No masterloot please

I have but you haven’t for your made up statements.

Also, quote me accurately!

I usually am.

oh heres another one thanks to MRtang

“If they bring back ML, they can bring back TF”

I think they removed it in legion cause I can’t remember anyone using it then when I joined raids. Which was good cause then nothing got ninja. But before that it was abused a lot to ninja loot.

that’s the joke.

Probably slippery slope fallacy.

You know it is like software bugs they didn’t realize the PL loot consequences.

Also give the dates for both for me since you know.

Or they could get rid of loot all together and just make the raids for the experience and story.

PL: introduced at the launch of mists of pandaria 5.0
Thunderforging the precursor system to warforging: throne of thunder, patch 5.2

Titanforging system we had in Legion/BFA: introduced in Legion pre-patch 7.0.

Wasn’t available in raids at that time.

So, thunderforging was added before PL was added to raiding.

Then why did they expand the system in Legion? If they were pushing PL so hard, and warforging was causing problems with it in WoD, why then add titanforging on top of it?

I never saw a lot of complaints about the PL gear trading issue until legion when TF helped exasperate it. So, my guess is they never considered it as a problem as far as gear trading was going.

And that wouldn’t have anything at all to do with players having other options?

I already said they were related.

SWTOR basically did that. The loot that was in raids from LFG to NiM (their mythic) was the same thing you got from doing dailies. You know what happened? They reverted back to having gear in raids because nobody was running raids.

lol, the hypocrisy.


Here you go @bloodypaws another one. Seen any legion comments yet?

No? Me neither…


  1. It isn’t all about what the Legion players want.

  2. People aren’t going to come in here to share their horror experiences when players are so eager to jump down their throats out of boredom.

  3. Sample sizes are too small on this forum for any of arguments to really matter, particularly over something as divisive as ML when both sides aren’t balanced in this discussion.

No that’s a no then?

You’re not getting ML back just because your nitpicking hasn’t been slammed yet.