No moonkin form for resto?

with that logic then might as well just remove balance from the druid list

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With your logic, we should remove Guardian and Feral from the Druid list too.

Why should Bear Form and Cat Form be available to all Druid specializations while Moonkin Form is only available to 1?

Shapeshifting is a core part of the class fantasy. Moonkin Form isn’t an optional talent for Balance; it’s required to properly enable the gameplay. Bear and Cat are the same way for Guardian and Feral.

Locking access to Moonkin is even more baffling with Fluid Form on the Class Tree. So, now Balance Druids are the only Druids who can fully utilize the Fluid Form talent. Everyone else (not just Restoration) only get 2/3 of the talent. And Moonkin was available for all specializations (albeit optionally) just a couple weeks ago.

Moonkin Form is a core part of the Druid class fantasy. It should not be treated as an optional Shapeshift Form.


It doesn’t actually change gameplay though, just “bigger” numbers (which are every other spec’s regular numbers). The spells are almost all the same as base form, unlike bear and cat. Except for the ones that force you out of moonkin form, which just nerfs you until you go back.

I think it’s always been a pointless ugly form that is just forced on the RDPS spec (well, except for glyph of stars). You can cast the same spells in your base form, it doesn’t feel like a “real” shapeshift and never has. You’re punished by Blizzard making your spells weaker if you’re not in moonkin form. You’re right that it isn’t optional, but that doesn’t make it interesting or fun.

Now, how is Blizzard going to satisfy someone with your opinion and someone with my opinion? They might have a bit of trouble with that.

That feels sort of good to hear as I hated moonkin form for resto. The extra gcd to start dpsing is annoying. Hopefully they tuned the damage abilities accordingly.

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But the extra GCD is now essentially removed with Fluid Form, in fact Fluid Form now makes weaving into different Forms on the go so much easier although they could essentially add more abilities to Fluid Form to well make gameplay more fluid. Example Skull Bash working with Fluid Form would be an amazing addition.

Regardless Fluid Form while it’s a start and showing that they can make gameplay smoother, while I think it should be baseline rather then a Talent it’s a start.

But you wouldn’t be spending any GCDs to get into Moonkin Form as Wrath and Starfire would instantly shift you into Moonkin Form and casting most Healing spells automatically turns you back into Player Form. No GCDs wasted.

This is why I think it’s completely odd they actually removed the Form entirely from 3/4 specs, when they essentially made it insanely easier to use.

Imagine if you ran Glyph of Stars, when DPSing you’d glow all star like and just revert back to normal when healing, it would be amazing visually too, although I love my Moonkin Visuals.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten

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Cat weaving has been the M+ meta for resto most of the xpack. Get over it, you lost flap big deal. Your moonfire/starfire spam wasn’t getting any real benefit from boomkin. Currently in pre-patch resto kitties are a bit over tuned doing some rather high parses, seen a number of them putting out over 500k.

this is all i’m worried about, personally. i don’t like boomchicken form (thank goodness for glyph of stars), and the global CD for switching in/out of balance has always been annoying. so if they baked in the same damage for resto without balance form, sounds good to me. however i am not getting the same DPS numbers now as i did prior to them removing balance affinity/form. maybe it’ll get buffed soon, though.

That would be the issue. And maybe flap should work without moonkin form too. Maybe use the travel form model if you don’t have moonkin form.

I just don’t like being in animal forms; Resto with a Glyph of Stars Moonkin form was perfect for my needs. If they won’t budge on adding back Moonkin form at least add a Glyph of Red Stars so that I can Bite and Rake without transforming into a cat.

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Cat form was already more dps than boomkin for resto tho, and there’s even hero talents to increase cat damage even more.

Let me add my huge disappointment in this design choice. To say it’s undesired is a huge understatement but we are unable to use any more colorful words - which are vastly more appropriate in this instance - to express ourselves lest we get hit with the ban hammer.



You’re a Demon Hunter though. Figured you’d be kind of used to that.

I’ve literally stopped Healing and now trying to be a better Balance player, solely to be a Moonkin once again.

As Resto, I loved and miss my Moonkin Form, this decision Blizzard did literally has taken away something I love.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten

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Came here to express my disappointment as well that they decided to take out Moonkin form from Resto. I’ve been off and on of WOW for a while now and fell in love with this druid playstyle. Decided to give this next expansion an honest shot & just learned about this class change. Not really sure how I feel about Resto - kitty but I guess we’ll see come the expansion :upside_down_face:

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Or Tree Form…because I want that. Or let Resto Tree DPS in Tree form.


Flap is now useless for 3 out of 4 druid specs.


To be fair, even in Classic Era, the Moonkin Form was only accessible to the Druids who focused on Balance. Same with the Tree of Life for Resto (BC+).

The only common Druid forms, for all Druids was Bear, Cat, (the real Travel Form) Cheetah/Stag, Aquatic & Flight.

Though, Cat, Cheetah/Stag & Slow Flight Forms were not tied to Class quests like the Bear, Aquatic & Epic Flight Forms were.

Moonkin Form was reserved for the Balance Druids & Tree Form for Resto.

While Tree Form is no longer a permanent form like it used to be, you can buy a book in Moonglade to be like it, for all Druids. You just no longer get the healing bonuses for it.

I mentioned this on the Druid Feedback, More so to replace Player Form as Resto.

But I still stand by, Removing Moonkin Form from Resto is a horrible decision, it makes zero sense in Lore, considering we are above normal Druids and now take the title “Archdruid”, Fantasy of shapeshifting takes a hit, they added so much quality of life with Fluid Form we lose a form to use, they added all these cosmetic options for Moonkin, we now never see. We lose utility and PvP help, we lose essentially a dps cooldown with Convoke + Moonkin Form.

EU Forums also want Moonkin Form back aswell.

They just need to bring it back. I literally am begging them at this point every way I possibly can.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


I was in the same boat at first, but I like how the new Call of the Elder Druid works as a Resto druid. It’s fun to machine gun Wraths with like, 0.2 sec cast times for 10 seconds every minute. Still gives the feeling of bringing some caster damage while healing.

Mythic+ and all the aoe ground effect damage is incredibly unfriendly to melee dps, so I don’t understand Blizz trying to force resto druids into cat form. I want to cast spells, and if there’s no healing to be done, I want to cast damage spells. So yeah, as much as I miss going moonkin form, being a rapid-fire Wrath or Starfire turret every minute is cool.

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Well that’s the thing about life….generally the majority’s opinion is the one that takes precedence…. In this case it looks like the majority of people who play Druid disagree with the changes made to the Moonkin form.