No OCE servers for Plunderstorm makes it unplayable

The problem is they know they could just sell a new horse instead and make even more money

I feel OCE pain on this, give them their OCE servers, but only if you don’t let LA/BR join, since we get their latency PLUS ours, and 400ms is unplayable even in regular WoW PvP.

I’ve lost many games here due to a mere 135ms, imagine 200ms + like you or 400ms if we ever get chucked into OCE servers.

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I thought Australia had their own servers…

They do, but not for plunder, which seems to be in a single DC.

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Blizzard do not care if players are enjoying it.

If they did, they would buff the plunder from chests/monsters by like 500% or make plunder:renown 1:2 or 1:3.

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Dang that freaking sucks…sorry guys and gals of Australia sorry Blizzard treats you like second hand players…


im of the opinion that australians should suffer

You will find most oceanic players would be happy to get this event on a single server option. Since it is a limited time, playable in a small single zone, we’d get enough people doing it to make it workable.

The retail game, however, will continue to be cross server as it is now.

PS: I think you’d find most Oceanic players wouldn’t mind if SA players were limited to US-based server cross-connectivity. Your situation is different to ours or US players so we understand your frustration.


I know, and Blizz should definitely do it.

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  • Subbed for this today
  • then Unsubbed because no OCE servers
  • Let me know if you change your mind about OCE servers
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I’m glad I was able to sneak a victory in for the FoS, but it’s rough out there with the skill-shots on 200+MS, even the basic attack.

I wouldn’t get your hopes up on an OCE server for the event though, doesn’t seem like they put as much thought into it outside of promotional clout.

Had it been a patch actually part of the game in some form, it would have been available on the Oceanic servers.

But as we know, it isnt part of the game, isn’t even actually a game patch. Its a weird little added game disconnected from evertything retail.

Welcome to the new age of WoW, designed to please content creators and streamers, attract audiences who find enjoyment watching other people play something and praising it because it pleases Blizzard.

Keep it going, we must prevail

I didnt say there wasn’t an issue with no Oceanic server, I said it would be good if we could get one.

Did you, like, misread my comment?

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when oce servers

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Oh yeah that is dumb, make OCE servers

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consider yourself lucky

Very disheartened to see that Blizzard hasnt even responded to the calls for OCE servers. Just continuing to balance the system and not care about a section of their playerbase. Making it hard to enjoy their game.

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I will love to have also latam servers, but latam population is not enought to justify that decision. And it will be a really mess if US people join latam servers and for once they are the one playing with 200ms all the time. I think the same can be applied to oce servers. Imagine how much US people will cry if they suddenly play at 400ms.


I feel sorry for you OCE players…its really rotten them not giving you your own server to do this now…sorry…

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