No one playing monk?

I’m sure most of us have a ton of alts and have probably played every class pretty extensively by this point in WoW’s lifecycle. If you have, it should be clear by now that Blizzard had pretty different design intents for different classes, with some classes being strictly harder than other classes as part of their flavor.

You might then expect a harder class to somehow give better numbers than an easier class if played at its highest potential, but that of course wouldn’t be balanced and so it never should be expected.

Most players really don’t want to play a harder class, especially if they aren’t promised better rewards for doing so. I’d argue Monk and Rogue are near the bottom in terms of class popularity for this reason. There’s simply no comparison between WW Monk or Assn Rogue and, say, a Fury Warrior in terms of how much attention is required. It’s an entirely different game.

I think the same is sorta true for Monk healer and tank specs as well. Brew is strictly more challenging than other tank specs and MW is arguably the most difficult healing spec. Neither are necessarily worse than other tanks/healers unless maybe you’re really splitting hairs at the meta (which is always changing).

But some people do actually like a harder game even if it gives no greater results. I’m one of them. I don’t play Monk because I’m into the long-suffering thing. I actually play it because I find it more interesting and more satisfying to play well.

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I play monk because I love my celestial zoo and jade mist effects.

Unlike monks in other games who are mostly physical, monks in wow are very mystical and shamanistic. You feel like a magical warrior.

It’s really nice. It’s just that some people prefer a demonhunter or death knight or warrior for their edgelord needs.

And rogue is pretty difficult to play and unlike monk their animations and visual flair is pretty bad, almost nonexistent.


Just because you’re hyper focused on DPS doesn’t mean anything to me.

Not sure how you missed me saying APM between the two classes, but here we are.

It’s the beginning of an expansion with nonexistent secondaries. This is how every energy based class plays with low haste. Monk has historically been busy once the expansion gets going.

Not going to lie to you all; I’ve played a handful of classes and I have no idea why so many people are saying WW is a complex spec.

Just came from playing outlaw (which is actually most likely the most complex spec, come at me) to monk and it’s been a breeze.

Rotation is straight forwards, there is some mastery involved if you want to push really crazy numbers but outside from that the failure states are pretty low stakes and everything seems to make enough sense.

Added benefit of having pretty much the exact same rotation for AoE as you do for single target aside from priorities changing around a little

It’s been dumbed down a lot. There was a time when Windwalker WAS one of the more complex specs and people have just held on to that.

I think, in current TWW, both Arcane and Enhancement are considerably more complex to play than Windwalker. Assassination AoE openers are extremely complicated. Demonology can be a difficult spec to min-max with Imp and Gang Boss coordinated for Tyrant and maximizing Implosion efficiencies. Marksmanship actually has a dumb amount of buttons now and Survival does too. Maximizing atonement spread in anticipation of specific raid boss timers, while maintaining your positioning and handling your own mechanics is VERY demanding for Disc priest. The difference between a great disc and an average one is about 100% HPS - not something most DPS specs can say.

Brew is, without a doubt, the most complex modern tank. But I agree that Windwalker is no longer in the top 5 or so most difficult specs to play. I mean, hell, Feral still has bleed snapshotting windows to deal with…


Do you have a link to your monk?

Anonymous forum posting account for a reason. I have a Youtube channel, warcraft logs etc. But I like to keep this forum character unconnected. Unfortunately, I can not direct message you here.

Shado-pan has 30% stronger vivifies on self. Instant vifivifies are 25% more.

