This is really horrible comparison because that’s not what happened.
You bought a table and it did come with four legs. It came with everything listed on the box. However, the creator of the table said “We may or may not make a matching table cloth. We haven’t really decided yet but we welcome all feedback.”
Yes, I would love more customisations. Yes, I think more should be added. But lets not wildly exaggerate what’s going on here. Someone linked what Ion said in another thread and no promises are made. Blizzard rarely makes concrete promises because they don’t want to have to eat crow later down the road if something goes wrong.
Edit: Btw, I see you have been playing with your “table” for 2 1/2 months. Good luck with your refund.
I totally get the OP and how they feel. Don’t get me wrong, the customizations my Night Elf got were amazing and I feel she’s “completed” with how she looks. But I was also looking forward to other races I played getting new customizations as well, and not just for myself, but for other players who wanted them. Like those poor Nightborne players lol. Sometimes it’s not just about me me me when you play an ongoing MMO. I have empathy for the players this upsets because Blizzard set the expectation that there would be more customizations added in Shadowlands with the words they chose. They might not have intended it and probably should have chosen different words than they did when talking about ongoing customizations last year.
Also, as a long time player, as I’m sure some of the people who are upset about this announcement are, this isn’t the first time Blizz has lied or misled people about what they were adding/working on. And no one is quitting just because of a “haircut.” People will quit over this because of all the other disappointments Blizz has heaped on this pile. No more customizations in SL is just the final straw, it isn’t all the other straws that have been straining this poor camels back.
In that case they said they WILL make a matching table cloth and is part of the set but will be sent later as it’ll take additional time to make. they never said “may” they said allied races were going to get increased customisation in shadowlands.
Again, this was linked in another thread (from Ion):
Yes, I think that we see this initiative as an ongoing one. It’s a platform upon which we can continue to build and add. We’ve already heard tons of requests and feedback on existing customizations and things people would love to see. And while we, of course, can’t get to everything in the limited time we have, that doesn’t stop as soon as Shadowlands is out. It’s a process that will continue. There are other races you want to give attention to, and then continue to revisit just the general space of letting people express themselves as their avatars with the greatest diversity possible in the game world.
There’s no promise, just a vague statement that says customizations won’t stop with Shadowlands.
During Shadowlands for a start. If they said: “We are working on it, but a release will be likley for the next”, no one would be really mad. At least they would be working on it.
But they don’t even have a plan!
This is a nothing statement. It offers no date, no promises, no specifics. I don’t understand your motivation in putting your fingers in your ears and saying “I CAN’T HEAR YOU.” Do you think Ion is going to say “omg you’re right, I did say that!” It’s not happening.
I’m not defending it, I’m pointing out that no concrete promises were made and no date for Shadowlands customization was given.
I am, because it was provided from others in different threads before and you are still ignoring it. So I wont waste anything on this.
Shadowlands is… not a time frame. I see.
Let me explain to you what this means in the business world. If you don’t have a plan for a thing, you aren’t working on that thing.
Meaning: Their statements before were nonsense and only meant to get our hopes up so we would buy the expansion.
Supporting this is low tier.
Yet here you are.
Once more: They have no plans for it: They aren’t working on it. This means we won’t get anything any time soon.
So you do know the aren’t working on it, they don’t have plans do work on more customization options and yet you are making such arguments?
That’s weird. Even if I would be generous like you, it still would mean they didn’t meant what they’ve told us.
Specifically - “I think we’re going down the list of races that haven’t been updated yet, getting them into alpha — soon to be beta,” says World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas. “But that’s an effort that’s gonna continue after Shadowlands is out the door.”
That statement alone led players to believe that more customization was going to be happening in SL. Did they give an exact date? Nope, that’s bit them on the rear end to many times in the past. Now they lawyer speak their intentions so they can always back out and say “We never promise you nothin’!”
Some people play role playing games to role play. Even on small scales like creating a character that identifies with them. I don’t group and create my own content through emotes and text or anything like that, but my character has a back story in my head. I could write an entire novel on how I imagine her.
Yeah, they could fix a lot of other things. They could literally afford to put the resources into making everything better. But they don’t.
Stuff that matters to you might not matter to others. Cosmetics and customization are the biggest reasons I continued playing this game for so long.
The OP said they want a refund for not getting what was promised. I pointed out that nothing was promised. Ever. Ion / Blizzard did their usual double talk thing.
And that’s the problem with their whole double speak. It was an implied promise tied to the sale of an expansion that this would happen. It wasn’t explicit so they never had to follow through on it. But it was implied and was one of the reasons people were excited about SL. And while I’m not surprised in the slightest by how Blizz handled this, it does raise a rather interesting question about trust. When Blizz misleads their player base on things they can expect in a expansion before it’s release, how can we trust anything they say, whether implicit or explicit or whether their statements intentionally or unintentionally misled players. I suppose at the end of the day it doesn’t matter as the end result is a further erosion of the trust players have for what Blizz says, which will only further hurt player retention and investment.