No masterloot please

I’m not made of stone.

Cut me some slack.

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That is a rarity among the pro-ML crowd.

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Not really. You clearly crave that negative attention.

The irony considering you said the below statement because you couldnt refute a valid point.

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That seems like a really poor excuse on your part.

I dont need an excuse. Just stating the obvious.

So does this.

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Wow you must still really be mad to keep linking that lol.

You can keep linking it all you want, doesnt make his statements any less false.

When you’re going this far just to bash someone on the forums then this.

Has a ring of truth to it. You’re crazy.

I havent bashed you. I just stated observations and informed you that your opinion on raiding loot systems isnt credible.

You are the one that resorts to bashing because all you can do is backtrack your very weak points. Its why you hide on an alt.

I don’t know why anyone would want masterloot back. Puggers have to deal with people hoarding loot and never sharing, and guild members have to deal with hierarchies, cliques, and social competition to brown nose some gear. Neither is a good idea. Personal loot is fine with tier tokens.

No no, don’t try to shift us off track.

Whats this have to do with ML?

Short anwser. PL is awful and we want guilds to have a choice.
Long anwser scroll up

Simple anwser is, dont pug in a group with master loot

Maybe in poorly ran guilds.

There are a LOT of reasons that PL is terrible, one reason being the ilvl restrictions.

What does you relinking the same thread 10 times have to do with masterlooter?

We know its because you have to deflect and backtrack when you cant refute points.

You got some resilience man, you’ve been digging into these trolls.

His linking of that post over and over in a way that’s not productive is getting pretty close to

" Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish …
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts"

from the forum Code of Conduct.


missing the point.

gonna stick to that even though wrath stories keep coming. ok then.

you know this works both ways.

no, its coming back because the devs want it back.

its about control. they feel the need to control others.

striking a nerve, and just mentioning you aren’t really the same thing.

matrix up in here.

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Same could be considered of Snozh’s earlier comment, since he’s only interested in having cheap laughs at others expense.

Calling people trolls because you cant refute their points doesnt make them trolls.

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crap, our game is breaking the rules.

on that note.

“snozh is wrong because of this quote from this person i found”

Either appeal to authority, or bandwagon depending on who said it and how many people said it.