No moonkin form for resto?

I am no longer excited for any WoW xpac because every single time they take something away that I love, and every single time I am never excited about what I get instead of what I lost.


I hope the devs reconsider this change, as a healer I’m already bummed enough I don’t get to use my bear and cat forms as much as the other specs, now they take Moonkin away too? Surely there could have been some form of an alternative option besides removing a major part of our class fantasy.

This class already has many things that were beautifully designed from Legion that are either unobtainable now or completely removed from the game. It’s frustrating to see these some of these changes affect the overall NEW player experience. When my 14 year old wanted to play he was excited, until he realized the growing number of mounts/items he was interested in are no longer available… The excitement I saw in him for those two weeks we played together quickly faded away. The more he realized how far his account was behind chronologically the more disappointed he became. It made me stop and think, why do I really play this game anymore? If I’m honest I think it’s because if I don’t, I know I will lose the chance to obtain these limited mounts/items. If you look in trade chat Mythic Fyraak runs are 6.5million gold!! Do the math on that, now imagine how that looks from a NEW players point of view. Do we truly love this game, or are we merely addicted to it?


Absolute crap decision.


What was the point of making it so you could customize the moonkin form if the other specs can’t use it now?


Yep. Same. Druid is shelved.

This is not directed at you at all. Just a rant to Blizzard based off of your subject: I will never catweave and Blizz isn’t going to force me down that path. I’ll stay gimped dps as a caster before I’ll ever catweave.



Trust me when I say this, the removal of Moonkin Form from Resto literally hit me below the belt, I’ve been very vocal about this and beg Blizzard to revert this, it’s literally killed my love for Resto and has now got me questioning myself “Do I play the class/spec I love but now hate what it’s become or hold out hoping they’ll come to their senses and revert this decision”

I am the exact same as you, I absolutely despise “Kittyweaving” I loved “Owlweaving”, that’s why I loved Resto Druid, I loved the fantasy and visuals of turning into a Moonkin to off dps, I’ll never “Kittyweave”, I don’t like melee.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


we just got cool new customization for it too :C


Adding to the demise of owlweaving , I really don’t like melee never have never will, if I wanted to I would have played a monk. Not a Druid. If I want to play a melee Druid I would have played guardian or feral. I guess it’s time to change classes, shamans looking promising.

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Why not give back tree form? is the logic behind removing any form to open the druid up for more CC?

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I am happy I get to DPS in tree form again (questing). I just wish Starfire wouldn’t take me out of tree form (technically it’s not supposed to…)



I thought it odd that Balance Druids still had to spend talent points in Moonkin form, when it should just be automatic.


i don’t think that’s accurate. if it is, you should see a doctor!

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So what did they do…limit moonkin to Balance only or something?

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Treant Form (the glyph) is also bugged with Starsurge, for some odd reason both Starfire and Starsurge take me out of the form and has never been fixed :sob:.

Well I did chuckle, so laughter is the best medicine but no Moonkin Form took its toll on me, the new updated visuals, the playstyle and fantasy a relic of the past. Which saddens me.

Correct, Moonkin Form is strictly Balance only now.

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now the question that i have is how can we use FLAP whish was very helpful from jumping a high altitude.

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We don’t. Blizzard is forcing us into cat form.


but you know they left the FALP in the spellbook lol. hopefully they returned it

As a dedicated Restoration Druid, I’ve always appreciated the versatility that Moonkin Form brought to my gameplay, especially in both world PvP and Arena’s. The ability to switch forms provided a unique dynamic, allowing me to adapt and contribute more effectively in various situations.

Many in the druid community share this sentiment, missing the additional utility and defensive capabilities that Moonkin Form offered in PvP scenarios. Reintroducing Moonkin Form for Restoration Druids could help balance the class, providing a crucial defensive option and making world PvP more engaging for everyone. It could also promote more diverse playstyles and strategies.

It might be worth revisiting this decision, perhaps by gathering more community feedback. A discussion on how the removal has impacted gameplay could reveal opportunities for compromise or adjustment.

On a personal note, it’s particularly frustrating considering the time I spent farming for the red skin from Tindrel, and the extensive customization options Blizzard has provided for Moonkin Forms. It feels disheartening not to showcase these in-game.

Additionally, some talents in the tree now seem out of place. For example, Lycara’s Teachings, which offers bonus secondary stats for shifting forms (with Moonkin Form providing mastery), still references Moonkin Form despite our inability to use it. This inconsistency is confusing and undermines the talent’s purpose.

I also invested in the glyph for /flap, which was invaluable for slow fall or levitate effects during world PvP, helping with positioning and avoiding certain attacks. The removal of Moonkin Form diminishes these strategic elements, making it feel like a HUGE loss of important gameplay mechanics.

The removal of Moonkin Form is disappointing and feels like a missed opportunity to maintain a unique aspect of the Restoration Druid playstyle. I hope this feedback can be considered for future updates.


apologies if it was mentioned before in the thread and i somehow missed it, but with the Fluid Form talent, it says using wrath or starfire shifts you to boomkin (“if known”), however i have not found that to be the case in resto spec with using either spell.

just to add to the overall cacophony of everyone else - i hate melee, don’t love kittyweaving, and miss balance form as resto :frowning:


I don’t understand why anyone would want to spend an extra global before casting nukes as resto when they can just… cast nukes as resto. They’re going to be tuned however they’re going to be tuned. Moonkin form was just a global tax.

Moonkin and shadow forms are kind of pointless for their own specs (you might like to think they make you stronger, but they really are just required for you to be on the same level as other DPS), let alone for another spec looking to use some offspec spells.

P.S. Cat is different because it replaces your whole action bar and gives you spells you can’t use in humanoid form, but I agree that no one should be required to catweave. Nukes as resto should be able to contribute reasonable-for-a-healer DPS from range.

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