No Mounts in Towns and Cities

Their behavior isn’t always necessarily bad. And the majority doesn’t need punished when there are workarounds added to the game.


There may have been times the mount owner didn’t know you were vendoring especially if they don’t have their sound on. I’ve been guilty of moving while someone was vendoring-- I just didn’t see them.

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True, not everyone does it on purpose but ignorance cannot be an excuse, for a lack of common courtesy.

There wouldn’t need to be a worker around if town and cities do not allow mounts.

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That is a horrible idea, I don’t know why some people seem to think to punish the whole playerbase due to just a small amount of people that go out of their way to be jerks.


I just logged in and had to sign another new social contract which states you can’t disrupt other people. I’d guess blocking NPC’s with mounts falls under that so I’d just report that person.


I say we apply the OPs idea to the forums. Just eliminate these dumb posts before they happen.

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Sorry, but when my mom was sick and called for me, I wasn’t going to make sure I moved or got off my mount when I needed to run to her. I just got up and left my character, on her mount, at whatever quest turn in I was at.

Thankfully they were smart enough to put in workarounds instead of this horrible idea.

Orgrimmar is trash to get around on the ground.


If they’re there for days doing it, report them. But since NPCs are click through and the interact button exists, there’s nothing to report if they just stand there for a bit and AFK out.

I can say that seems reasonable to me but then I’d have to ask it seems as though you are implying you were parking your mount on top of NPC’s… If you hadn’t done that, then there would have been no need to worry about where you parked it.

“Controversial” doesn’t quite cover this take.


Trivial issue. Not necessary.


No. I run up to quest turn ins on my mount. I turn them in, get the next quest and leave.

How is that parking my mount? Do you not run up to do quest turn ins on a mount?

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I don’t want to live in a world where I can’t fly into a capital city building at mach 12 trying to fling myself via auto-dismount straight into the Stormwind portal.


Making the proverbial mountain out of a mole hill.


No mounts in cities is my one gripe with FF XIV, so hard pass.

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Interesting scenario your mom was so sick, but you still ignored her by playing the game or she was a little sick and you could’ve easily hit a keyboard key to dismount yourself while leaving your computer area to go see what your mom wanted.

We can run through scenarios (true or what ifs) all you want, but sometimes the simplest solution can be the hardest one to accept.


You only reference part of what I said…

Here is the important part:

The logic is sound.


How about we just make it so the NPCs move around like quantum particles. No one would be able to mount on top of them if they were in a random location every second!

Oh I hate NPCs that move. Some will stop moving when you interact (thinking of the dwarf in IF that I sell EVERYTHING to outside of the AH/Bank). I don’t mind her too much I just have to track her down.

Then there those that stop for 2 seconds and start walking again breaking the convo and those drive me nuts.


Interesting how she was sleeping after surgery so I was in another room doing something so as not to disturb her.

This is one of many scenarios that can happen.

A baby wakes up from a nap. Someone comes to the door that needs answered. An emergency happens. Someone has a coughing fit and needs to get up.

The point is that not everyone is out to get you.

No I couldn’t. My first thought was her, not whether someone like you would whine over having to click through my mount.

You mean the part I addressed and you literally ignored? I even quoted it and responded. So how did I ignore it? :rofl::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

You’re done. Move along.