No Night Elf Bikini Armor

Do you know what the word heritage means?

If Scottish was a race in WoW a kilt would absolutely be part of their heritage armor.

The sets I described are a very iconic part of night elven heritage.

I speak for most. THAT is what we have been asking for not something with bulky added pieces that aren’t needed. What they’ve done ruins it and it looks like crap.


I wouldn’t wear armor that looks like this- even if it was given to me

Lol no you don’t.

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I’m kinda glad, not because I’m a prude, but because I think having a basic bikini armor would be kind of boring. I like the aesthetic of this Heritage armor.


I like it. its beautifully ornate, very elvish, nightborne flavored without the glowy arcane bits. night elves, though, are more nature based because, for years, you couldnt be a nelf mage or lock, so it was druid or priest if you wanted to be a caster. however, more coverage is reasonable since now, nelfs can be every caster class except shaman (and pally). so the nature concept is tempered by other classes and the gear should indicate that.


I like a good skimp mog but Night Elf heritage consists of more than ‘purple boobs’.


Like a good bikini mog if done right, like the colors match or it seems to work with the theming, but if it’s just a bikini mog for the sake of it, just makes me think someone is unimaginative.

Or on their way to The Quarantine Zone.

Rejoice, our night elves will be free of the ugly chest piece.


I agree 100%, hopefully Blizzard adds a third color tint of true purple (maybe with some gold to help transmog with Drakshore sets), and not just this maroon/wine color - I am sorry to all the folks calling that purple - but that is not really true purple, it’s red mixed with purple lol.

Orcs and Humans got 3 different color options for their heritage sets, it seems almost sacrilegious and definitely nonsensical at this point to not give all races 3 different color options for their heritage sets.


 lawsuit happened. We females got to cover up now.

But even my ret pally her fav mog is actually Wrath S8 PvP ret set and that is 100% fully covered. This is fantasy, not made to be realistic. Most people on the battlegrounds battled naked with no armour back many hundreds of yeas ago, the footmen did. Having armour on the battlefield restricts movement and weighs you down. causes heatstroke.

You gotta remember, this is the same company that replaced paintings of women with FRUIT!

Just go with a hidden chest piece. Doesn’t the nelf bra match that set?

Also, nice at the like total.

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No need to, the ugly chest strap was never meant for female models, hence the weird clipping

We’ve now seen that the Chest Strap is just for the males and the painted on bikini top is just for the women, instead of both models using both like WoWhead previously thought

So both male and female models now have more revealing chest armor, W


Symptomatic of the lack of continuity from the art dept. They don’t understand what the word “Heritage” implies. It’s just like the Forsaken Heritage armor. Yes Undercity was once Lordaeron, but the Forsaken have no real ties to the heritage and legacy of Lordaeron. And beyond Calia now being on their council, there is no historical tie that binds Forsaken heritage to Lordaeron. So the emblem of Lordaeron should not be included in the set. Forsaken hail from Undercity, not Lordaeron. Find an emblem to replace the Lordaeron badge that represent Undercity.

I’ve brought this up before, the human heritage armor should not be so Stormwind oriented since Human heritage begins with Strom. It’s all about defining heritage.

So if the night elf heritage armor is going to reflect Elune, then it becomes more elf heritage and less night elf heritage. Night elf heritage is differentiated and defined by Cenarius and druid/nature magic, not arcane.


They have no historical ties to Lordaeron? They’ve only been Forsaken for like
20 years. That’s not even a full generation, which is like 20-30 years.

If you were age 25 when you were turned into a Forsaken, you’re now 45, so more than half of your life you knew Lordaeron. That culture plays a massive role to many of the Forsaken because that’s what they knew in life and after 20 years, we have plenty of lore evidence that they hate what happened to them.


Night Elves are the most theocratic society in the entire game. Elune is their entire culture. They have always been religious zealots because Elune created them. If Elune wasn’t the center piece of their heritage armor, that’d be an insult to their lore.


You are kind of telling us that you don’t understand the lore around NEs without telling us you don’t understand the lore around NEs. Same with the Forsaken.


I’ll just leave this here. Don’t worry I’ll show myself out

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I’m sorry
 did Sylvanas hail from Lordaeron? Did Arthas claim the throne of Lordaeron and rule from its throne? Did the Forsaken ever raise a Lordaeron banner anwyhere?

Apparently you have a very cursory understanding of elven culture. All elves owe their heritage to Elune. Not just night elves. There is no Temple to Elune at Nordrassil. But if you go to Valsharah and Suramar you find her. Why is that?

The perfect in game example of night elf heritage is Teldrassil itself. Walk the place and you see older buildings from the age of Zin Azshari, built by High Elves, that were apparently raised from the bottom of the Veiled Sea as Teldrassil sprang up. But walk a bit more and you see the night elf constructed portion of the city. Wooden buildings with nature motif and design.

Now for a little night elf history: Night elves sprang from the elves that shunned Elunes arcane magic in favor of nature magic. Evolution took over and night elves came to be, a race based on the natural element that night elf society embraced.

Elune is not symbolic of night elf heritage. She is part of all elven heritage. If we are abiding by the purest sense of the word heritage then it is nature and Cenarius that defines night elves, not Elune since Elune heritage is shared not only amongst all elves but Tauren as well.