No Mounts in Towns and Cities

Controversial, I know but many players have used their mounts to disrupt other players from gaining access to NPC‘s quest items or other game elements. Blizzard has even had to go so far as creating either collision boxes around NPC‘s or small zones of dismounting.

To alleviate the need to create these small restrictions and to prevent other abusive like situations, making cities and towns where you cannot use, your mount is the best option.
This would allow for more role-playing options for fast travel around cities. For example;
Stormwind can have small portal platforms to teleport you to other locations around the city.
Orgrimmar can have goblin made pneumatic tubes, mostly running underground to transport people around the city.
There are many other ways to provide faster, travel throughout a city or town without the need of mounts getting in other players way.


No, its not.

Tossing the baby out with the bathwater does neither any good.

Here’s what we’ve learned about bad behavior. People always have the capability of bad behavior. It’s a constant.

However, 99.9999% of the time, they don’t.

Designing systems around the .00001% is a silly thing.

They already have mount exclusion zones around things they deem “exclusive”, and, you know what? They’re more annoying than useful too. Their impact outweigh their overall good.

Walking across Dornogal is a silly idea. Walking across SW is a silly idea.


Hard pass.



sorry but that sounds quite terrible


Is that an option? That would alleviate the need to washing a baby if you didn’t have one.

Which is why I was suggesting alternative role-playing ways for traveling around cities.

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That’s not possible nowadays. You can click through them or use the interact key.


How do I show off my mounts in front of mailboxes if I’m not allowed to mount in cities?


Good thing you can target and click npcs through payers then, huh.


I would like the $90 brontosaur to reduce in size by 50 percent when at a crafting table. I feel like saying move yer fat butt every time someone parks in front of one and I open their AH by mistake.


Gonna have to say no, I’m enjoying flying my new Sweeper mount all over Stormwind.


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This is a cool idea, but not for WoW.

This would required a fundamental restructuring of how cities are built. I can imagine this being really successful for a new MMO though.

Alex, I’d like to pick Things that will never be implemented for 1000.00 please.


I told you all it was controversial. But I suppose Pandora’s box has already been open. It’s better to click through bad behavior than to eliminate it.


To say hard pass is an understatement.

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But it’s really nice and convenient if they’re well positioned

All that needs to happen is, NPC’s have a radius with a circle at their feet (like the NPC’s who can see you if you get into their circle if you are cloaked).

Mounts outside that circle say mounted and can still click/talk/interact w/NPC. Mounts inside the circle are auto dismounted. Just a thought that would resolve both sides of this story.

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They already do this though

You can get this and start tossing it at them. :grin:


Not for all NPC’s they do not.


I stopped interacting with vending mounts in DF because every time I did some jerkface would move it forward a few steps. :pouting_cat: so i guess I’m conditioned now not to interact with them.

I bought my own mammoth vending mount this weekend in Dal so now offically on the (low end) of the vending mount scoreboard. :slight_smile:

Eta regarding the baby spice on big butt brontos I will try it. Guerrilla warfare!