No masterloot please

Your own shenanigans have become so far spread that other players are starting to notice.

That comment I keep linking perfectly encapsulates your modus operandi.

You’re not interested in having a conversation, just trying to shut them down based on your own “facts” which could be considered its own form of trolling.

You mean like you, he also couldnt refute valid factual points.

I will have a conversation with anyone thats respectful towards me. You arent respectful and only care about trolling me as you follow me in multiple threads just trolling.

Only in your own world.

If I was, I wouldn’t be just regularly commenting on your replies in this thread.

Yet multiple other people have shared the same facts I have stated and you didnt argue them.

All you have to do is look at the time stamps and see I only EVER reply to you quoting me in the last couple of threads.

Your opinion isn’t fact. Get over yourself.

They’d also see the comments on the snide you make when I ignore you.

They’d also notice the comments you don’t reply to if they look carefully.

Buy better legs.

you’re sounding obsessed.

Is this the ex boyfriend, or 1 sided pining?

Make of it what you will.

I am content in exposing his own hypocrisy. I don’t claim to be a saint either but between us I’d wager he’s shutdown more conversations than I.

My opinion is based on facts. Yours is not.

Sure think.

As are mine. You just don’t want to hear them.

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He is.

Def the pining.

No they arent.

Your opinion isnt informed as you dont play the content you talk about.

Just keep playing those games.

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all of your opinions are based on fear, not facts.
You’ve seen data that goes against something you’ve stated, and then just ignored it.


Texas sharpshooter.

Honestly it’s the pro ml crowd that want people to talk to each other and sort things out instead on relying on Blizzard to put in systems to take care of things for them. Seems the other way around to me.

I may have missed it but I havnt seen a single person asking for ml to be brought back tfpr pugs. How it was in legion would be fine or even 100% guilds would be fine too.

For you. Why should everyone else have to use a system that you like when you arnt even in their groups. It’s non of your business how me and mine do loot. If as a guild we were to decide that loot is going to be handed out via dance off over web cam why is that any of your busines to tell us no?

“But your honor I’m obviously innocent because they did the same thing as me”

It’s like when I used to be a teacher and I would tell kids off for talking and their defence would be “but… Is talking too” and I was like “OK… Well then both of you shh please” that doesn’t change the face that they needed to shush

The logic of a 14 year old kid I guess. Their frontal cortexs were still developing

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You say that because that’s the side you are on… I’ve seen reasonable people from both sides at the same time though I’ve yet to see anyone make a rational statement against the “FAIR” argument I keep pushing… we should be able to talk but people are more worried about being represented and how many voices are being heard than having a good argument.

I’m 100% confident that not a single person can dispute the fairness argument… because the second you put the power in the hands of one person… fairness becomes questionable.

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i did, you put me on ignore for saying Rng is actually not fair.

because you put them on ignore.

RNG from Personal loot isn’t fair.

You don’t seem to want to let people have a choice at all. I guess if everyone is miserable it is FAIR though.