No mo’ fomo

That person is “living in your head rent free”. The real win is to not care if people are proud.

Well that makes sense. It’s like saying you need to do your grocery shopping after visiting the doctors because you can’t leave perishables in a hot vehicle. That’s just describing prioritisation due to time constraints.

But I don’t think it makes a good counter argument. Those people may simply do a mount run afterwards, again, due to prioritisation. Take me for example. I’ve started doing the argent tournament dailies at long last because of the lull in the expac. I also have most of my alts parked outside Utgarde Pinnacle for the blue proto. Got 280 attempts so far.

yeah it is. cool

its super toxic to demand others can’t earn the same things though

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Your opinion is, of course, your opinion, but it would be really swell if you could at least see your way to stopping with the insults.

Also, I hope you find/accomplish something in your life someday that makes you proud and want to share your accomplishment with others.

Everyone has the same opportunity as everyone else to earn the same rewards as everyone else in this game, so I’m not sure what your point is or how it’s relevant

My mom? Yeah she is!!

I have many but I keep a lot to myself and I think that is okay. I find humility beautiful. Same to you.


people who werent born when the game came out had every opportunity to get old world transmogs that were removed


you know what, how about considering that the way your life runs isnt the only way life runs

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well I’m not saying I’m against removing limited time items, my issue is making them obtainable later. Reskins would be fine with me. Honestly if I woke up tomorrow and KSM was removed from the game, it’d be the greatest day of my life. So many guilds don’t even raid, they just do non stop mythics, and never wanna do anything else.

I dont think people care about bragging rights, its about achieving something that has a time limit. Just like real life feels good when you say I have so much X time to finish a task, and you finish it on time. Feel rewarding and good, having it be up for ever really does not feel that good and lazy. There are plenty of reward mounts that are in game that a lot of people can just go get but they dont, they just complain about “seasonal” rewards.

Because there is actually nothing wrong with having limited time only rewards? Just because you weren’t able to achieve something during the time of said reward doesn’t mean you should suddenly get a VIP pass.

It’s like… imagine you’re a football player who just now joins the NFL. You can’t claim “well I wasn’t around during the first super bowl because I wasn’t born yet and I want a first super bowl ring too!! That’s not fair man!!”

That’s not how it works. Having FOMO is an issue that you have and that you should figure out.

Except you can 100% go purchase an NFL Superbowl ring with money lmfao.


But you can’t just make copies and hand them out to everyone just because they missed out, buddy. In principle, it isn’t the same at all.

Yes you can. You can literally make copies of everything. Have you heard of this place called China?

yep. If I jump on my Voidtalon mount, it’s because I like it. If someone asks how I got it, I tell em the cheese strategy I used. Probly 15 people have got it because of my help. That’s not bragging, it’s using something I went out and got. Do people just want us to ride around on starter zone mounts, and go back to looking like a clown classic style? Just so it doesn’t look like we’re showing off? Makes no sense, if I earn it, and I like it, I’m using it. If one doesn’t like that, ask me for help getting it.

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Do people make official NFL copies o the first super bowl ring? No. There is a reason you have to chop off your left leg to get one.

No, that’d be silly. Gladiator during Unchained was roughly top 8% of the 3v3 ladder.

They have replica superbowl rings on amazon right now.


" Can you buy a Super Bowl ring? Sure you can … if you have a cool $100,000 lying around. It’s not uncommon for former players to put their rings up for auction. In fact, there’s a whole website dedicated to people selling rings, but it’ll cost you a pretty penny."

The ones on amazon at $59 CAD. So $45 USD

but they’re not real. So then the limited time rewards earner later shouldn’t be either. They should be a reskin or cost a fortune on the bmah. Much like if you wanted a real Super Bowl ring, it would cost you a fortune.

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Now you’re just trolling. Have a nice day pal.