No Night Elf Bikini Armor

Man, blood elves have full plate heritage armor, can’t use it on my female toon at all. Atleast you can see your legs.

I may have to race change for this…

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Its decent considering how badly we expected them to blotch it and their history of not getting races. Needs more purple and green imo. And some leaves/vines.

That strap under on their right shoulder pad needs to go, not all nelves are archer/hunters.

I also want the BfA bikini/banana hammocks as an option. Hiding your sround and running around in your underwear does not replicate it no matter how hard people say it will.

Well this post-lawsuit Blizzard, people are supposed to be ashamed of their bodies. Now put your burka back on.


The shoulders really make it. I am READY

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I’m glad I race changed my warrior to a nelf. That mog goes well on a warrior.

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i think this is as good as we’re gonna get to the original one considering the current climate.

Less would have been more.

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I think it is fine. Not really breathtaking, but it’s fine. :dracthyr_shrug:

While I was hoping for what the feral She-Druid wears in the original Vanilla cinematic, I’m not disappointed.

I too would have preferred the BFA version, and was terrified we’d get a a giant burlap head-to-toe bag that wouldn’t even show eye sockets or hair style.

It shows more skin than I was expecting and for that I’m eternally grateful!

I’m also thankful my gorgeous bra will suffice for a chest piece.

Exactly this! :point_up_2:t3:


Honestly looks like the Night Warrior mixed with the Archer Outfit and it’s not that bad really.

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I like it, though it does make me wish there’s an option to customize the mog pieces, like toggling certain models here and there off or on.

Like how in the Tony Hawk games, where you can pick certain clothes and wear them in different ways, like a cap backwards or forwards.

For the nelf’s heritage’s chestpiece, i would imagine it goes something like this.

Bandolier (3d Model, incase if you like the texture, but not the 3d model) :ballot_box_with_check:
Torso piece (texture, incase if you like the 3d Model but not the texture): :ballot_box_with_check:
With vines/leaves (incase if you like it with both, either or, or neither, you shall get leaves) :ballot_box_with_check:

I agree, despite the fact i think it looks good. I just think there needs to be a system to customize the mog pieces further.

Yes i know somebody will say “That’s far more complicated then a simple recolor”, and to that i will say “this will only multiply the amount of customization there is available on top of simple recolors”.

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This looks really similar to Nightborne armour to me. I was hoping that it would look more nature like and less like the city. It needs more brown and green woodlands in it.

Yeah, I am going to take a pass on that armor. I shouldn’t be surprised that we see another bikini armor set for NEs. I was hoping for something from their more militant past, when they nearly ruled the world.

I actually like them except for the thing on their hands. Now I need to see the story for them.

That likely had no chance of happening since Blizzard introduced an entire race that represent Night Elves past, Nightborne. Hell, Suramar and its culture probably haven’t changed much since before the sundering.

Edit: Didn’t Blizzard mention that there will be some variants of the armor? Maybe there will be a more “warrior/sentinel” looking set after all.

I hope that year long requirement changes a little. At least to get more flexible. I got the feeling I might not meet the criteria. :dracthyr_sweat:

I kinda like the BfA sets. For exemple, there are some nice models like the plate boots or the mail shoulders. Thing is, the whole thing feels kinda out of place, with all the pink and gold. Feels like they were trying too hard to make it look “Alliance” instead of “Kaldorei”. This is so weird, imo, because blue fits so well with Night Elves, all you have to do is mix with silvery, white tints to fit. I’m so glad there’s no gold in that heritage set.

The cloth set probably looks better because of all the white. Feels better, yes. I just don’t think a dress fits a Priestess of the Moon. Tyrande armor is where it is at it. I love that one.

The alternative colors look too boring without the 3d, improved model, which made me not even bother with them. I really would like more color variants from the improved BfA armor set.

If you aske me, a good set for Night Elves, if you’re looking for that dark purple metal we see Huntresses wearing back in WC3, is the Doubt-tinted ones from the Kyrian. They look great.

I guess what we really need is Night Elves being able to mog glaives regardless of class.

Meh… I like it. I think the purple will go nicely with my dark skin.

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Relax, we are getting the blood troll bikini mashup in August :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


The notion that Blizzard is giving players burkas because they went for “bikini with fur armor over it” instead of “a couple of strings painted on the model” is incredibly funny to me.

Given the Blood Troll set, chainmail bikinis, and Wonder Woman armor waiting to pop up in the Trading Post, I’d imagine it’s more likely that they don’t want to have a race’s heritage armor be 90% painted-on textures that can be halfway replicated by hiding your armor.

The “cinematic nelf” set is fine and dandy, but it’s also incredibly nothing when heritage sets are supposed to be a spectacle. Just have that stuff available through some other means, stick it on the TP or something.



There are many valid reasons to be critical of Blizzard and this game and I have expressed my criticism on several occasions as well. However, I must say that I find the statement from the OP a bit silly, to be honest.

Sure, the armor could look better, but I think it’s perfectly fine. Humans, for example, have had it much worse. All in all, though, the armor suits the Night Elves, and I think that’s the main thing.

On the other hand, I hope they give them more than just a few tattoos. What they really need is some young faces. The selection is quite catastrophic. New skin and hair tones, as well as perhaps owl feathers for their hair, would also be nice, of course.
They also desperately need a revamp of their torso… but that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon.