No masterloot please

The three main nay-sayers, I have on ignore. There are a couple of pro-MLers I’ve equally blocked, for wasting time on them. I don’t understand the continuous back and forth, that’s not going to go, anywhere. I’ve already said where I stand, that’s all there needs to be said. The rest is just arguing for the sake of arguing. It’s pointless.

yea there are reasonable people on both sides but I think its silly to say that the pro ml people dont want people to talk to each other like adults.
Thats pretty much our whole things really. We want players to sort things out between themselves and we dont want people who are uninvolved in the guild to be making decisions on our behalf

What so the minority that want ML are miserable that the game is fair? That’s kinda sus…

I want to see EVERYONE get a fair shake at item drops, not just who people decide are worthy of said item… I’ll take fair every time, no one person should have the power to decide who get’s what.

ML got taken away for a reason… people can’t be trusted and always tend to abuse these systems… if there was a lock where it was purely guild only and the group can’t have a single pug in it. Fine let the ML people abuse each-other.


And that is great for you. Why should a group you are not in have to also play by your rules though?
If my guild decides we want to do loot a certain way why is it any of anyone elses business?

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EVERYONE… why is that difficult to understand?

I want the choice to serially pass on loot until the rest of the loot council demands that I take an upgrade because I haven’t taken one in 3 months. See? CHOICE.

I don’t care if PL remains an option. I think it is great if people want to use it, but I want the CHOICE to have a ML give what would have been wasted on me to the rogue that actually wants and needs it.


So like legion but at 100%? Yea im fine with that.

I dont see why it would need to be because if someone doesnt want to have ML why would they join the group? Bit idc if they just made it 100%.

Becuase its none of your business how we do loot. IF we as a guild decide that rap battles are the best ways to hand out loot and we are having fun why would you want to stop that? If anyone didnt want to decide loot via rap battle then good for them. they can do it in different groups.

Whats wrong with letting people you are not involved with have fun their own way?


That’s the part they don’t get. They think because I’m not allowed to roll, that I’m being treated “unfairly” while discounting my opinion/feelings, on the matter.

If I take issues with the rules, I simply won’t go. Better yet, I flat out refused to roll on a really good 1h mace, once because I prefer to use staves, on my Druid. It blew the mind of my competitive friend 'cause all he saw was an upgrade. Whereas, I saw something that didn’t fit my character, RP wise.

We actually gave away Shard of Azinoth based on the outcome of a knife fight in the rain. Best loot decision maker ever. Then the rogue that won nearly wiped a ZA bear run with it.

And, in Vanilla Classic, my Mage uses 1h Swords and an off-hand over staves. I pretend she’s a battle Mage. Doesn’t seem right to take staves away from people who actually want it.

Answer this then, why aren’t they allowed to roll for something? Is it because you and your boys in the council decided against it? This is why ML is hot garbage… people decide what you get instead of it being random, dispassionate and fair. It shouldn’t be in the game and if blizzard is dumb enough to bring it back… I’ll avoid those guilds, the issue is the minority is going to have control over the majority; people can’t be trusted.

So our conversation has ended? It’s clear reason won’t reach you… because you will go with YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE > THE FAIR CHOICE FOR EVERYONE. Sounds like greed and being power hungry to me.

Everything is about YOU? Why not the entire group? I don’t have to be guaranteed an item that drops, I wanna know I always have a chance to get that item and I feel everyone should have that same shot as well.

ML imho, is for the greedy and power hungry. I want PL with no ilvl restrictions. People should be able to pass gear if they want.

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One of the qualifiers for Archimonde’s sword with our loot council was having a reasonably decent offhand. I was a lock back then, so fel puppy staff was my only true choice.

I think I finally replaced that one off-hand you get, in Un’Goro, from Linken with an off-hand book from BWL? I can’t remember. I just remember having this one, for a very long time:

You will take it and you will like it. - PL only fans

If you want it to end then sure, I cant and wouldnt chase you.
But I would still love to know why you think your loot preferences should be pushed on groups you are not in.

I think pl is a great loot option.
I think it should always be in the game.
I just dont think that my guild who all decide we want to use loot in the best possible way to help the guild kill bosses should be forced to use it because other people want to use it in their groups.

One group should have no baring on the other.


I hope you find a great group of PL users to run with and have tons of fun! However, if everything is rolled what happens when I win every roll? Is that “FAIR?” I assure you bad luck happens. eyes Rivendare and that bloody Tol Barad fox

The thing about successful ML groups is that corruption either just doesn’t happen or doesn’t happen for long. It enables more choices about who can have a piece that drops rather than just handing it to someone that potentially doesn’t want or need it but is now stuck with it. It also allows CONSENSUAL concentration of loot for the good of a group’s overall progression.

People can be trusted. I would be very sad living with your philosophy. Heck my Phone number is my public guild note. I have gotten a total of ZERO prank calls or texts in all of the years it has been there. I have been able to to help some of my internet friends out of real world woes because of it, though.


1 in 100.

They can be trusted? Why was ML removed then? Why all the abuse? You got lucky… this is your experience and I’m glad that it was. Still doesn’t ML a good thing… look if I end of being wrong and it’s good… I have no problem admitting it… I pretty sure I’m 100% correct though.

You keep saying, MY LOOT PREFERENCE. No, it a loot preference for EVERYONE not just for you, me or any individual. No one should be told they aren’t allowed to roll for something, no one should be told they have to participate in the raid but aren’t allowed to get items aka trials. No one should be told they died so they can’t get the item now it goes to the next person… this is all stuff I’m hearing in this thread by some maniacs.

Look, if ML comes back fine… but it should come back with an extremely short leash. Abusers should get a minimum of a 3-month suspension, with it slow getting worse each time. 100% guild only runs, zero pugs allowed.


Normally, I have you on ignore but seeing as how folks I don’t have on ignore keep quoting you, I’ll answer this question with my own:

Why should uncommitted folks (like myself) take away gear from committed folks?

It’s like you didn’t even read what my post actually said. This is why I have you on ignore 'cause you assume so much but are just wrong about it.

I’m not a loot council member. I’m a forever trial because I can’t commit. And, I’m telling you I don’t feel comfortable taking gear away from those who have committed.

I don’t think the ML we see in Classic will make a return. I think Retail’s ML system, like Ion said, will function completely differently.

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Don’t worry I stopped reading after this… don’t care about your opinion. I don’t care about childish people’s opinions considering this is now only the 2nd time I’ve even said anything directly to you.

Returning the favor now.

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People who still believe that PL is the only way loot should be distributed are showcasing the exact behavior they condemn. For the most part they complain about how they’d hate to be forced into a loot system that they don’t like while at the same time tackling anyone who doesn’t agree to their preferred loot style (PL).

For actual progression guilds, PL blows. There’s no reason why people in the same guild on the same team not be able to trade loot to one another that they don’t need. It’s absolutely insane that people still thing this single player loot system is good in a team based environment.


Wish you knew how wrong you were…

Do you have any like proof to back up that claim? That it’s “bad” for progression… I have yet to see progression slowing down.

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