No more increased customisation in shadowlands. [Requesting a refund]

So did you get your refund or not? Genuinely curious.

Was[quote=“Apothecaryjo-malfurion, post:182, topic:878543, full:true”]
“im quitting something that i claim saved my life because I can’t have even more hair styles”

More because of the constant lying, bait and switch, tone deafness, and over-all negative experience it became. Just because something saved your life doesn’t mean you need to stick around if it becomes toxic and unhealthy for you. Most of my friends are gone and leaving. Like I’ve said many times. This was the straw that broke the camels back. If this was the only thing blizzard had messed up on. Or one of few I probably wouldn’t quit over that. It’s significant but it only put me over the edge because I was so close already.

A big part of it was how they reacted to it. Like in the actual interview. It felt like “Why are you expecting this, haven’t you gotten enough” It was just super disrespectful and tone deaf. Like in the very least they could’ve been apologetic…

Uhm… what?? I think you’re confusing me for someone else.

Temporary content over permanent content. Also people enjoy different things. Also it’s not about priority cause they can easily do both. Also ironic coming from someone using expanded customisation.


Weird capitalism flex, but ok. I am really not an expert in this stuff, I just know that in the world of video games companies have flexibility because while that’d be nice it being so rigid would result in a lot of companies going out of business.

Honestly I don’t really remember what was or wasn’t promised content, considered main features, what was on the “box” or not. I just see failure to deliver new customization options as a shaky basis that probably will be denied by Blizzard and hypothetically if you tried to run this up the court system you’d probably lose on those grounds. I could be wrong though. Maybe Blizzard will just do it and if not maybe you could win if they didn’t. IDK, keep us posted I guess.

Trolls gonna troll
OP got a lot of bites here

I sit at a port, you uncomfortably sniff me. Therefore I detest you. Simple as.

Saying you only bought the expansion for the promise of customizations is so disingenuous its laughable. This is the ambulance chasing of wow returns.

I’m not refunding or quitting immediately.

The idea of being less invested in wow as a result is plain though. They have made limited excursions into this throughout wows lifetime and even with current options fall woefully short.

This being “the first round” allowed many of us to think blizzard was equally invested in our characters expression as we are.

The abandonment of the customizations (even with the improvements they supposedly made to make future customizations easier) - is a huge punch to the gut.

Casuals pay the bills. And Casuals are angry.

I need to see a full 180 on this or I’ll unsub once my current goals are met.


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That… sounds really sensible? What?

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And I’m not quitting because I didn’t get the haircut I wanted.

This is huge in terms of showing the disconnect between players and devs/blizzard…

Devs/blizzard Want to make money and build a unique diverse experience with a good narrative. That is the goal as they see it.

Unfortunately they rarely seen to consider that the vehicle with which we experience this is equally important.

Making our characters look how we want is the reason legacy content is still run, nearly every item we go after will eventually be legacy content. But the transmog is forever.

I think if they realized this they would re evaluate this travesty.

Hopefully ashes of creation delivers because blizzard is seriously taking wows profits and investing it in other games or new projects.

I don’t wanna fund other games. I want them to be true to the game we all love.


What’s really bad and sloppy is that they haven’t even finished the customization job they already started… Void Elves don’t have ear length options, Lightforged Draenei don’t have tail length options, and some races are missing eye color options… all of which shouldn’t be really considered “adding” customization options, so much as including ones that should already be here.


The only thing that’s going to get action on this is people canceling subs and letting them know in the feedback it’s because of lies like this, it’s because of lack of this and going back on what was promised and dearly wanted. As with everything else the pocketbook matters.

It isn’t just the customizations although it’s a valid reason on its own after 16 years (is or isn’t Blizz a triple A publisher?). The fact is we pay a subscription, $15/month and get what from it? A few content patches. Does anyone seriously believe blizzard could charge $60 for expacs if they included one major patch worth of content in them with no expectation of more? Or that the market would bear them launching these things as separate paid expacs every 8 months? The amount of content we get in an expac (from launch to last patch) that costs the same or a little less as a brand new AAA game built from scratch is about the same as some (not all obviously) of that kind of title (taking into account also the efficiencies of Blizz working on a title using the same tools and existing engine that they have for a decade and a half which means probably less work than that AAA title per measurement of content). Hence the sub money should be getting us more after all this time.

The costs and challenges to host and run a game like WoW have decreased dramatically since 16 years ago. They run less datacenters, they have gains in efficiency delivered by cloud infrastructure, cheaper bandwidth and interconnects and so on. Other games give players more regularly in semi-annual or quarterly patches stuff like character customizations, like new stuff for holidays (not just a new item like blizz does every two years) and don’t charge any more monthly. There was once the famous Blizzard customer service, you could get tickets answered in hours with friendly help from a GM who was more than a support agent. Well they’ve slashed support staff to the bone and answers now take days and you’re lucky if you don’t get your ticket closed with an automated or pre-filled response after that time so clearly our money isn’t going towards that Blizzard premium anymore because it isn’t premium anymore. Bots are also running rampant and although I’ve reported and gotten some banned it’s just a tide that hasn’t been turned back enough.

We should at this point in 2021 expect our sub money to deliver to us more than merely a few mostly done content patches of pve stuff, we should expect more development of player customizations, more effort into fun things, things that give the game flavor and are not just pve content. Things that will give the game lasting value, things that improve the game and the value of the subscription not for 2 years but for the next decade if it lasts that long. If they don’t have the developers to walk and chew gum at the same time then they need to hire a couple more. If they do but they’re stingy and have an attitude problem then they need an attitude correction.


