You just jump down, die if you’re on a class/race/prof without a slow fall or glide equivalent, rez, and run the rest of the way. No problem!
Sadly a few rotten apples do spoil the bunch… but that is nothing new these days… sad common sense is no longer common.
No, it is not.
Final Fantasy 14 does this and it’s one of the most hated features of the games.
It does nothing but make cities annoying to travel around, and that’s in a game that has a teleport network to teleport around cities to certain points.
Roleplay is not a main feature of this game. If you want to advocate for something like this to be added to RP realms, by all means. But don’t suggest forcing your RP suggestions on the entire game population.
They already did some NPCs like vendors will dismount you
This reply hit me like a brick, hahahahahaha.
Yeah, they’re just soooo inconsistent with it.
While we are at it, only RP walking in town. Also, if you speak to anyone it has to be in character. Let’s also apply hunger, hydration, exposure, and real stamina debuffs so you have to rest in town and stay at an inn, eat, drink etc for a full night before adventuring in the morning.
Or we can just accept it’s a game and be chill guys who just want to play a game sometimes.
…You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.
100% down for fully immersive survivor WoW!
I can just imagine flying over a city and falling out of the sky
Sounds fun
Doesn’t happen anymore, you can click anything through the player and its mount This was solved around 10, maybe mroe than 15 years ago… idk, time keeps on slippin slippin slippin
Only if we can have and use bikes, scooters, segways, roller skates and skate bored mounts.
This isn’t FF14. This would only work if you gave sprint to every class.
Some of y’all really don’t like seeing the brutosaur’s lol
A dumb idea and learn to use commas properly.
I have to totally agree. You could totally come up with a system but those who makes sure to being on their best bad behavior will come up with something new if just to see someone in the forums not happy with a, “My work here is done” smirk.
Yes, release a 90$ mount for auction house and then prevent the use of it soon thereafter.
No way that’s gonna create a crapstorm.
Maybe the cities of Azeroth should start requiring a congestion fee for mounts. lol
LOL I’m laughing only because I’m the sort of guy who when he has his vendor mount out, I make it a point to see who is near me and if they are using it.
Congrats! They are super handy. I love anything bear related, so a friend bought me the Grizzly Hills Packmaster. Was a bit confusing as they swapped the sides of the vendor and transmog from other vending mounts. Neat that there’s a little icon above them, though. Might have been necessary cause of the size, which surprised me as it’s smaller than the other bear mounts.
You’ve been able to click through other people to NPCs for quests for years now. No, mounts should be allowed.
This has been the greatest thing, imo. So glad they did this.