No OCE servers for Plunderstorm makes it unplayable

Just as the title says because everything is basically a skill shot in plunderstorm it is virtually impossible to win or play at a decent level.

If possible can please please please can this accommodated for.


^ agreed. Please give OCE servers


We have the infrastructure here and they decided not to use it, cool


yes please


Help out our OCE friends and give them a server for this.


Forever forgotten ! SOOO lame … was really looking forward to this :frowning:


Towards the end of the games, the activation timers are so low, and the AoE circles are so large, that unless you predict what your opponent is about to do, even with movement abilities, it’s pretty hard to survive. For a game mode that emphasizes split second reactions and preemptive play, this is so much harder with 200+ms


Lol if you think they are gonna fix that for you, you might as well just unsub and uninstall. You guys are far too little of a income thing to get them to invest in more stuff.

Do you really think this new game is going to be popular enough for an Oceanic server to fill games at a decent rate? (without the need for NA players to be yanked into it, because we know how much they love getting a taste lol).

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how many millions does this company make and they can’t even give us servers??


Well my opinion is they should think carefully about it, what made wow great is that it had oceanic servers at all long before Final Fantasy 14 had them,

Giving oceanic players a place to call home and to look after it makes logical sense to me.


its not about this being a crappy new game , its the fact we are forced to play this dog water to get rewards but yet they are also forcing us to play the dog water at 200ms. they dont need to put out oce servers when this crap releases just do it for the event


Not normally a forum poster, but please give us OCE players a server. I would be happy to queue for the game mode if it means getting a server


yeah i cant aim anything. I miss literally every ability


100% it’s such bull. I really want to love this mode but it’s an extreme disadvantage


Dont ask blizzard for logic, right now friend. They aint gonna comply.

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Most likely we will have to wait another 10 years before we get OCE servers for Plunderstorm, assuming it even stays if it is “popular enough”.

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I play from Latin America and if they ever put me in an OCE server im quitting the event, already hate when game do that for BGs and i just outright afk the entire match with 4k MS.

I’m curious what’s your latency to US servers from Australia? I play with 120-160 latency from EU to US and I’ve got used to it long time ago. However if I get put in a dungeon etc in Australia I have 300+ latency, it’s not super awful but it’s not enjoyable.

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back in BC I had expensive internet and still got 300-500ms on a good day, these days its about 200