No means no

Stop trying to convince me to get a bunch of addons in order to play wow. This wasnt a problem before season 3 started.

I can do the mechanics just fine, I know the dungeons well cause I’ve been doing the dungeons since season 1. I do mess up sometimes cause well, no one is perfect and something or someone is distracting me. Ive been doing these dungeons for a long time until now cause now I need to get addons.

How come I didnt have this problem a month ago in season 2?

How I learned to do the dungeon and mechanics was by watching the other teammates do them and I followed them and learned the mechanics with them. I learn by watching and doing, not so much by listening and reading.

Fine kick me, tease, and decline me for playing wow without addons and how aling with what I play. Even report me for cheating when I do somehow time a dungeon without addons. I wont give a something if you do do that, decline kick and tease. I know why now. Thanks for making me feel even more worthless and useless than I was before.

Still my awnser to getting addons is no.


There reason your spamming the forum with random rants? I mean what purpose does this past have other than to trigger elitists and people to argue?

You keep posting about being kicked and claiming your don’t deserve it. Well I can see why if this is how you act…


Whether you are trolling on not, I seriously think you should consider seeking a mental health professional. This isn’t healthy behavior.


Honestly, I’d only kick you from a group because you play feral and I would assume, when I invited you, that you were a boomie. I don’t care what addons you use or don’t use as long as you do your job.


Listen… you’ve been given advice. Whether you want to follow that advice honestly we don’t care. People have tried to help, it is up to you if you want to try it or not. Other than giving you advice there is nothing else we can do, or honestly will do to help your situation. The dev’s don’t read general, and they aren’t going to change something that is already in place.

As of this point your repetitive posts are becoming spam.



If you don’t want people to respond to you with things you might not want to hear, stop spewing your every thought all over the forums


Dude, posting over and over again, just stop raiding and dungeoning if you can’t handle it and that’s it. You are totally annoying in here, can’t imagine you in game. OMG


(gives Wilykat a cookie and a hug and wishes her the best before wandering out a thread I really don’t understand the point of).



Darling, be careful what you post here. Spamming the forums on a busy day. You might end up getting

Forum Vote kick initiated: Reason Spamming


Now, wouldn’t that be ironic?

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So, I’m free on Saturday at around noon if you wanna get that m+ in. Idk what key I have but it’s a +9 if that floats your boat.


Just play the game the way you want to. You don’t need to keep making posts about this. Just move on and do things the way you want.
Have a nice day!


What if no means yes

Lunnaya is that you


Have to be honest here, your behavior on these forums today is concerning. Are you ok?


not afraid to admit it…
but thats how i feel when i drink a beverage…

because by mighty Zues’s beard! i look down to see a lot of water or w/e liquids i was drinking on my hoodie after a small chug or two…

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Im not ok. There is too much going on that i cant keep track. I only see the comments to be rude and grievous. I really want to do mythic+ and want people to be respectful of how i play. No matter what i say or do, all i get is unhelpful comments and elitist. Im upset and i dont know what i should do now. I feel sad and a bit frustrated. The mean comments are the most distracting for me and thats all i focus on, then i get obsessed with it and wont stop posting about it
Im sorry

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I don’t use addons either, Wilykcat. Don’t put too much stock in what others say or think of you. You play your game the way you want to play.


Its because you’re being absolutely selfish.

Running Mythic+ is a team effort. By not utilizing every tool available to perform your best, you are not pulling your own weight and bringing the team down, and then complaining about it in the forums.

Do whatever you want in solo content, but when you’re running timed dungeons with 4 other people, especially when its not your key, you are expected to do at least the bare minimum to perform.

You obviously aren’t doing any of that. You aren’t enchanting your gear, you aren’t running basic addons to see what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong.

You don’t even know how much damage you are doing in a dungeon. That is a HUGE metric that you NEED to know in order to succeed.

You’re being selfish, and nobody wants a selfish player on their team. No, I will not “respect how you play” when you are not pulling your own weight. End of discussion.