No Night Elf Bikini Armor

Yeah…seems like too many people use the word “woke” nowadays and have no idea what it actually means, or what it was meant to convey originally.


They are woke and to deny it is dishonest. They have an agenda

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Yeah and they’re agenda is just to make a mog set :roll_eyes:


A non offensive mog set.
The people want skimps not cover ups.

I hope they add the option to have

1 just the bra in the back for both guys and girl
2 Just the strap again for both
3 The whole top again for both.

So people really can have choices. I’d love just the strap for a guy.
Also a longer skirt version would be amazing too


More options is always better than less options. :dracthyr_nod:

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Overall I like the datamined set.
I do feel it may be a bit bulky, especially the layers on the chest, but it’s not bad. I do feel it doesn’t work super well if your character is not a druid or hunter though. I also hope there are more colors, the dark blue and dark red don’t quite fit my 2 nelf characters. I’d like a more purpley version at least :dracthyr_yay_animated:
I still would really like the nazmir set to be a bonus though. Let us mix and match and use either we prefer!


Yea, that’s way better.

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You know is a version of purpe and nott red right. Also its the official NE color sinse long ago.

And the blue one is more their Priest of the moon order color

A third purple option would be pretty awesome. :+1:


For a third one it need to be. The purple and gold we got from BFA. Otherwise our NE weapon from BFA are useless.

I also want more NE weapon to fit with the white/blue/silver. I have nothing right now



As a woman irl I was hoping it would be authentically skimpy and skimpy for male models as well

Really not surprised to see night elves screwed over once again. I wish blizzard would give the skimpy armor already!

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So that’s why a similar change was among the retcons in WC3 reforged, right?

It changed in wow because it was deemed too much of a gameplay restriction, it was not retconned outright. Metzen initially wanted them to stay as they were.

It’s still a part of their heritage, and wow has basically ruined anything interesting about night elves since its inception, so it would be nice to see some acknowledgement of what they used to be even if it’s just the least important part.

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Blood Elves get heritage armor, heritage weapon, a mount, and an exclusive recolor for Blood Knights.

Wait til their next Heritage story.

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Considering the way the gaming industry is going, I fully expected them to go full burka with the Nelfs, so this is a pleasant surprise.

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Buddy you can hide every slot these days. You can run around in your bra.

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The armor would be perfect if not for the giant leather strap.

Not everyone is an archer!

To be fair. We played generic units in Wc3. WoW clarifies that while female druids and male warriors were rare pre cataclysm they did in-fact exist. This was reiterated in cataclysm where more decided to go that path.

What do you mean this looks so clean i cannot wait for this to drop. Gonna roll a nelf this week!