No Night Elf Bikini Armor

I have to say for the most part the races that got the heritage armor late are the lucky ones. Most of them are way better designed and more importantly have several alternate version and recolors. Some of the old ones felt like they got replaced by similar better looking very shortly after or were too similar to things already in existence.


You can hide everything but pants, which is a weird line in the sand for them to draw.


Come on, the chances of them doing that are like the chances of a boob-slider being in the gameā€¦
Sry, I feel the pain tooā€¦ Luckily I donā€™t like playing a Night Elf! That Forsaken setā€¦ Is unfortunate I guess, but itā€™s somethingā€¦ That Iā€™ll never wear.

I wish they would. But they wonā€™t. This is as close as NEā€™s will get. Blizzard is too skittish these days. And for good reason.

Is that skin i see? It cant beā€¦ is blizzard actually making some gear that shows skin? Look at those sexy legs! As i said before you have gone through all this trouble of updating our models and then never creating gear that shows any of your work wich is a fine job atleast when it comes to some races/genders

Itā€™s not even finished, people just want to complain. Humans got like 4 variations and 10.1.7 is a bit away. I personally think they look amaazzzing outside of the helm which Iā€™m iffy on but I never really wear helms as a DH anyways sošŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø if anything maybe they should just update the underwear model. Iā€™m not going to lie though I really wish there was a green variation but maybe thatā€™s just the Fel in me


The new armor looks fantastic.

An option to use the more revealing version would be nice since itā€™s so iconic. (and since guys are in desperate need of skimpy gear)

Also i hope this set doesnā€™t suffer from the same as the orcā€™s where the ā€œbeltā€ is part of the leg slot.

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the night elf was badass in the OG trailer.
immediately created a night elf rogue as my first character because of that.

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So the new tattoos are just going to be extra weight on the rendering engine that players canā€™t see?

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I think the only thing I donā€™t care for is the feathers coming out of the shoulders, I think the subtle fur in its place would be much better than that many feathersā€¦. Reminds me too much of the archer set from darkshore.



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Nelf women should NOT have bikini armor!!! They are klassy!

Bikini armor is for trash Belfs and we all know it!

If they are going to add nice tattoos then the outfit should at least let us show them off IMO.

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Body tattoos are a rather useless addition for most players. You can only see them, if you decide to run around half naked. So I really hope night elves will get some more useful customization options, like some decent looking faces (they really need themā€¦), better skin tones and some more hair tones for example. :sweat_smile:


idk, depends on the art style really. I think Celtic or druidic styles make sense for a race so close to nature.

Iā€™ve been to the beach. None of the outfits in WoW come even close to what one can expect to experience there. Even if one hides everything allowed.

I agree with the customizations, Iā€™d like to see more hairstyles and colors. Also more choices for bras and underwear.

edit to add: Iā€™m thinking something like Kelly Huā€™s body paint and loin cloth outfit (and and few of her other outfits) from Scorpion King wouldnā€™t be terrible. Obviously not the same, but similar and in WoW art style.

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Idk mate check this outā€¦

Hyped if these get released.

Is it possible that that thick chest piece on the female that doesnā€™t fit right goes with the male?

Nah, I want to see some green, too, and some brown, maybe, something naturey.

That said, I was pleasantly surprised by the designs.

Did it not say that there was a purple set of shoulders data mined? This was edited to the wowhead article.

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Possibly, yes. Because the strap clips pretty badly into the shoulders. While on males it does not. But itā€™s not finished, so could just be that too.

Also, the male version of the vanilla armor does feature the strap. While female nelves do not have it.