No Night Elf Bikini Armor

Every time my rogue runs across Vanessa VanCleef or Valeera Sanguinar I have to /spit out of principle. Why does blizzard let them cheat the system but not me???

edit: No, blizzard, warbear woolies are NOT GOOD ENOUGH


They should give us both this and that.


That’d be fine, too. Well, it would be for me, at least.

Okay, not give us nazmir troop armor blizzard.

uhm dunno if anyone told you…but vanessa vancleef has been fruitized and no longer wears those pants. so now it’s just valeera.

Everything I love, they steal from me.
I swear everlasting vengeance.

valeera is probably next on their fruit list.

this is what happens when you hire body type 3 developers

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