No matter what blizzard does people will never trust them again

no words, only actions.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

I see what you are saying, but a lot of those players as you describe them speak from a place of entitlement, and they go into this weird “doomsday” mode if their wants specifically for WoW are unfilled.

Just see the plethora of people begging for LFD in Wrath Classic, even though it wasn’t in the game until ICC patch was released. Some players beleive commodities such as LFD ruined the community aspect of WoW, and I largely agree with them.

The less we are required to interact with players in order to get consumables, materials, to do dungeons or raids or pvp, the weaker the social aspect of WoW has become over the years. So much so that you can group for heroic raids and not really even have to or be expected to communicate with anyone in the group.

Sure wasn’t like that before the likes of LFD and LFR were implemented into the game, which, sure, allows a larger % of the player base to see the endgame content, but it has had a dire effect on the community as a whole.

Another argument you see pop up in favor of LFD is “well gearscore is going to be used and I won’t be able to group for heroic dungeons because my GS is low”, complaints about GDKP, etc which are all problems that the players of WoW have manufactured for themselevs and Blizzard really, just can’t do anything about.

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Couldn’t disagree there. The relationship between the company and its player base is fractured beyond repair.

It’s Blizzard’s fault that they are running an 18 year old game in an industry where dozens of new games come out each year and the trend is away from massive MMOs toward social media and mobile?

Well, you see, a whole lot of people have moved on to other things.

Myself, I’d rather Blizzard would make a fun game, so I sometimes come to the forums and offer suggestions for improvement.

As far as “trust” goes, four years ago, Ion said the guild permissions getting broken was unintentional, and they were working on a fix. Four. Years. Ago. And no fix has come. That makes it very hard for me to believe what Ion says anymore, sorry.

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I disagree. I think what really needed is for Ion Hazzikostas to step down. He lacks the heart of WoW, the wonder in discovering stuff inGame without subtle hindrances and math attached to it. He doesn’t even use transmogs, one of the most popular features in the game.

Pretty much true

Yeah, sometimes I wonder why the sky is so bleu.

Are you watching me at 2 am eating pop tarts like a degenerate?


ion bad weeeee up-dootles please

the community punching bag is really getting the end of it this time when he hasn’t even really done anything wrong besides just report what’s going on. like this could be a social experiment, how mad can people get at someone who literally just states what’s going on internally at blizzy game-wise.

people were getting mad at ion for the priest / druid tree debacle lmao

i don’t know what videos your watching, but even people like asmon and preach want the game in their best state. they say it over and over and yet you guys like nit pick what they say and just say streamer = bad. like it’s just not at all what the point of the video is, and they all want the game to be enjoyable. even preach, surprise surprise, has like 30k hours on wow. you think he wants it to fail? after he says over and over and over he wants it to be fun for everyone. same with asmon, who normally does casual content these days in wow, wants it to be fun for the casual player.

asmon is literally advocating for casuals 24/7 and then you guys come and say he’s a doomsayer lmao

Lets hit the other end of the spectrum in pvp. Savix has gotten a lot of heat for stating his opinion on the game, and again, surprise surprise has over 20k hours on the game and just wants it in the best state pvp wise. These people don’t actively want the game to fail, they just give their opinion on the current state of the game

I don’t recall saying anything about a specific streamer

These people are the usual punching bags from the forums. Just was using examples.

Well, I specifically am talking about the regular players in WoW, who may or may not be repeating things streamers say. I wouldn’t know what the opinions of the popular streamers are, as I don’t watch things like Twitch or etc.

It’s just. Hard to take a lot of people seriously, because their criticisms often times don’t appear to be valid, and people will say things along the lines of “so and so is good/bad for the health of the game” without having any hard evidence of their claims. Just look at the implementation of cross faction play, some people loved it, but a very loud portion hated the idea of it.

How do we decide if something like that is good or bad for the game? I can see both sides of the argument–on one hand, it’s world of "war"craft. A lot of players loved this concept of a world at war or tension, but then there were others who wanted to peacefully play in PvE content, with their friends, regardless of faction.

As far as PvE content goes, I can’t see how it’s anything other than a homerun, but many disagree still. There’s a lot of conjecture as far as the regular wow players are concerned, and for me, it’s hard to see through every opinion that exists and judge one as right and the other wrong, as any time a choice is presented in Warcraft, the players often choose to die on 2 hills. The ones who agree with the choices, and the ones who don’t.

How can we possibly decide what the “correct” path is, leading to WoW being in its best place, is supposed to be when the playerbase is always so, so divided?

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You are WRONG. If I have the power to kick WoW haters like you out of these forums, I would do so.

Ion is a hardcore serious gamer. Not a Barbie-dress up gamer like you. Good thing, Ion is in charge… not you.

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i love u sometimes jhannae

Where exactly did I even said I hate the game? I don’t despise this game and I don’t go out of my way and bash this game since I love the game for its design and music and yes the story and lore too. But sure bash me for saying the most controversial part out loud.