No mo’ fomo

To be fair: what’s wrong with looking to other players being excited for something, because something you have inspires them, and you get to tell them how to obtain it and share the journey you went on?

Exclusivity isn’t necessarily bad, but it also isn’t altogether necessary. Sometimes the journey is what builds memories and passion, and those two things help maintain or build a healthy invested player base of like minded folk having fun

However, not all things need be

Which is perfect when you think about it. People are complaining that they don’t want their FOMO prestige taken away. But that prestige remains intact despite the mage book being still available if lots of people are like you. But at least this way, the goal to strive for for those few who do try to go after it at some point remains. So the FOMO crowd stay exclusive but the option to get it remains. That’s what I’d call a win win.

Looks like they’re already doing that.

If you do 1500 clears of the same raid… you earned the mount.
If you spend 6months to a year running MC for bindings, you deserve a TF.

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They might think it though. (Hell, why do attractive women even apply makeup then? What is the point?) I don’t go around saying “LOOK AT MY PRETTY UNOBTAINABLE STAFF EVERYONE” but it sure feels good when someone compliments on me it.

Nothing wrong with wanting to ‘‘Turn heads’’


that’s exactly it. They don’t want people having stuff they had to work for. And in order to get m+ currency, are you saying you should be able to buy KSM old mounts by not even doing any 15’s? The requirement for KSM? It has everything to do with doing 15’s. You gotta think, a season lasts many months. A dungeon takes 20-25 minutes, and we have to beat what, 10 or maybe 12 during that season. So even with doing 12, that’s 2 hours to get KSM. If we can’t find the time to do that over the course of a season that’s our problem. I won’t have it because my reaction time is like a sloth the older I get, but I also won’t get upset if I don’t get something I didn’t earn. It’s like going to school, working real hard, getting straight A’s, getting into a top notch school, and then someone walks in with a couple coins an buys their way into the school. Wouldn’t you be mad?

Real simple fix here. You need the KSM achi first. THEN you can earn saddles. Make you earn the first one in the season. Then clear another 50 m+15s for another to choose what you want from a prior season.


lol who said that

nobodys suggesting that bud

like i don’t get why its so hard for people to understand what it means to have a saddle system. you earn the seasonal thing first then work towards the older stuff

something like that might work. As long as we have to do something to earn it. I don’t see them doing it though. They seem to like this system, but it’s obvious, it doesn’t always work. They got the lil slime kitty this season, and not too many people even came back. Makes it harder for the average person to get it when their guild has 3 people on, and they don’t want to leave it just to come back in 10.0.

Compliments are nice. I never said they weren’t? Idk why you’re so triggered. but I’m not in the mood to deal with it.


Different people are different. These threads exist in a bubble where people who like to have season goals do not come into play. If the seasonal reward was going to reappear then why bother now? Since the the mage tower never leaves it will never be a goal.

I don’t care about exclusive stuff. I soon forget where I got mounts and tmog from. I like having a season goal to accomplish.

I wanted to get the elite pvp set on my monk last season. Didn’t, no desire for it to come back.

ya thats why nobody ever runs old content right

because it never leaves and therefore isnt a goal

no reason to go for tusks or invincible or anything like that because its always there right


we understand, that doesn’t mean we have to agree with it. Like we could ask what I keep asking in response to what you don’t get is so hard for us to understand, what’s so hard to understand about limited time?

I don’t recall speaking for everyone.

a lot of people do use that mentality. I ask all the time if any guildies wanna go on a mount run, and the response is almost always the same, “can’t atm, gotta push KSM”. As long as there is some type of current content, few will do the old stuff with the mentality of “I can get it later”.

Just to chime something: I don’t really like FOMO. It feels psychologically exploitative for a benefit that really doesn’t matter in the end and is better to be at minimum accessible to everyone. Easy or difficult.

For example, I have the “Black Harvest” Title. A title that I’ve defeated Kanrethad Ebonlocke during CC. At the same time, there is a beautiful looking runeblade from MT that I’d really liked to get… and it sucks that I am not going to be able to obtain that.

But as time goes on and people cling on prestige of something in supposed video game, the more I feel indifferent towards that runeblade and makes me contemplate of a “prestigious” reward that I got from Kanrethad Ebonlocke.

Everyone can get the green fire as long as you pay for it, but I can’t get a good looking runeblade. And heck, the werebear is… also in a grey area too since you can access it through one texture. But it’s werebear nevertheless right?


that’s different. lets reword it

because that’s what it is isnt it

if ksm wasnt fomo there’d be a lot less pressure all around and would free more time for people to do old content if they wanted

It’s a gimic. “Limited Time Only!” “Call Now before supplies are gone!” “Order yours now and get this special item only here” If a late night infomercial uses it, then it’s idk… I expect a higher level of quality out of WoW. Many would agree that WoW is the next step up in video games. Like you got switch with its mario. PS5 with CoD. Then you got WoW. People who don’t play look at it and go… yea… F that… I’m not getting involved in THAT. Time gating rewards feels cheap. It feels like they jumped on the Fortnite fad. I view Fortnite as a little kids game of very low quality and depth. That’s my take on it.

You may not, others do. It is a perfectly normal state to be proud of and even brag (within reason) about one’s accomplishments. They are not the odd ones out in this and they aren’t “weak humans” as you so frequently like to insult. Pride in something you earned is not the same as “seeking validation”.

I disagree and maybe my viewpoint is flawed but it is my viewpoint.

I grew up with someone proud and bragging and it’s just so gross to me.

The ppl I have valued that to me were beautiful on the inside/out didn’t/don’t go around bragging.

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It’s okay to be proud. It’s only an issue when pride gets in the way of being able to make important decisions and impacts you and those around you negatively.

Being proud of happening to be in the right place at the right time though isn’t an achievement. It’s just luck.