No you can request your options. All I’m saying is if you want to be naked, then just hide your armor for now until they add those options. I’m also saying personally, I love this armor and think it looks way better than that stupid overhyped Nazmir armor you’re asking for as it’s basically hidden armor with a purple bikini and no imagination. But by all means, beg Blizzard for your options, that’s fine.
Why do they have claws? Lol
That’s what I was asking for in original post. Just want more options. I do like how the armor looks as is though. Let’s not argue, I’m trying to be a good boy. I apologize if I was rude.
I like the idea of having both this and the Nazmir troop version.
You could do some kind of sentinel RP with your friends and use the heritage set for commanders and the regular for soldiers.
No need to apologize as I know I was rude for sure haha. I always tend to use spicy verbiage and am very argumentative on these forums, it’s nothing personal, just think the passionate back and forth on opinions is a part of what makes these forums a fun place to debate WoW etc. That’s why I said I think the bikini armor is stupid and unimaginative, I know it HURTS! AND I LIKE PAIN! NOW COME, LET US WAR WITH WORDS! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
The chest doesn’t capture the classic Wow Night elf aesthetic and also the loincloth needs more vine & leaf details like what they did in BFA
I think it looks good
Now this makes me wonder if the male version of the chestpiece is just the strap.
If you zoom in Wowhead’s datamine, the ‘more covered’ variation kind of have some ornaments that resemble a bit of the bosom’s shape, and maybe those datamined pictures are of the female variation added to a male model.
Guess they were too afraid to use the skimpy OG version so we gotta be covered. The male version is so bad.
Looking good.
Truth be told, it’s hard to define what the heritage armor should look like. You could go with a Warden, Priestess of the Moon, druidic, Huntress armor, Archer armor, etc.
This one feels like a archer/huntress mix. I like them so far. I hope both colors are available.
Plus don’t forget that there’s going to be a Warden armor available in around 6 months or so. Gated through a whole year of Trading Post, but at least it doesn’t seem to be a thing that will be discontinued.
There’s also a really good priestess of the moon cloth set from the BfA Darkshore that can complement this ‘kaldorei collection’ as well (sadly it looks crap on males) and the color scheme of those armor sets is identical to this heritage, so I hope there’s a few pieces that can be mixed and matched!
Looks good to me, and I see plenty of skin. It could have been literally buttoned up from head to toe like the Nightborne heritage armor. You’re lucky, I wish ours was more like this.
Reminds me of the nipple spike that Orcs got. Completely ruined the chest piece.
I wish there was a toggle for my heritage chest piece. The spike looks stupid and ridiculous especially on female orcs.
id take these new detailed pants over the dimensionless 2d pants any day
I think it’s cool on my Orc Warrior, prevents people from hugging her
I killed so many by hugging.
i cant wait for this tbh hide chest piece and you have it
I like it. Maybe even enough to gasp make an elf. Probably not. It’s not stupid skimpy but still revealing and the colors are great.
Yeah, I was expecting much worse.
I hate the shoulderpads they datamined, but let’s be real here, Blizz would never design a set like this without ginormous shoulder pads, it’s an obsession. So that doesn’t bother me.