No masterloot please

Really? I guess I was wrong about you. Lol.

I have no idea how my “fair” argument, includes EVERYONE having a change at an item, somehow gets misconstrued to that idiotic statement… really wish you seen how dumb you sounded.

What makes my opinion special? What makes anyone’s opinion special? They believe it is so.

For sure, but it’s different to their prior statements of… we have no comment on this.

Not really, TF had entirely different issues asides from team group loot distribution.

I think it was setup so that pugs couldn’t use masterloot. You needed something like 80% of the raid to be from the same guild.

disingenuous as always. No thw RWF went through incredible lengths to force value of out personal loot. it was not more efficient, they just did whatever they had to to get an edge.

titanforging is still an unhealthy system for the game. different topic.

It very much is a loot method problem. ML takes out a full level of random which matters a lot. also your deterministic loot is just another different topic.

there is no difference, holi responds purely out of misplaced fear.

because they hide behind “doing it for the people” when its really just doing it for themselves.

pro ML people actually have some data behind their claim. and a value system that doesn’t involve forcing things on other people.

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The main reason it was removed was to make PL work better.

Nope, never disingenuous. Perfectly true statement, it is way more efficient for gearing up their raid team for the world first race.

No, it is a healthy system, but it is related because if ML can come back TF can come back.

Wrong, it is very much not a loot method problem. Deterministic loot need to be addressed at the base level and not at the band aid level.

I had a lot of bad experiences with masterloot in WotLK. I would say about 60% of the time in pick up groups someone would ninja something for themselves or their friend. Especially in VoA where tier dropped. People knew never join a VoA where the leader is the same class as you because odds are they were going to ninja their tier for themself. People would file reports all the time and GMs would usually would not do anything about it. Even if you got them to state the loot rules before hand as in made them say highest roll wins the item MS before OS.

Nobody would use the group loot or in game rolls always master loot so they could ninja stuff. It was virtually impossible to join a group where they didn’t have master loot on.


Yet that wasn’t the case in legion.

You do realize you can create your own groups right?

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you keep repeating yourself, but not really backing it up.

notice… no backing it up.

they aren’t related. you don’t need one for the other. TF is just a bad system the dissuades casual players from wanting to improve, and punishes players attempting to optimize.

because. you say so?
Some amount of deterministic loot for the game is generally healthy. but we have those systems in the game already. catchup mechanics and pvp gear.

However i don’t value that for raiding rewards. it kills a lot of the value of the reward when the reward structure is so static and knowable.

another for the counter.

didn’t you love in legion making a big pug group, then swapping the loot to master loot right as you started the boss? fun times.

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Tbh I didn’t really play much in legion. I started playing the tail end of the expansion. I also don’t normally pug either.

Sounds like you.

Sounds like you.

They are TF was removed to facilitate PL.

This is wrong. Just making up stuff to support your agenda.

Familiar huh, because you say so…

weird how my post actually backs up the claim, and your response is just that I’m simply wrong and making things up. which in essence is just calling me a liar.

I wasn’t making the claim. you were.
Oh, and then i gave a reason that you ignored.

They don’t back up anything.

Nope, but you have presented no data only opinion. Heck maybe you are lying.


oh can you show me your data then?

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It is simple TF caused PL trading to be worse than it is now. This is a fact. You are the one that made up a bunch of stuff about TF with no data.

Oh im sorry, that’s not data.
Nor it is provable fact.

Yeah, it is. You may lack the ability to see it.

I do make lack. you are correct.
so i take a jab at this because you haven’t actually shown any facts nor data.

Oh you edited it? should have just left it as is.

Given that WF/TF was introduced after PL was, I highly doubt this.