No masterloot please

You know if bloody actually spent his time in ZM instead of in the forums his warrior wouldn’t be in greens anymore

Ahh welcome back.

Still keeping those grudges.

There’s no shame in admitting I stuck a nerve Snozh.


It’s just odd to see people arguing for or against something that wouldn’t impact the way that they don’t play the game.

Of course that’s not why. We are getting it for all the other reasons that it should come back. I’m not deluded I to thinking I’m important enough to have influenced it as an individual though.

You asked for stats and so not I’m counting how many are from early expacs vs how many from legion since you asked for it.

So far 0 from legion.
2 from earlier.

And that’s without scrolling back or asking people for horror stories. Just naturally what people brought up. Feel free to highlight if I miss any.

Thank you.

No grudges here.

LOL you won’t ever matter enough to strike a nerve with me. Don’t flatter yourself.

You’d be lucky to get it back at all.

Ion’s word should be taken with a great amount of cautious optimism.

That’s why I just consider him a try hard troll.

Yet you made this comment. I’m obviously still on your mind.

I’ll give you some advice Snozh, flattery simply isn’t one of your strong suits.

No reply to the rest of what I said? The actual topic part of the post?

for every one of you who quit raiding if ML comes back, 20 players will start raiding because of it, you are the vocal minority sir !

I’d rather cut to the quick than keep wasting my time.

I am only one mortal.

If ML was confirmed to be returning you’d see a bigger reaction.

This topic just amounts to spit balling by both sides since anything Blizzard is doing is totally in the dark.

Let guilds do it if they want, and if ML is so horrible so few guilds will use it, it will be a novelty.

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Unforntely, players in or out of guilds can’t be trusted to use ML responsibly.

Maybe you can’t?

If I got to raid with ML I would ask priorities and what not. If I felt cheated because “X” was given to you over me, I would ask why?

If it was some blatant BS, I would whisper or try and talk over headset.

If unsatisfied I would either quit the guild or stay but stop raiding.

Super easy be an adult talk it out make decisions.

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Nope. Just enjoying laughing at you with other people.

Doesn’t mea. I’m holding a grudge. Holding a grudge against a troll would be dumb.

You have 176 posts in this thread and now you are worried about wasting time?

Yea much better to avoid the thing you asked for that I have then replied to multiple times and you choose to ignore in the interests of not wasting time…

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Only for some of us it seems.

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That still seems rather petty and malicious of you.

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