No. This is also a bad rationale. You can choose not to mount if you’re into RP. Not everyone who plays is into forced RP.
I absolutely did. I run up to NPCs to turn in quests and get new ones. Sometimes people have an emergency and get up.
Click through the mount if it’s in your way.
My “excuse?” My one example of why someone would just leave their computer in the midst of turning in a quest?
Let’s reread, shall we?
You seem to be trying to make stuff up that doesn’t exist. Nowhere did I say “parking my mount on top of an NPC.” I’m talking about turning in quests to NPCs. And sometimes, you run a bit too far forward and end up too close.
Are you telling me no one ever turns in quests while mounted? Never? And no one ever has emergencies? Not ever?
Again: the point is the following:
Stuff happens. Click through the mount and move on.

Congrats - you are just another one to go into the void never to be heard from again.
Talk about a meltdown because you refused to comprehend what was being said.
OK, here’s an alternative that someone else mentioned above. NPC’s and items that can be interacted with have a small dismount bubble and revert form for druids around them. You can still mount in the city, but if you get to close to one of these NPC’s, you’ll be dismounted. While still of course implement other role-playing forms of fast travel within the city.
Here, here! I endorse this post as I zoom by you at Mach 12 on my kamikaze portal run!
Id prefer if every important NPC simply had an anti mount force field that dismounted you when you got too close. Like Khadgar did in WoD.
I’m picturing those quests where you have to click on some fast-moving little bug to collect it. Kill me now!
the critter quest in hyjal, that refused to stand still and run straight into every near by mob at mach 10 the second you tried clicking them?

NPC’s and items that can be interacted with have a small dismount bubble
Usually beginning of expansion this is a thing for the main questlines. They keep it in for a while until it’s not as crowded. The problem is that it affects the air space above them. So having it en masse would still cause issues.
Here’s my curiosity:
What old quests are you running into in cities where people are standing on them? And what quest items are in cities that items need this?
I need to find that meme about them. lol
the problem is, Blizzard is too lazy to fix the issue so they just disable it.
This is a horrible idea.
I usually check on everyone in the house… I then peek out the door to make sure nobody is coming up the sidewalk or street that looks like they might come to my house, then I set my phone to “do not disturb” mode. I then go back to the game and take a quick look to see if any characters appear to be ready to approach the NPC when everything seems calm, I then prepare to rush to the NPC hoping not to disturb anyone elses gameplay…
WOOF Gah! Damn, the dog wants to go out!!!
you do realize how bad this would impact gameplay in cities where flying to get around is a must, like dornagol’s tunnel to the ringing deeps, yes?

punish the whole playerbase due to just a small amount of people that go out of their way to be jerks.
That’s the way of things usually. A few rotten apples spoil the bunch. Dump awful McDs hot coffee on yourself? McDs gets sued and needs to spend a boatload more money embossing lids/printing “Caution: hot” on their cups so they pass that expense onto customers. A tiny minority of players actively trolled groups in Wrath, boom, everyone gets a half hour deserter debuff for leaving/getting votekicked. Plenty of examples like that.

A few rotten apples spoil the bunch.
Your point is valid in that there are a lot of dumb things the rest of us get punished for— like the toy limitations, because people have to troll.
Feel free to ignore these nitpicks, though, I just want to clarify a couple of things.

Dump awful McDs hot coffee on yourself? McDs gets sued and needs to spend a boatload more money embossing lids
To be fair, it was found that the coffee in question was actually way too hot, being served at 190 degrees, which can cause third degree burns. Starbucks starts their beverages out at 180°, but by the time they’re served, those items drop to almost 150°. Children’s beverages are served at 130°.

A tiny minority of players actively trolled groups in Wrath
It wasn’t a tiny minority. Three months in, Blizzard had the metrics to see how bad it actually was. And it was pretty bad.

To be fair, it was found that the coffee in question was actually way too hot, being served at 190 degrees, which can cause third degree burns. Starbucks starts their beverages out at 180°, but by the time they’re served, those items drop to almost 150°. Children’s beverages are served at 130°.
Fair point, I recall those measurements for a more recent case involving an adult’s coffee getting accidentally dumped on a kid, but not the original case. Perhaps I’m misremembering, but I do know that McDs didn’t print “Caution: hot” on their stuff prior to. Maybe discovery showed the same in the original case (and I was unaware) and they never corrected or still had aberrant stores over the 15-20 years or so between the cases.

It wasn’t a tiny minority. Three months in, Blizzard had the metrics to see how bad it actually was. And it was pretty bad.
I was guilded up at the time, so rarely pugged back then. I’ll take your point.
But you’re still right— so many things people exploit or troll and we get the brunt of it.
My Haunted Memento.
No thanks. I like using my mounts and will continue to use them to get around cities.
Besides if you want fewer mounts, please feel free to xfer to a lower pop battle group like the one Aggramar/Fizzcrank is on. Like 1/3 of the people around, and a high chance you’ll be put on a low pop shard.
“Your idea is bad and you should feel bad!”
Your idea is bad. Want to know an EASIER FIX that already exists in the game?
We use the same “dismount” mechanic at the Trading Post on every NPC and Mailbox in town. If you “WALK” within 5 feet of it you are dismounted. If you hover above it, you are dismounted. Will prevent people from falling to their deaths or taking major fall damage.
You’re welcome.