now. I’ll never understand wanting to dps to heal. I heal because I do not find doing dps fun. Running after a boss playing tag, standing in a gaggle of melee just to fart heals out at random.

I laughed hard at the upcoming Monk changes. There’s only MW changes?

Brewmaster doesn’t seem fun.
Windwalker is mid.

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Brewmaster is a lot of fun actually. It is probably the most tanky it has felt since BfA imho. It is action packed and if played properly, always something to press. It isn’t braindead like bear or prot warr anyway. I think when people say something isn’t fun, what they really mean is it isn’t meta. It is like people conflate fun and meta together. Not being meta does not = bad or unfun. 98% of people just need to stop following tier lists and play what they want.

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No, this is what I mean by not fun.

Having to do vector calculus to figure out what to push next isn’t fun. Guessing if mobs are close enough that Keg Smash lands and the Fury War or Ret Pal doesn’t immediately rip aggro isn’t fun.

The awkward cooldowns, short range, demand to melee for Shuffle (leaving that first hit potentially more vulnerable), all adds up to make the juice not worth the squeeze when you can just play:

Also, Ox Stance? Whyyyy?


I’ve heard people say that playing a BrM is like playing a piano. This, as a compliment.

Its not that bad. Brewmaster is fun, but to each their own.

I wasn’t saying it’s bad. I was saying that a lot people enjoy how engaging it is. They like that playing BrM is so active.

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Lmao, no. Not even remotely close. This is the weakest it has felt since mop release. How does it feel the tankiest it has felt since BFA when it’s been repeatedly nerfed and gutted since then? The self healing is almost completely gone, bubble is so weak it’s barely worth a global, requires way too much agi to start staggering a relevant amount of damage, orb healing is so weak it’s negligible unless you stack at least 5 or 6 of them, damage output is less than my 540 prot warrior. I could go on and on. I love this spec but it needs serious help right now. It’s not so bad that it’s unplayable, but I shouldn’t have to work twice as hard for mid results compared to every other tank all while stressing the eff out of the healer for mistiming a purify or something. Oh yeah, and the button bloat is still atrocious. I’m taking every passive choice possible and have a razer naga and STILL have too many things to bind to keys so I don’t have to click anything. 22 keybinds at the absolute minimum is horrendous. I play 3 other tanks and they’re not even in the same ballpark for number of keybinds, and that number could easily be 26+ if I wasn’t intentionally gimping my build to avoid the bloat.


None of what you said is factual, it is just your feelings.

This seems to most of your problem. You have no defensives or Weapons of Order it sounds like.

Cool, I play all 6.

That says it all. Sounds like brewmaster isn’t for you so “lmao”.

I’m tanking np at 584 ilvl. Both hero talent trees are good. Shado-pan pretty much just gives a perma 10% damage reduction. It feels tankier than it has in a long time. And the damage is definitely there. :dracthyr_shrug:


I feel like you took my post as a personal attack. It wasn’t meant to be, and I actually came here to delete it because it was just a rant at no one in particular based on seeing you saying it was the tankiest it has been since BFA.

The button bloat is factual. That’s not a feeling. If you’re playing with 25 keybinds and not clicking anything, then you have some dexterous skill that I don’t possess. Regardless, that many keybinds for any class in any mmo is absolute nonsense.

I wasn’t complaining about surviving, though it may have sounded that way. I am also doing just fine doing boss to boss pulls in heroics. I just feel like I could be doing way more for way less effort on another tank. I don’t want to get into an argument because it’s pointless, but I don’t see how you can say this is the tankiest BrM has been since BFA when in shadowlands we were healing from 10% hp to full every keg smash.


My bad, the “lmao” at the start felt like you were coming at me. I agree it could be less bloated. They didn’t fix the problem. PtA build doesn’t seem viable and I’m sad Master of Harmony is not really doing as good as it was in early beta. I’d prefer to play it but it is what it is. Blizzard doesn’t listen to enough feedback.

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Can y’all explain the “tracking buffs” part and which buffs specifically? Thought they got rid of a lot of these, like the increased haste on hitting new targets.

Mistweaver is still super fun and is in a great place. Strong healing and very fun toolkit, with even more to come in the anniversary patch.

I was planning to play my R sham more in TWW, but decided to main my monk again because it’s still very enjoyable. Deff recommend it!

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For Shado-Pan, you have to track energy expenditure and a proc buff from when Flurry Strikes trigger.


Oh yeah, that’s the big buff you get from the last talent in the tree, right? so I imagine you pop your cooldowns right before/after you get it.

Besides that, anything else though? Felt like all the other buffs were things that you don’t really need to worry about in terms of how you do your damage or choose targets (i.e. they removed those in WW).

Probably? Afaik, there’s only one buff that you want to keep an eye out for because it does bump TP up a bit in priority because the buff gives Flurry Strikes bigger dam. Other than Shado-Pan stuff, just don’t overcap on procs. And even then, Blizz made some gtood QoL changes by letting us bank charges for the procs.

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Not in a world ww is harder than havoc, not in a world.
I was main of both and both are 80 480 ilv. Not in a world.

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I do think WW is challenging to play, but not because of rotation (unless I’m playing really non-optimally and don’t know it). The challenge is in knowing when to exit the battle/port before you die, which is its own skill and fun, and I think more difficult (and frustrating) to get right than a complex rotation.