I was all excited about The War Within pre-expansion patch and then I realized my resto druid can’t go moonkin any more and the experience is kind of ruined for me now. Taking things that I love away from me in this game slowly chips away at my soul.
yes, i logged into my druid(my main character) this morning to find this sad news…
im assuming* they were just lazy and moved it from the talent tree to the hero talent tree instead of coming up with new hero talents.(assumption end)
but yea it really sucks not being able to use moonkin form as resto druid.
it feels like they are trying to force cat form onto resto druids with these talent changes, and that doesnt fit my “restokin” power fantasy very well.
Moonkin Form is no longer a talent. It’s learned automatically by Balance Druids.
Make sure you check out Fluid Form (near the bottom center of the class tree). It makes weaving into other forms easier. It won’t get your Moonkin Form back, but you could more easily swap to Cat Form.
I dropped Rake, Mangle, and Wrath onto extra spots on my bars so I can easily swap now. I’m excited for the possibilities…but I play Balance and I’m mostly excited about healing myself and saving a GCD swapping back to Moonkin.
I think it’s more likely that they wanted to reduce healer DPS. They nerfed DPS trinkets when worn by tanks/healers and made the other recent tank and healer changes to get healers refocused in healing.
But I agree that taking away shapeshifting options from Druids is the wrong call. If it’s not going to be a talent, then Moonkin Form should just be learned by everyone at level 10.
those days of healing and dps’ing are over
it was just a filler node to get to sunfire. Moonfire/sunfire cat weaving, only time you would hop into boomkin was for flap (slowfall)
false cat weaving is trash and not for using, only time to change to cat form is speed boost. the filler nodes are all the cat nodes.
I dunno. I lost Swiftmend, but my Balance Druid healer kit is still looking really nice. I didn’t take Remove Curse or Improved Rejuvenation when I respecced last night…but as soon as I need it I’ll just turn off the movement speed buff and grab one of those instead.
But I’m a DPS spec with lots of healing - not a Healing spec with lots of DPS.
Regardless, I felt like my respec last night was a net positive.
swapping to cat form is easy enough, but cat is boring, sucks, and forces melee…so not an option. moonkin is superior and more fun but now its gone
I generally agree that ranged is more fun than melee. I’m still interested to see what I can do with Fluid Form - especially in open world content. If I can find a cool use for Cat and Bear forms, I’m not against using them.
I do hope they’ll reconsider and make Moonkin Form available to all Druids again. If we aren’t locking Cat and Bear forms behind a specialization, then we shouldn’t be locking Moonkin Form that way.
You spent all tha time learning the mechanic and it’s gone. SUCKZS to THE MAX.
I am not a fan of either, really. Shapeshifting is clunky. If dpsing, I just want to spam wrath or starfire in humanform. At least with owlweaving you can dispel people.
I’m not posting in favor of owlweaving, I am posting against catweaving.
Yeah not liking this one bit. Can’t use flap anymore, jumped to my death already learning this the hard way. This doesn’t feel like a druid anymore and this makes me sad. If it’s a dps thing, fine, just take away the boomkin DPS bonuses, at least let me have Boomkin as a cosmetic I worked freaking hard getting the Fire Chicken appearnce from raid and now it’s 100% completely useless.
I too am upset from this. HOTW is not able to work with a resto in moonkin form to do some dps. This ruins fluid form since I can’t turn into moonkin form to get the bonus from fluid form. If we can be cats and beats, why not moonkin for all too. I’m not liking this at all.
Oh yeah, never thought of flap. I would think druids should keep all forms, it’s part of being a druid and to use wild charge it does something different in each form so now we don’t the get moonkin form wild charge.
I cant even play any more, so sad
i cant even do quests any more "what is this ?
Noticed this on guardian no longer can swap into a moonkin form in that spec. Also noted that they are changing it soon so only primary spec form and travel form can be used and you have to switch specs to use any other form and only that form.
I died to fall damage because I couldn’t use moonkin’s disengage or flap anymore.
I like setting my druid up with a back-up spec.
My balance would have a few resto talents to use if needed
My resto spec could pop into balance for a bit to help with DPS
My Feral could swap to gaurdian if we suddenly need emergency tanking
My gaurdian could switch to cat for some added dps if i wanted
I enjoyed being able to swap back and forth.
Sad druid noises