Apparently not if you got starved of loot in the past to the point where you are so terrified it will happen again you don’t want anyone to be able to use ML.
I’ve been in 3 to 4 guilds over the past 5-7 years. Almost all of it positive, but I attribute some of that to removal of the inherent drama from ML. When they switched to PL, I also noticed a significant difference in the willingness of other players/guildies to help each other out.
then join a guild that doesnt use it. Pugs shouldn’t be using it, if they are make a point of joining such a pug (pugging and still using ML is a HUGE red flag)
Eh, I just disagree mate. I say this as someone who hasn’t been on a LC and would not want to be the LM. I wouldn’t say ML builds community at all. I’d say ML gives me a tool to determine what type of player I’m playing with. It’s probably the fastest way for me to assess leadership.
I also much prefer having a structured guild over having a non-structured guild. ML is another tool to help a guild build structure. I get that that’s not for everyone, but… I find it a little silly that people seem to think it’s ok to dictate how I and my friends want to play the game in this regard.
I disagree entirely with this point. The vast majority of normal mode raiders already used PL in legion, and nearly half of the heroic raiders did as well (according to Mr. Robot’s surveys at least). If you don’t want ML, you don’t have to use it. Stop telling other players how to play the game. Particularly when they have direct power over who they engage with.
That’s perfectly fine. That has nothing to do with what I said though. The PL experience prioritizes the individual over the group. The ML experience prioritizes the group over the individual (assuming no corruption). It really is just a different strokes for different folks situation.
There’s nothing wrong with either group of people preferring what they prefer. There is something wrong with one group of people telling the other what they can and can’t have. Options… That’s all we’re asking for.
Master loot in legion was perfect. Guild heavy group and if you don’t like that guild then go elsewhere. And for pugs, personal loot. I distinctly remember in WoD, how alot of groups for raids in the group finder were just stagnant at 4-11 people with near 2 hours being listed. And the notes about reserved stuff. Easily a situation of too many chiefs and not enough followers to even get a group going, which won’t be solved by people making their own groups (too much fractionation to maintain social critical mass).
Legion fixed that and gave what people wanted for master loot in guilds.
I just don’t know why we can’t go back to that besides the devs trying to make things easier for themselves. It sounds just like their problem they had with badges in wrath.
Coming from the person with one Cutting Edge under their belt from a tier where blizzard broke the game with corruption. You have no idea what you are talking about. You just feel entilted to ‘your loot’. Typical casuals.
Fortunately we have already had legion so we can see what loot type people used in which difficulty.
Mythic was mostly ml
Heroic was kinda split
Normal was overwhelmingly PL
So I don’t see why this would be different if it came back. Normal raid leaders just don’t want the haste of sorting it out whereas mythic raid leads who already spend hours a week extra looking at logs and kill videos etc don’t mind the extra effort.
It self selects
The difference is that people who want ml back (as an option, I have never seen anyone ask to get rid of PL) only want to effect people they are playing with.
People who want to force everyone into PL want to impact groups they are not even a part of and have no intention of joining…
Then join a PL guild. In legion there were plenty of them…
It’s not rocket surgery
Eh, Mr Robot ran the numbers. PL and ML are relatively even in regards to team gearing. Of course RNG can screw your team with PL, but the same can happen for ML.