No new features (what if)

I mean, good for you, but it’s still an expansion feature.

That it is. For money to be made the vast majority needs to enjoy the feature. I enjoy Dragonriding but I know due to the statistics online that most people did not like Evoker.

Yes. The crying about borrowed powers and systems is nonsense. You people are asking for them to offer you less. They removed systems and did we get more raids or dungeons? No they did less and charged the same.


Not really.

They removed borrowed power and introduced a new class the next expansion. Along with a ground up profession overhaul, and a new flight system with dragon riding.

Then TWW we got 39 hero talent trees.

You’re acting like all they’ve done is make raids and dungeons when they’ve been doing far more since borrowed power was done away with.


Remember in Legion when they introduced borrowed power AND a new class… By comparison tww and df are CHEAP. Nothing theyve introduced has matched the scale of torghast or artifact weapons

And no evergreen features? Yeah I remember.

I also remember how they had to go all out because they almost killed the game with WoD

Blizzard isn’t playing the cheap quick satisfaction game anymore, they’re playing the long game with more permanent fixtures to be worked on and refined as time goes on.

That’s because you’re seeing each as an isolated expansion when they aren’t. Everything Blizzard has introduced since borrowed power was removed has been carried over into the next expansion.

Profession overhaul
Evoker class
And now hero talents

They’ll all be carried forward into the next expansion.

Yeah and nothing has matched the disappointment of having them removed every expansion either.

Remember how many people were disappointed at the start of BFA? How crappy classes felt after losing legion artifacts? How terrible azerite armor was since beta and we all called it, and when the game went live it was terrible just like we thought it would be?

I’m glad those days are gone. They sucked. Blizzard is much better off playing the long game rather than cheap quick gimmicks every expansion.

Demon hunters must have disappeared lmao.

They revamp professions regularly and it doesnt match Torghast or Artifact weapons in terms of scale. Same with dragonflying. Dragonflying
The talent revamp is old wine in a new bottle. Its literally what we had already.

NONE of it matches the amount of work put into legion or SL

Those would both be advertised as features of a new expansion. In fact - they have been in the past.

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I mean, Transmog was also not at launch. It was 4.3.

Cata’s “feature” was 100% the world revamp and new races.

I guess you could argue “Flight” because they added it to EK/Kalimdor because the new zones were just attached to the existing continents.

I have to pay the xpac fee to raid and m+ which is what keeps me playing so yeah id pay it simply for that. Idc about xpac features. Tww had none if you ask me and i bought it.

I am perfectly fine with no new features, but continue the content they gave us such as Archaeology, Brawler’s Guild and the like while continuing the story as we do now via the usual ways.

New Talent system
New Class/Race
New Flight System

Nothing new here.

Only thing I care about is better class design and more delves/variants. Really love what Blizzard did with delves introduction this season and eager to see where they go next.

However, I am looking forward to player housing so there’s not really much they can amaze me with at this point :woman_shrugging:

It’s vehicle flying (mostly gliding). (That should have been in Wrath BTW, so 17+ years late).
That’s it. Barely a feature.

Very debatable. If I could use DR speeds on regular flying mounts, I would never dragonride again. Ever.

That was Cataclysm, as others pointed out below you, and it got scrapped too.

I don’t care at all about new races, only new classes, if they are interesting.
Evokers are very sleep inducing.

Gear, tier sets, trinkets etc. Are all borrowed power, yet people don’t cry about it.
Your issue isn’t borrowed power, it’s the attached currency “grind”, which was never even a grind if you’re not a very hardcore min/maxer, except for anima, which was scarce and required for a TON of stuff.

That said, artifact weapons and their tints should have been permanent additions to the game.

That’s sadly the truth.
Legion profession touch ups >>>>>>>>> DF overhaul.

You’re still falling for tier sets and trinkets every season, which are the same thing…

And the first talent tree butchering: killing hybrid specs for good.

Solo shuffle, new talent trees, dragon riding, renown system for reps, profession revamp, What are to talking about?

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Features? Meaning what? Systems?

If there weren’t any new systems, I’d be fine. If they didn’t try to reinvent the wheel every few years, I’d be ok with that.

New zones, new story, 10 more levels, all that. That’s all par for the course. Heck, I could even do without the extra levels. Just more normal content like a new continent/zones, dungeons, raids ect…

I don’t need a power boost with new talents every expansion, I don’t need a new gimmick or McGuffin every 2 years.

But I’ll admit, them adding things like Delves and skyriding are nice. They’re fresh new things to play with.

OK, let’s define our terms. What do you mean by “no new features?”

As long as there’s new territory to explore, and enough of it, then I’m probably in.

Every bit of new content in an expansion is a feature.

there was entire expansions where the selling point was just you can make a new character that looks different from your old character

I mean the way I see it is that if you plan to keep playing the game, you buy the expansion. I never understood people who “don’t buy the latest expansion” yet are still subbed a year later

Unless they’re actually playing classic or SoD but in that case even pointing out expansions is moot.