No means no

Oh I understand, what I was saying is some of us play both and have gear/weapons for both so if we show up as Feral ask if we can swap before kicking please, I know I prefer to quest as Feral but often do dungeons/raids as Boomy :slight_smile:

Though sometimes Feral would actually be better for certain bosses, something to consider. If it’s a very high movement fight then any caster class is at a disadvantage and one that can stick and move constantly is going to do better.

okay, I will.

If I have a group consisting of:

Prot War

And I’m looking for a fifth player in LFG and invite a druid, I’m inviting them because I expect them to be ranged. There’s a multitude of reasons why running triple melee in a pug group is a bad idea. Yes, triple melee in MDI is common, but your standard pug group =/= Method NA.

If it turns out that druid is playing feral, I’ll politely ask them to leave so I can find a RDPS.

Considering only 271 feral druids IN THE WORLD have completed a +15 or higher this season, I don’t think my reluctance to take a feral druid is misplaced.


Me too! Share snazzy hats with us!

How does anybody know you don’t have an addon in the first place? Did they ask? Just say “yeah I’m fine” they don’t need to know more if you are really good without it. If you are making lots of mistakes then that is on you anyways with or without an addon. If you make one mistake and somebody said “hey you should get an addon to help if you don’t have one” then that is just helpful advice, not an insult. Your not a better player because you don’t use them.


These forums aren’t really here for you to use as a personal blog which is what most of your posts seem to be about. Next time you think you want to make a post, maybe just stop and think about whether or not it truly needs to be here.




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My rdruid does kitty for fun when bored.

We don’t let him do it much so he’s only done a 14.

Feral does solid dps - but that doesn’t discount the ranged versus melee issue.

Also spriests are sick

I 100% don’t doubt that there are players who slay keys as feral. I don’t doubt there are enhancement shammies who kill keys. Or (insert super off-meta spec here) for that matter…

But, my whole point is, what are my chances of getting that killer feral that’s going to do 45K DPS overall in LFG? Pretty damn slim I would imagine.

Oh I agree.

That’s before how beneficial ranged can be.

I was mostly saying it cause i thought he was one of the people who did a 15 but I find out we didn’t let him do more than a 15 (cause healer)

I agree with you - 2 melee 1 ranged is the way to go

Your hypothetical group is push group cook if you add a spriest in

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I’m not going to try to get anyone not to use add-ons.

I’m not going to try to keep anyone from pounding their yarbles with a framing hammer, either.

Whatever floats your boat, you do you.

Then you’ll be declined/kicked/teased.

If you’re playing without addons you’re playing at 70% of your ability at best. I don’t want your half butt efforts in my groups.


Plenty of people play at a high level without addons. If you can’t perform at an acceptable level with the base UI then finad a different group, or accept that addons are, to some degree, expected in endgame content.

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Did someone walk over to your home to inspect your addons folder for DBM or something? Because the only way they know your addons is if you tell them.

I for one refuse to help those that won’t help themselves. Enjoy your group finder shun.


How many weeks is it now that you’ve been complaining incessantly on the forums about being kicked from groups, OP?


Nope you can do a version check to see who has addons installed.

Just upping my post count in another Autoattak thread.

Is it really… ugh