You do realize the words “In Shadowlands” Means “Most likely in the future”

OP you’re making it sound like the words IN SHADOWLANDS means they’ll never do it either.

Do you also think they stopped making Heritage armors after picking random races for them?

The most infuriating part of this whole thing, IMO, is that it’s such an easy gimme. All they really need to do is create a few small, disconnected art assets - even some minor retextures would have players ecstatic.

Heck, the new customization system seemed to be set up with this exact thing in mind - to have minor additions added to it and iterated upon until, eventually, we’d have a huge roster of options to work with. To instead have nothing is incredibly disappointing.

What we have right now is a great first step; but it’s just that, a first step. They developed a system that should be used to add new cosmetic content going forward. A skeleton.

Waiting for an entirely new expansion just for a few options that would still pale in comparison to the customization in every single other MMO on the market? Bit of a raw deal, don’t you think?

Why’d they put so much effort into streamlining things just to put it on the backburner instead? People get pretty damned excited over something as basic as an eye colour being added to the game.


Where’s my customization? Where’s my tail for my worgen? Nightborne are LITERALLY broken.

I want to speak to your manager.

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I think that this is fair even if I am not going to be doing this myself. I’d play elsewhere if I thought better options existed. Playing a character on WoW is just disappointing though character creation-wise compared to most other MMOs. And the art department is different from the rest of the team, so I’d like to know what a not new full zone, same armor set recolors, and 4 covenant sets have done to set them back so much to say “we can’t give you a few new eye colors or port some hairs that take a few minutes to do.”


Dishonesty is what Ion does best.

Screw you if you aren’t an elf, I guess!

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Please take your time. Define “Trolling” for me. Cause I would like to know your definition and how it applies to me.

Pretty sure I don’t sniff random elves at any port.

You don’t get to decide what is or is not disingenuous. Increased customisatisation was a major feature for me. It was only half implimented. They canceled half of the feature I was the most interested in.

I feel that. I just… I’m done. It’s happened too many times. I don’t have the energy to be lied to by blizzard more.

Seems mostly hardcore or hardcore wannabees are having issues with this point.

This is pretty much it. It’s more it. The customisation was the straw.

Which is why the 9.1 raid won’t be touched after 9.1.

I’m starting to wonder if it’s not just incompetence and tone deafness but actual cruelty. Cruelty isn’t profitable but certainly some folks care about things other than profit.

Honestly not crossing my fingers for that one but I’ll keep watching it. I’m more interested in an indie called project gorgon mmo wise.

Same… but only voice that has any value in this world is money.

Which is partly the reason for this thread.

Not just a triple A publisher but a fortune 500 company including companies that don’t even publish content. It’s a top 500 company. It’s I think the best of video game company based in the united states? And like top 5 world wide? Or at least it used to be some years back idk if it still is.

If only. But fortune 500s. Companies that already make the most money care about nothing more than minimizing costs and maximizing profits even at the cost of quality. Once upon a time in capitalism quality was the most important thing. Selling something of poor quality wasn’t worth selling. There was a sense of pride. Blizzard has lost that.

Not saying ESO is a great game but they add new hairstyles and tattoos, and skins constantly to that game. Some of it is pain in the store yeah, but a lot is obtained in game. I can promise you ESO makes less money than WoW.

Now you’re lucky to get a real response then isn’t copy/pasted… I remember when GMs would physically appear in front of you in game… I remember the time before bliz fired their entire CM team for the forums because they had a profit dip even though they were still very far in the green and couldn’t coped with it without any lay offs.

The money is 100% lining the pockets of the shareholders and high ups. It doesn’t get put back into the game. The budget they get is smaller and smaller as they profit they make is higher and higher.

Haven’t seen bots this bad in a long time.

That’s all I want and I don’t feel like I’m asking too much to expect it either.

I honestly doubt it’s the devs. At least not the core dev team. I think it’s leadership and accounting.

The exact opposite?!?!?! They said it would come in shadowlands. The additional customisation. I was fine with waiting for future content patches. But in the blizzcon Q&A they now said they have no plans. So their original statement became a falsehood.

If all my friends who do indie 3d modeling for indie devs, or just for themselves for free or a pittance pump it out like no tomorrow. So it’s not a resource or time issue. It’s that they don’t care and don’t feel liek we should care. Or it is a resource issue because they’ve put the devs on such a tiny tight leesh that they can only do the bare minimum. So they created this artificial limitation but withholding funs to the devs so they can only do the base expected content. New raid and story. But it’s a solve created problem that can be self corrected.

They literally said this “It’s easier now more than ever to add more customisation”

They literally admitted it’s a first step and now they’re telling us it’s the only step.

No kidding.

I really don’t know… maybe they’re delusional enough to think they really have done enough which is proof that the people making these choices don’t play the game and honestly that should be a requirement.

Nightborn were shopped flawed just like worgen. So I guess give it 10 years.

Dishonestly, purposeful miscommunication, direct lies, bait and switch tactics. These are all abuse techniques that the PR of a fortune 500 are using against us…

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I have sat at many a port next to a wet dog sniffing. I despise worgen, they are worse than death knights. At least dk can wipe their own AA$$es.

Exactly. There is no excuse for this. They cut the main feature I was invested in and the game is getting worse over the last years.

A lot of people love customization. This time they really goofed and my enjoment for the game took a massive hit.
How many times will this stuff happen until people stop defending this company?
“Don’t you have phones?”
Warcraft 3 Reforged and now this.

Different races have not even close to the Same amout of customization options (some have only 5 Face options, some only 4 skins) and they call it done? After all they said? What?
That’s unacceptable.

No it’s stupid.
It’s only sensible if you think “Draenor is free” was better then Arthas ending. I bet you don’t.

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