I can literally link you a screenshot if you want. They crit for about 1.7-2 mil.

what is the point of these forums when blizzard doesn’t even read or pay attention to it. might as well take the class out if its not going to be worked on

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It is being worked on but not very much to the request of the players. I think after a brutal season for healers and tanks we would have expected blizz to lighten the load or buff healers more across the board, but so far in ptr it seems to have been mostly nerfs especially for disc priest. Coincidentally the reason that MW might be a meta healer next season isn’t exactly because we are overtuned or have new super duper amazing and unheard of before things, but because a lot of the other healers got nerfed into the ground. Which isn’t a very pleasant thing considering we had problems before the ptr changes and many of those problems will still be there going into season 2 but now we’re meta just because blizzard didn’t bless us with an almighty nerf hammer (yet.) The current “play” for us is extremely tightly tied up into gimmicks around a singular talent (jade empowerment) that if it or any supporting talents get nerfed will likely tank the spec back down to B tier.

I don’t often trust speculation about ptr changes–they’re usually wrong and I wonder if high level raiders lie in their speculation to deceive competing guilds–and tuning/testing hasn’t concluded yet. Prot paladin was looking like one of the worst tanks in ptr and sanlayn dk was looking very extremely good–didn’t really turn out that way.

To play your favorite class/spec through the good and bad is a labor of love and the only reward is your own personal enjoyment of it. I think someone at blizzard probably does have to read this stuff but it’s probably not the foremost in charge of class design or monk design. Blizzard is also very slow to impliment changes that people want. The development cycle often has the bulk of their team working on unreleased content and the team working on emerging content as it nears release gets smaller and smaller as they move more people ahead to work on the next thing. At least that is what i inferred listening to metzen talk about working on the BfA opening cinematic during Legion prepatch. And blizzard did listen to a lot of our complaints with shadowlands but the changes came way too late. Most of the changes weren’t actualized until Dragon Flight. So these ideas were being carried forward in development but would be unexperienced by players still stuck with the current system they don’t like.

I’m with you I hope they start giving us more love.

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In pvp Venruki does.

It’s hilarious because he literally said watch me post this talent that 100% doesn’t work in pvp (drinking horn cover, I think it was) as a pvp talent and watch Babylonius recommend it.

No kidding in Babylonius pvp guide on wowhead for WW monk in shadowlands he recommended the talent. It was hilarious.

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I don’t PvP so when I had to do PvP guides I reached out to prominent PvPers for things like talent builds. If they were deceived or lied to me then that is not in my control.

You also don’t main monk. If you made a feral druid guide or a DH guide I’d read it. But monk… LOL, no thanks, I’ll leave that to the people who actually main monk.

Not to mention you could literally read the talent which said in RED writing “does not work in pvp”.

Next your recommendation of RJW for WW monk in pve in shadowlands… oh, wait, in shadowlands you also did that without testing it to see that is a dps loss. Have you ever heard the express of a “Tool”… it’s a military term but it kind of applies here.


I must be doing pretty good if all you have is the same inane examples from two expansions ago. Not bad for someone who’s never mained a Monk.

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Oh I also have the example of emerald dream raid and the cloak… but remember that got got me kicked from the discord.

And several other examples but you know it’s me vs your cult.

I’ve played since 2003 beta when you had to log into the Boston servers and Gnomes and Trolls where not in game. But tell me more about how you have more World of Warcraft Knowledge?

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Two alleged mistakes or misinformation from Emerald Dream and two from Shadowlands in more than a decade of writing guides for 2-3 websites and writing hundreds, if not thousands, of things into those guides??

You have to admit that’s pretty impressive since I’ve never even created a Monk character.

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Oh here we go, with the word semantics… I say said never “mained” you misinterpret that as never “created”.

Go on tell me more.
Justify how a Druid main who was given “Peak of Serenity” discord… didn’t even create it… who then mained a DH/Druid and still mains a DH but to keep their paterons paying still lie’s to the public about it.

To the point that other monk mains now troll you and get you to post their troll comments to wowhead as guides because you are so far gone from being a monk main you can’t even read a tool tip.

Because at this point it is all about you getting paid on your subs even though when being a monk gets tough you drop monk for DH and Druid.

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I really wonder how you much you think babs makes from donations or twitch.

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What’s my DH’s character name? I’m interested in what I’ve managed to accomplish on it.