No Night Elf Bikini Armor

I mean it looks decently skimpy to me, but still looking rather respectable. I like it, especially the blue variant.

Set is also incomplete, so hopefully the other pieces end up complimenting one another more.

I like it. Plus it leaves adequate room for blood elves to remain the kings and queens of skimpy transmogs.

Told ya

It’s absolutely ridiculous.

These culture warriors won’t be happy unless we get full nudity in game lol

Oh look here’s another genius just now

That’s what I’ve been saying, hell don’t even lock it to NE. Everyone deserves equal opportunity skimp.


More oversized 3d doodads :<

Wish these armors came with multiple variants with and without those.

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At least it’s not “12 months in a row” it’s just “12 months”. So if you skip a month, you’ll just get it a bit later, not have to start over completely.


For opening cans.


I like the set though it is no Aberrus Priest Tier. But what I see most in the set is the potential for mixing and matching. The chest strap and pants are very unique silhouettes, especially for cloth and plate wearers. I look forward to playing around with these mogs.

The night elf societal roles being rigidly defined on gender was basically retconned when Wow first released and allowed for female druids.

And goooooood riddance.


It does not look horrible but they should have went with the bfa darkshore armor the npcs have, unless of course that got changed.

If it was Old blizzard sure. I’m surprised they even created it like this.

Agreed! And it’s still a bikini, so I don’t understand the issue. Hide the chestpiece and bam, the female bra matches the armor set. OP’s problem solved!

Also: I will use the begeezus out of that antler helm, I’m so excited!!


There was something weird and off about that set that just didn’t look right on anyone. It was kind of creepy in its design. This is a much more refined and better version, imo.


Im putting the blood troll one on my Mag’ar Shammy cause she’s a bleeding hollow Shaman. So it still kinda fit


Looks about as stupid as any other night elf gear. So i guess they did a good job.

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I hope we get few option for the chest. I kinda like the strap option only for male one.


It looks nice but I feel the same way about this armor as every set I have, its just too much armor, I guess I want to look feminine but tough too and so far, I can’t do that unless I make my own look using different pieces.
No set looks “cool” enough IMHO"

Fine give me a bikini set then

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This is what we wanted. (can’t post links so back it up onto one line)





I’d love for this to be a thing in general. There are a lot of really nice pants that are really awkward to use because of their huge thigh/belt attachments (and these sadly look like they will be more of the same) and conversely, some that I’d like to use as an actual belt with different pants, things like that. Chestpieces that would be cool without their dopey sleeves.


I wish night elves would look like that in game
 their models are so bad :sob: