No Night Elf Bikini Armor

The headpiece and the shoes are atrocious.

It also looks like there should be a detail or embellishment on the left side of the chest, but there isn’t one.

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Good point. The new tree defnitely is going to be related to the questline.

But I thought at first that the blue/white color scheme was more to emphasize the Elune worship side of the race. It kind of matches Tyrande’s.

I’d love a Cenarius green variation, though.

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I had thought the pink banners would’ve been related to Elune. Even shows up on Darkshore. :robot: :thought_balloon:

edit: Speaking of which, I should revisit the Tomb of Sargeras.

edit 2: Strange that the moon of the outfits resembles the Highborne.

I think everyone secretly knew you weren’t getting that


It looks good.

All those fake outrage people saying “NaZmIR BiKINi ArMOR” probably don’t even seriously want to be naked, as that’s easily possible with the “hide armor” options already in the game and shirts etc. Even the OP’s night elf is fully clothed wearing armor. This armor is fine, and actually way better than that basic bikini in Nazmir.

Furthermore, it’s not even fully finished yet! And STILL looks great.


I think it looks pretty but that’s just my opinion

You can just hide chest peice and have bikini armor ez .

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You know you can hide the chest pieces, right?

I wish there was a dress option. Somes races get so many version while other not. I wish it would be fair to all.


Wrong. I have other night elves who are indeed naked.

For now…


Better to bring it up before it’s finalized so we can get more options.


“I HaVE OthER ToON- blah blah blah”

Fake outrage. Armor is already naked enough. You want to be fully naked, just hide the armor and stop whining. The Nazmir Bikini isn’t even really armor, just a fully naked character with the color purple undergarments. This at least has some imagination.


I mean, if they don’t have alternate heritage mogs that’ll cover up that skin, espec on the males, this is obviously blizz trolling fans again.

You right now.

Where did I say I was outraged?

It’s armor, why else are they wearing it into battle?

You’re basically arguing against other people getting more options. Why exactly? Does people wanting more options hurt you in some way? Are you personally offended?


I love it, I wish my race had variety of heritage armor colors


that incomplete heritage model they showed honestly is the only one that is fitting for them as if I recall right the original opening cinematic NE druid was wearing such. We never saw an undead one prior to now so theirs is fine but I’ve got the feeling that skimpy bikini with maybe a couple other items is going to be their heritage armor. If they censor it heavily at this point it may upset folk into quitting and they can’t risk losing more people these days


My only complaint, I kinda wanted shoes :-/

Living in a world tree comes with all sorts of pointy thorns and sticks and other sole-stabbing inconveniences.

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Oh, yeah no. That isn’t ok. We want the bikini armor.


meanwhile foot fetish people on here are in their glory

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Bad faith argument. Everyone knows you’re basically hating on this armor and saying you’d rather get the Nazmir armor and bashing Blizzard for it. As said, you want to be naked? Then just hide the armor. Maybe they’ll add the bikini armor separately someday, but for now, the heritage armor looks great and I’d rather have that than that stupid non-armor bikini you want to represent something as important as the heritage armor of the night elves.

So yeah continue to whine and cry for some crappy hide armor options that are already in game. I’ll be busy defending how great this armor looks.


The helmet looks awful but everything else looks nice imo :dracthyr_a1:
Edit: They finally added the shoulders and it looks better :dracthyr_love_animated:


Hating btw…

Again I’m asking for an option as represented in other heritage sets with different pieces. Human having skirt for example. You on the other hand seem to not want other people to have options for some reason?