No Night Elf Bikini Armor

Kinda sorta. They never really had a strong religious tradition, as they were Highborne from a time when Azshara ruled NE society and didn’t give much power to the church of Elune. So like there were probably still some faithful but it was never as important to them as it became to the greater NE society post Shattering.

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They’re literally right next-door to the temple and it was the largest temple in the empire, wasn’t it? Suramar Elves got drunk and then prayed to Elune during their hangover.

Also in Suramar so much of their architecture is centered around the crescent moon shape. So I think it had some semblance of importance. I still think they believed in Elune, but not like…super duper devout like the night elves.


This is a universal truth, not just something to do with one company in particular.
No matter what anybody does there will always be detractors as there will always be proponents, whether said thing is objectively foul, undeniably good or entirely neutral.

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Oh, this’ll be fun…

Uh… no.

Also absolutely no.

Was part of their heritage. Belfs shunned Elune. Velfs were Belfs. Helfs learned to find magic innately and do not have a cohesive culture any longer.

Well that’s just false.

I’m sorry… are you trying to use in game models from like 2004 as some form of… lore??

Now that makes me wonder… where in god’s name did you get your lore?

I… I just… I have no words for this headcanon they’ve somehow created…


It is probably best that we don’t understand.

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You’re actually could have been an elf too. But Elune didn’t love you enough to make you beautiful.

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Who needs Elune when you have Bwonsamdi?


Building materials can be reused.

Building materials do not need to be the same age as the location of construction.

Building materials can be moved from one site to another.

All of this is easy when you have sapient, walking, talking oak trees.

That’s why there’s one lodge and a bus stop at Nordrassil, the “heart of Night Elf civilization.”. Because they packed it in and moved to Teldrassil.

Elune saved Tyrande once when the burning legion attacked in WotA.

Bwonsamdi saved Talanjii twice when she was attacked in BFA.

Look at the score card!

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He might have taken his “payment” from elsewhere, but details.

What i have seen so far is good. I like bikini armor, but understand those that don’t. Although, even romans faught in mini skirts, Picts and Africans were often pretty much naked.

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There hasn’t been a decent transmog in several expansions now. Bring sexy transmogs back! These prudish 1620s era designs need to go. And yes, I don’t have any problem with men getting skimpy armor too.

you can’t hide pants.


I hope they fix the strap for ladies and give us variations so we can have both, I liked it.

Will add that plate and cloth have good bikini armor, mail has a bit, yet leather has zero bikini bottoms. This seems odd, because leather has always been the most basic type. It existed first, then cloth.

Ya, it should of been the OG lvl 60 Trailer. That Druid running through the forest was what made me make a druid main lol. But I think my Mog looks cooler anyways wouldnt use this mog set anyways. :slight_smile:

This is what happens when you hire too many Body Type 3 people to work on your games


The chest strap was never meant for female models, hence the weird clipping, WoWhead just put it on the female models for some reason. They updated it to show the actual set is indeed the OG bikini armor.

So I guess you can’t blame “body type 3” people anymore :cry: darn !!

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I think this is what some people were hoping for, which looks fine, in my opinion. What we got was pretty dang close though. They just made the heritage sets more fancy, as they should.