No means no

What about YOU being respectful of OTHER people, and their time and work and effort? Respect goes both ways.

This is demonstrably untrue. You’ve received plenty of helpful comments. Just because you don’t like the advice and it isn’t what you want to hear doesn’t make it unhelpful. You’re making a conscious decision to decline the help you’re getting. That’s not the same as not getting help.

I can understand that you feel sad and frustrated that you can’t play the way you want, that you’re going to have to put more work and more effort into getting where you want and doing the content that you want in game, but that’s the reality with many things in games and in life. Whether it’s worth it or not is a choice only you can make.


That’s valid advice for a solo player, or someone playing casually with friends who don’t care, but OP is trying to do high end competitive group content, mythic+ dungeons, which means other people are depending on him to have the proper tools and skills.


He is trolling


Then accept the fact that you’ll have trouble in group content and bring others down with you because you refuse to do something so simple and helpful to yourself and other people.


Only real addons I use are a hotbar addon and a Holy Power addon, and I’m fully expecting to get my KSM for this season in the next week or two.

Ferals actually do good damage right now, just sayin’. I play both so please ask if I can switch first if it’s really that much of a problem, thanks.

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If I wanted a third melee I certainly wouldn’t go for a feral.

Are there allstar ferals that will do crazy damage? Sure.

Are they few and far between? Absolutely.

Will you have better luck with your average boomy or your average feral?


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The reason I would kick him for being feral is if I invite a boomy I’m inviting them because I need a ranged class. It’d be the same if I invited a shaman and it turned out they were enhancement over ele.

OP just FYI if you keep making these threads your going to be banned in game. You have been warned.

You’re too green, to understand. Gl being a scrubby DH.

You’re always upset. You have a constant victim mentality in thinking the entire WoW community is out to get you.

Please, for the love of all that’s holy, stop.

You obviously have some serious issues going on way more so than anyone on the GD forums are going to be able to help you with.

The world of Warcraft does not revolve around you and nobody is out to get you.

Dear Lord.


And you’re the one posting from an alt.

Have fun :wink:

Its funny.

He made a comment in CS that he wasn’t a troll. And CS told him he sure looks like one.


Oh it’s about development. I get your point

The problem is - These posts have been made all day with suggestions on ways to improve. Some kind, some blunt, some harsh.

All of them shot down.

I’m all for developing players. It takes a prodigy to be an all star off the bat.


And I have a snazzy hat!

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Mhm… thanks for proving my point.

Can I have a hat? I want a snazzy hat

You have to be a leather wearer and then go to Antorus.

Don’t tell people my fantasies

I wore leather in game - Ghoul Skin Tunic from Naxx 60 represent!

Facebook style posting? :white_check_mark:

Same topics over and over? :white_check_mark:

But it’s not salt against the Alliance, so not her. But close!