No Night Elf Bikini Armor

Ok, now I am going to say what I think. I like the outfit, I would give it 8.5 out of 10. I do not like that bulky leather piece on the female top it doesn’t fit. I like the feathers, I feel like a few more small ones and vines would be great. I like the helm but it needs a bit more color, but don’t go over the top like some druid helms. I would like the ability to hide legs. I mean, yeah. A purple set would be lovely, but these colors do remind me of Teldrassil. As a whole, humans are never going to be 100% happy, but I think this is a good job. I can’t wait to get this set. I have been away from wow, what with guild being dead and just soloing most content. This will probably bring me back.


That actually looks very Night Elf, way back in Cata days this was the look I was so used to seeing. I’m actually happy that this is the heritage armor we’ll be looking at.

i will vote for them not to do that… because i love watching players who like to play female characters to see their sexy bodies instead of going to an actual adult site to get mad over stuff like this

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I like your tmog.
Where did you get the Forsworn pieces(hands and feet)?

Actual :clown_face: take. “jUSt gO to aDUlt SIteS, Hurr Hurr!”


I -LOVE- how it looks already. I have five nelf characters, and I’ll probably use it on four of them. Looks really good. Ty blizzard!
IMO just release it like it is now, looks great. I can’t see what else they might add tbh.

I see some people talking about the helm, but it’s my favourite part :x

The tattoos are kinda meh (not as good or as much as DH tats), but welcoming regardless.

Edit: seems like they’ve added more for the faces, really nice looking remakes of the old face tats for females!

I really hope we’ll get more variant than just the 2 colors. And also some weapons to get with it too



Exacly my thoughts. Also for heritage sets Blizz often makes the 3D elements just after the character model it’s supposed to receive - you can see as much trying to preview them on WoWhead’s dressing room in the wrong race - and the strap on the females is clearly modeled like the male pectorals (so the armor underneath is for the female breast).

What I’m curious now is what is the pants slot and what is the belt slot. My guess would be the belt being the 3D parts and the pants being that loincloth we see underneath.

All and all, I’m extremely pleased with the heritage because it’s literally a ‘glow up’ from the Darkshore NPCs.


Oh no, poor baby can’t look at pixelated boonies :cry:

This is like saying Scottish people don’t understand Scottish culture if they don’t wear kilts 24/7 :rofl::rofl::rofl: you’re off your rocker

That is literally what you are doing.

Disappointed that the loincloth is so long. Devs are afraid of my massive genetics. Give the players what they want you cowards!


I personally think the light purple feathers need to go. The colors clash and over designs the shoulders.

Shorter Fur ruffles to match the rest of the pieces would go a long way.

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i like it but really disappointed this isnt the bikini amor.
the pauldrons feathers i dont like but the rest is fine i guess.
not sure abt that fur part tho on that chest. remove it. it dont match right

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I love it. I’m probably a forum minority in not liking the half naked looks though.


At least you guys get Bikinis. The guys just get shorts

I think it’s fine, too.
As a women, I was always kinda annoyed that so many pieces of armor automatically turned into skimpy gear, if you use it on a female avatar. :sweat_smile:
Not saying I’m against bikini “gear”, but it would be nice to have a normal option and a bikini option, for those, who want it. :dracthyr_shrug: