No matter how "wholesome" new blizzard portrays itself after the investigations, they're still pigs

shuffle mmr is capped to prevent goals from being met too quickly

blitz cr is capped at ~25 to prevent cr from being met too quickly, despite some players queuing over 1k mmr above their cr and winning

that’s like going 6-0 in shuffle and getting 25 points in a placement game

why have players meet their goals in 50 lobbies when it can take 150+ instead?

players used to stay subbed by choice, not force


They added back in crests to upgrade pve gear to shuffle but didn’t remove the cap.

They couldn’t put the rabbit back in the hat for blitz, so they just decided to not give crests to upgrade gear for pve in that mode.

I was going to try M+ early season for something to do until I realized they pulled this little stunt. Obviously to keep the pve players strung along the way they do pvper’s. M+ lfg also has terrible participation metrics this season. Even delve journey progress is hard capped each week so you can’t buy bountiful keys and farm crests at a reasonable rate to upgrade your hero gear.

You are stuck getting 1 rng piece per week and you would have to grind out lfg to (maybe) (eventually) luck your way into getting a mythic vault. Then I realized the body armor glow isn’t even a unique reward for KSH, and I’ll get it with 2400 from pvp. The mounts are all low effort dog reskins. So yeah a total waste of time.

Whoever is in charge of all of these decisions is a straight up clown, obviously. The only thing I’ve been doing is profession alt armies out of complete boredom. It really is completely pointless to play this game at all for 3/4th of the season.


yea idk feels like im playing an agenda more than i am playing a videogame these days

wish this genre wasnt so hard to find equivalent games to hop to for mmo pvp

i think blizzard knows they have a monopoly on mmo pvp and are taking advantage of their playerbase because of it


There’s plenty of other MMOs with PvP. In fact, don’t pretty much all MMORPGs have PvP?

Also, I don’t think it’s appropriate to refer to other people by calling them names. That certainly won’t convince anyone that you’re right (even if you are).

can you go climb back into the thread riding “mommy” instead you’re legit an insufferable woman to deal with

majority of mmos have a dead playerbase for pvp if you can’t wrap your mind around that idk how you even log in every day


I don’t know, I haven’t played other MMORPGs for years. I play WoW because I do enjoy it for both PvE and PvP more than those MMORPGs I have tried in the past.
But I assume you have tried all the other MMOs recently and found that their PvP is all dead then? That’s sad if so. I really enjoyed GW2’s WvWvW PvP back in the day. I always thought WoW should have added something similar to that (old school AV was about the closest we ever got in WoW or the battlefronts but those were PvE).

And please, no need to insult others because they have a different opinion to your own.

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yea and im the sad one

you’re just blindly loyal to a game that doesn’t give a single crap about its players


Gotta love Mandatory fun!!! Many players dont like pvp, they just want their gear token, maybe some transmoggies.

Then you factor in the HELL of many games are an automatic loss because you are going against premades and RMT real money boosters… PvP is a nightmare right now.


yea i just wish there were 1v1 esport games outside of fighting games that were fun

used to play a ton of sc2 back in the day and loved it

it’s sad that i have to play chess to avoid having to deal with teammates sometimes

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No, I just don’t like when people call others names.
I would be the first to criticize Blizzard’s lack of attention to PvP. But I will also celebrate their wins.
I’ve been asking for a solo and due queue battleground for literally years, since WoD probably. And I got it. That’s a win.

I’ve criticized the lack of attention to epic battlegrounds. They suck, and have for a long time.
World PvP needs some more activities.
The battleground UI is awful and practically unusable without addons.

Please don’t call me a blind follower, but I am not going to be on your side if you call people names, even if I would otherwise agree with your arguments.

Totally agree OP, going against premade all the time in Blitz, it just does not seem fun anymore.

I am watching videos of the new game that just came out Forever Winter, looks brutal but its PvE.


The issue is participation. They would need to artificially inflate the mmr or create % titles again.

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You’re not allowed to bring actual evidence to the table around here, haven’t you been watching?

Grand bald assertions is the flavor of the month.


Just a reminder that 2k is still rank 1 for most specs in shuffle btw

I mean Im gonna get to 2400 in blitz this week in a couple of days. Wish I did it in rss too but queue times and gamr imbalance is too much for me to queue.

If they are capping rating why only rss?

Don’t care.

This game is great and PvP is in a great spot as well.


This game is an addiction, but gl trying to convince an addict otherwise.

I been harping on this forever, the root of the issue… More players for NORMAL gamers to play against, NOT dang pro players.

A BIG player base is more attention to pvp, more to watch the big wig streams, clicks and likes, donations and subs, its a win win for everyone…

Those Big Wigs RUN OFF the player base w their smurfing!!! GET OUT OF THE LOWER brackets.

Explain to me, with math, why you think mmr is capped.