No Mounts in Towns and Cities

It’s not controversial when you’re the only delusional gnome with the delusional opinion.

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You’re grossly under estimating the size of the hubs in this game. That’s so much time that would be loss traversing through these areas, for such a minor issue.

Naw, fam, this ain’t it.

I would go out of my way to find a toy or anything that i could use to annoy you just because of this.

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It’s rude tho if they use it without asking, so…

I mean if some stranger on my street has a pool and I don’t, I’m not gonna just go use it without asking first. If I did and they put the cover over it while I was in there, then I shouldn’t complain :laughing:

But how will all the people that bought the $90 mount let us know they are idiots.

Remove collision boxes.
Remove dismount auras.
Bring back NPC nameplates.

Click on nameplate to interact with NPC.

Or give us a bindable button to interact with nearby NPC.

Job’s done.

Well, that is one way to look at it, I guess.

May I introduce you to:
Zuldazar!! dun dun duuuun

FFXIV has an interesting mechanic WoW might make use of one day:
When you get within a certain range of an NPC Questgiver, all other players become invisible. Youll be approacing the Questgiver seeing like 20 other players crowded around it then when you get closer they all dissapear so its just you and the quest giver.


every time i leave the dornogal craft hall from picking up the crafting weekly i forget about the stupidly wide exclusion box around the dumb orders npc standing around gormlessly outside, mount up to go to the tables and start crafting, get immediately dismounted and mutter a curse word under my breath. that happens roughly 50 times a week (25 alts x2, pick up and hand in).

exlusion zones should be made smaller, not expanded, that’s fun for nobody except a handful of weirdo purists

No…Nooooooo! No thank you. I’m quite fine with the way things are. I’d quit this game in a nano second if your idea was implemented.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

How about you just do your RP walk around town and the rest of us keep using our mounts?

Been around this game long enough to know that’ll fix nothing. Anyone wanting to get in the way will. Growth pots, for example.
It’s really a non issue as others have pointed out, betftisbno one and only punishes players for no reason.

And I mean I myself as you can see on my profile, ploy on a RP server. Even I don’t fancy walking/running through IF, SW, whatever the current expansion’s capitol is, or shudder Havig to walk through Goldshire.

Also no. Your take isn’t “controversial”. It’s just bad game design that fixes nothing, and helps no at all but you felt the need to vent. Call it as it is. You saying this is “controversial “ is no different than someone trying to intentionally anger people and be confrontational; but starting their statement off with “Hot take some of y’all won’t like but”

I’ve been in this game since late TBC, I’m physically disabled, and visually deficient and eve I don’t have issues clicking quest NPCs even during the hot point of new expansions.

Solutions have been offered. You have them. They work. You just don’t want to take them plain and simple.

Even lore wise, SW and towns have been mount friendly too may I add.

Hmm, most of their recent changes are exactly this though.

No, thank you.

This is the only city area at which I would like the “no mount zone” to be a bit larger. Other than that, show off those mounts.

Absolutely not, hate that idea… all you’d do is piss everyone off that isn’t an RP’er.

Is it frustrating when someone parks a huge mount on top of an NPC you need to interact with? Yes, yes it is.

Can you still select the NPC through other players? Yes, yes you can.

I can tell that others do not like your suggestion, because your post is flagged. That’s a pretty good indication that pretty much no one agrees.

Well I do have some hearts so it’s not “no one”. And the flag will go away.

I find it incredibly funny that your whole thread was flagged as if to emphasise the point of this opinion being controversial :joy: :joy: :joy: lol

If people don’t like seeing my thread then they should stop posting in it. I know I stopped paying attention to it until I saw a flag notice.

Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of making a thread? Opinions from all sides and discussion?