No masterloot please

Supreme executive power derives from a mandate of the masses…

I’d argue the same case for everyone else who is outside of the Mythic Raiding and competitive groups.

You don’t care for the player experiences outside of coordinated groups. You can’t quantify all players as fair or coordinated groups.

This could be 10k posts long and it wouldn’t be an accurate player stance over ML.

I think if anything most victims of corrupt ML and RC groups are staying away due to how eager pro-MLs are to blast anyone who disagrees by sharing their experience.

Plus that the return of ML is only a possibility, not a solid fact. There would be a sharper player response if Blizzard came out and announced ML was officially returning.

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You’re actually right on this, I don’t think its for the reasons you think it is.

The players who use the GD are a minority of the total wow player base, and I don’t think it’s a representative sample.

To make any serious progress, you need a guild that is organized, coordinated and led by competent people. Unfortunately, these people are the types that want to tell the members what they should be doing, pick “the best” classes for raids, dictate spec choices, and just overall have control over other players. This means that they will obviously pick the loot system that gives them the most control as well.

The people who want control of their own characters, only want to have fun playing the game and not deal with the “leadership responsibilities” and who want a fair chance of being rewarded for their efforts are not going to want to form a guild or be part of the “loot council” / officers.

So the “Go find a PL guild” and “Make your own guild” is quite difficult for those people who would rather play with the much more fair PL system. It will be a bit hard for them to find guilds when 90% of the guilds out there are going to be ML.

I stand by the PL with no ilvl trade restriction option (put something else in to limit how much loot one person can get per boss). Don’t add a system back in that has proven to be abused in the past. No one player should have the ability to decide “oh, too bad, you can’t get loot this week” and screw them out of any chance to be rewarded for their time, effort, and lock out. If an RNG system does it, that’s fine - at least there was a chance.

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That’s not why mythic raiders want ML back.

We have data on this from the last time there was a choice. This is only true for CE guilds. AOTC guilds were about a 50-50 split, and normal mode and pre-aotc heroic guilds were majority PL.

very disingenuous statement considering everyone against you has said keeping personal loot for any who wish to use it is ideal.

personal loot.

“i hear hoofbeats, must be a zebra.”

this has already been demonstrated to be false.

No one player should be able to decide “screw you and your guild, this loot is mine” and screw a guild out of upgrades for the group.

In PL, the guild isn’t screwed out of all loot by one person, just the one piece they received. With ML, the guild CAN be screwed out of all loot by one person.

not necessarily. Because if it’s the type of guild who wants to progress they will always give it to the person who best suited for the gear that drops. There is a reason why there’s a BiS list which players do give the officers of the guild.

What happens when the ML decides that they want to move on to a new guild and some of their BiS drops?

Hahahahaha oh god I can’t stop laughing. I can tell how frustrated you by how many times you just multiquoted in your reply with nonsensical replies, trapped in the corner like a rat lol.

You can cry to me all you want, you aren’t getting masterloot back.

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what happens when this doesn’t happen?
Are you just gonna keep on thinking of random hypotheticals as scare tactics?
what is your house blows up tomorrow?
what if the sky falls tomorrow?

Classic. project when you feel like you have no way to respond.
that’s fine.

ahh yes, replying to people on a forum is crying. But you also reply to me, so that must mean you are crying as well.

Naw, you replied to me initially when your brain couldn’t handle the analogy. The reason I stated it is because you failed to bring up any valid points for argument.

So like I said, you can cry to me all you want you’re not getting it back.

the analogy sucks. loot from bosses is not like a paycheck.

Congrats, you have the analysis skills have a 12 year old. Like I said, your brain can’t process it lol.

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PL isn’t a considerate alternative for the player who gets screwed over by ML or RC in a corrupt or bent environment, when ML exists it becomes the dividing norm at all levels of play be it organized or not.

You cannot predict every instance when ML or RC is going to be abused.

Even then there’s still the unspoken sense of animosity that lurks in raid teams when someone else gets loot you could’ve used, when that loot distribution is controlled by a player or players.

No one player should get away with ninjaing all the loot for themselves but it’s happened and ML is gone.

ofc the boyfriend would say this good on you

No one can take you seriously either.

Actually plenty of people take me seriously.

You are the one going full Karen and continuing to respond to me when I am not even talking to you.

No just making comments on the snide.

I feel sorry for them.