No Night Elf Bikini Armor

Its okay to not understand Forsaken lore. Lots of people get confused and what not.

Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken is pretty much a given to anyone who isnt a typical human male paladin forum troll.


What? No. The city of Darnassus was constructed after Teldrassil grew. 100% of the architecture there is Night Elf.

Again, no. Night Elves came from dark trolls who evolved next to the Well of Eternity. They rejected arcane magic after the War of the Ancients but if anything they embraced Elune even more than they had before. The Priestesses, through Tyrande, literally ruled NE society while the druids slept.

Where are you even getting all of this?


It’s Undercity, not Lordaeron. Forsaken have broken any ties with Lordaeron and its heritage. Even Calia insists on keeping the two unrelated.

I was in Ehlissa’s guild for about two days, and he is one of the most pessimestic and egotistical people I have met. Ignore what he says. <3

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Undercity and its surrounding areas is Lordaeron. It is part of who they are. I don’t recall Calia saying “Yeah, forget all of that” since she is a Menethil. She mainly regrets the sins of her brother and wishes to move on from them. That doesn’t equate to severing ties.

They recaptured their capital from the scourge. Sylvanas punished Forsaken for keeping heirlooms from their Lordaeron days. She hated the idea of them remembering their lives before her. Forsaken didn’t just forget they were human and in the books that covered the topic, they long to return to it.

Suramar was the second largest city in the Kaldorei empire. They’re the same people. Night Elves just changed their culture slightly. It’s like if someone from the 1800s US came to New York today, yeah they’d be confused as heck, but I mean… they’re still technically an American.

The only people who wouldn’t like Elune would be the Blood Elves, who are also Kaldorei too :rofl:.

Nature magic is only half of the Night Elf society. The Sisterhood of Elune are still the top of their society. If you go back and read the War of the Ancient series, which is when the Night Elves split from the Highborne, the priestess of Elune literally led the army.

So yes, while Elune is central to all elves since all elves came from Night Elves, she is still central to Night Elves. Night Elves are the most delusional race in the game and can’t even figure out where to live without their Goddess. I mean look at Stormwind. It’s full of homeless Night Elves because Elune hasn’t told them what to do yet.


Incorrect. Look at the building models of the stone structures in Darnassus. Clearly 1000’s of years older than Teldrassil itself. Aged and withered in time. They are the same models used through out Azeroth where you find ruins of Zin Azshari. Same style and age as those structures that were built in the period of the Golden Age of the Elven Empire pre-sundering. Then you have a completely different style of architecture in the newer section of the city which is obviously of more recent construction.

Several Forsaken straight up refer to Calia as “princess”. That’s not severing ties.

How would you build a sprawling city and outskirts on a sapling then? :thinking:

Yes because they’re literally the same people. Of course they use the same architecture.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone be so confidently wrong.


I admire their tenacity, at least.


I don’t even understand what you’re asking or implying.

Walk Darnassus and just look around. It’s painfully obvious that the city has two distinct divisions. The older stone work that is clearly 1000’s of years older than Teldrassil by architectural design, style and age. Then you have a complete shift in each of these with the wooden architecture.

You are using 2004 age model design to try and make up lore that is nowhere else in evidence.

Also, how are you justifying literally every other night elf settlement that uses the same architecture. Feathermoon Stronghold? Astranaar? Did those rise out of the ground too?

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Except that they don’t use the same architecture. Look at the wooden structures post Sundering. Astranaar does not match pre-sundering architecutre, nor does Darkshore.

They don’t go building large stone structures wherever they go. They also utilize the trees and build inns and the like. The larger settlements and forts will use stone, but they will also use what nature provides alongside that.


Nothing satisfies me more than watching lore nerds bicker at each other to prove who’s the nerdiest.


Also, let’s circle back to the absolutely deranged assertion that Night Elves rejected Elune after the War of the Ancients. Or that Elune is somehow “all elf culture, not night elf” despite the fact that the only other elves, the ones who were kicked out of society after the WoA, completely left Elune behind.

Like I don’t even see the point in talking about buildings when you’re so completely wrong about that.

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I wear my lore nerd badge with honor.


There’s nothing wrong with it at all. I just can’t help but find it amusing.

Nightborne kind of sorta rejected Elune after the war and they’re night elves (I don’t care what anyone else says. Tyrande came from Suramar and Nightborne are Suramar elves. They’re literally Night Elves, but better looking and lift their pinky when they drink wine). But I’m still not sure all of them did. I’d say she became way less popular. The whole out of sight out of mind thing.