No more increased customisation in shadowlands. [Requesting a refund]

Lol, life hack

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How many times do we have to write this.

Customization does not, has never and will never cut any of those things. Ever. Raids and dungeons are largely not even done by the same teams


Dance studios or the last three dungeons of wrath. Those were their choices and I believe there exact words.

So yes customization can and will effect real parts of game play.

That’s a silly excuse nothing more.

No it doesn’t work like that unless they would fire one of their teams, because of some higher up. But if they did, they would be in a lot of other trouble.

In fact it would be an easy marketing win for them to have view artists continue the work on customization.

We aren’t getting a new race, or class either.
This can’t be this hard to understand. Again, the art team is not the design team for mechanics, pvp, dungeons, raids etc.

It’s a standard bait and switch. They promise the world and deliver an moon.

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i feel you, as nightborne main i just hoped they will list future plans for customizations in SL, i actually bought SL because they told us customization is something they will focus on, since some races got it and some didn’t it make sense more will come in future patches but nope, not at all… not going to lie, i was asking myself if i should just unsub and quit the game i loved so much but get ignored for years as a customer doesn’t motivates me continue to invest my time on this game, but instead i decided maybe try together with others in the community make our voice to be heard, blizzard still can change their mind on that situation if enough noise made, i love this game and passionate about it but blizzard seems to be going again on that path of being disconnected from the community

Is this real? Are you trolling or are you an actual “Karen”?

I’ll be playing another game.

I was very hopefully for shadowlands… but bliz changing their minds and cancelling content I was looking forward to was a deal breaker.


It does if you know anything about software development.

Things are copy paste drag and drop like a lot of you think.

This post has lots of source links and quotes:

“im quitting something that i claim saved my life because I can’t have even more hair styles”

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Which you can actually do. I’ve known folks who succeeded in doing this.

Yeah they don’t understand game dev. Especially for a fortune 500 company with literally different departments for everything. I see more QoL from indies that only have one dev group. I’m seen better for games with 1-3 devs.

Dance studio would still be used today.

Excuses aren’t reasons. Excuses are excuses and are almost always lies. Dance studio would not and could not impact that much. That was just their emotional manipulation to get people to lay off of them so they could min/max profits.


No kidding. I actually know a lot of indie games that source from third party. They pay them a fee (less than ultimately what full time devs make). And then have their devs give it a quick once-over and then impliment it. It’s a pretty cool system. If billion dollar blizzard is really struggling with resource allocation just outsource. Thousands of wow fans have already put in all the work for some wow quality customisation additions. Why don’t they just buy it from them?


No they are not. I don’t understand how anyone can think this.

They promised the world and all we got was a continent.


I did too. I decided that Yes. I am done. At least for now.

I applaud you for that. This thread is my last ditch attempt at that. But I’ve been losing hope that blizzard listens to us.

I hope so. If they do I’ll resub and repurchase the expansion.

Karens are abusive to people who don’t deserve it. This is holding a company accountable. There is a difference. But I’ll be whatever I have to be if it hasd even a chance to get blizzard’s attention.


If they would have removed the you ‘sniffing my toons derierre’ I would have some sympathy for your plight. However, for the last twelve years you have harrassed my toons at every port. I think they should have drowned each and every single one of you.

Imagine being mad they prioritized content over your nose piercing.

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So did you get your refund or not? Genuinely curious.

Was[quote=“Apothecaryjo-malfurion, post:182, topic:878543, full:true”]
“im quitting something that i claim saved my life because I can’t have even more hair styles”

More because of the constant lying, bait and switch, tone deafness, and over-all negative experience it became. Just because something saved your life doesn’t mean you need to stick around if it becomes toxic and unhealthy for you. Most of my friends are gone and leaving. Like I’ve said many times. This was the straw that broke the camels back. If this was the only thing blizzard had messed up on. Or one of few I probably wouldn’t quit over that. It’s significant but it only put me over the edge because I was so close already.

A big part of it was how they reacted to it. Like in the actual interview. It felt like “Why are you expecting this, haven’t you gotten enough” It was just super disrespectful and tone deaf. Like in the very least they could’ve been apologetic…

Uhm… what?? I think you’re confusing me for someone else.

Temporary content over permanent content. Also people enjoy different things. Also it’s not about priority cause they can easily do both. Also ironic coming from someone using expanded customisation.


Weird capitalism flex, but ok. I am really not an expert in this stuff, I just know that in the world of video games companies have flexibility because while that’d be nice it being so rigid would result in a lot of companies going out of business.

Honestly I don’t really remember what was or wasn’t promised content, considered main features, what was on the “box” or not. I just see failure to deliver new customization options as a shaky basis that probably will be denied by Blizzard and hypothetically if you tried to run this up the court system you’d probably lose on those grounds. I could be wrong though. Maybe Blizzard will just do it and if not maybe you could win if they didn’t. IDK, keep us posted I guess.

Trolls gonna troll
OP got a lot of bites here

I sit at a port, you uncomfortably sniff me. Therefore I detest you. Simple as.

Saying you only bought the expansion for the promise of customizations is so disingenuous its laughable. This is the ambulance chasing of wow returns.