No More Elf Races

I want the broken


Me too! :heart::heart::heart:

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This reminds me that we still need Sea Elves and Sky Elves. Also, The Dragon Prince has some interesting ideas on new elf races. Sun Fire Elves would be a blast.

Not only that, but since the Kaldorei have slacked off on the cookie making, we need to try again with a new race of Tree Elves.

Sounds hot.

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CUre? Hate to break it to you but Elves are your final form. You guys went from ugly to beautiful. Its the ugly duckling story for Trolls.

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Elfery single day.



Well whatever what you write or opinion any of you have . … just look how may people want High elves … Topics… With comments and etc … at every Forum about WoW interested …
if you don’t want this . It’s ok .
But the facts are something different…

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The High Elf thread is a lot of the same players posting repeatedly, and there are a lot players opposing them in the thread also. That isn’t really a good indicator of how many players actually want them.


several polls were run back on the old forums at the beginning of bfa. the results were (all results were mixed except high elves which was always number one for alliance and ogres which was always number one for horde)


  1. high elves
  2. wildhammer dwarves
  3. ethereals
  4. vrykul
  5. sethrak


  1. ogre
  2. san’layn
  3. ethereals
  4. vulpera
  5. arrakoa

there were also calls for saberon, leper gnomes, dryads, keepers of the grove, and those chubby walrus like dudes from northrend…forget their names.


A very small percentage of players ever read or post on the forums. Player made polls aren’t going to be an accurate representation.

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this also covers the reddit and the european and oceanic realms. at the time, blizz was encouraging players to login the forums and tell them what they would like for future ARs. the wow forums were on fire at that point. many of those people quit, either because ion didnt handle the let down very tactfully or because they dont like bfa and are waiting till next expac or classic.

tbf, very few players actually participate in these polls and the pro alliance high elf community have a discord membership with only 700 people in it. but when these forum polls pop up they make sure to @everyone to vote

are blood elves a popular horde race?

I never saw anything from Blizzard about it. If they really want to get word out, it should be a notification in game. Because, once again, only a small percentage of players participate in the forums. I suspect the same is true for reddit, etc.

whats the highest played AR in game?

I really don’t know. But if the answer is Void Elf that is all the more reason to stop making more Elf races.

it is. void elves and highmountain tauren are tied, with a few more void elves. and the most popular horde race, is blood elves.

and you dont think alliance high elves are the most popular request? they are. the artists did a good job on the thalassian models

oh by max level, void elves are 2% more than highmountain

I want two more elves. I want deep earth Elf and I want a elf born in stars. That all i ask. Well maybe a dragon based elf.

Just because the same player keeps making High Elf threads, and the same players keep responding the same things over and over, that doesn’t prove that this is what the majority wants.

I know the most played races are Elves. This is exactly why we don’t need more. We need to curb this before Elves kill off all the other races.

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